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Roundtable Sessions

  • Roundtable sessions are not included in the call for abstracts
  • Convenors are responsible for inviting panellists and to secure funds for their participation
  • Roundtable sessions can have an academic, a practice-oriented or a programmatic focus


RT01 - Towards developing a decolonial approach to research, pedagogy, policy, and gender in dance practice in Uganda to achieve sociocultural and economic development

RT02 - Reducing inequalities: trends in global inequlity and what can be done

RT03 - Conservation, prosperity and development

RT04 - Doing Research in Francophone Africa: Bridging the Research Gap and Improving Development Policies

RT05 - The contribution of Amílcar Cabral

RT06 - Precariedade e Resiliência da Cidade Informal Face ao Impacto das Mudanças Climáticas - Tendências para a Sustentabilidade de uma Forma de Habitat

RT07 - New rhythms of development in African literature and arts

RT08 - Peace, jobs and social contracts: Research evidence on rebuilding economies, states and societies

RT09 - The Job Ladder: Transforming Informal Work and Livelihoods in Developing Countries

RT11 - As Economias Informais e o papel das Associações Comunitárias nas Periferias dos Maiores Centros Urbanos de Cabo Verde no Contexto da Pandemia de Covid-19

RT12 - New rhythms or familiar chords? Questioning the additionality of citizen aid actors in reaching the SDGs

RT13 - Co-option or complementarity? Locally-Led Development Initiatives and the #ShiftthePower movement

RT14 - The rhythms of South-South cooperation in the development of a fragmented world

RT15 - Redefining the boundaries of development studies through the evolution of epistemic communities

RT16 - Politics of social protection in Sub-Saharan Africa

RT18 - Challenging Global Development: towards decoloniality and justice