Harvest Panels
- Are included in the open call for abstracts (opens in October 2022)
- Provide a space to present completed research and research findings
- Conveners may opt for making the submission of full papers obligatory, but must be prepared to provide adequate comments on the submitted papers
- Conveners are asked to explore possibilities for publication of contributions
To submit an abstract for any panel, please check the FAQ section on paper management.
Access conftool, our conference management software, here
HP03 - Chinese development assistance, the global aid architecture and the new development landscape
HP05 - SDG 17 and the Business of Development and Humanitarian Partnerships
HP06 - Development and temporalities
HP07 - Metamorphoses of Capitalism, ecological and social crises: questions and possibilities
HP10 - Fostering Inclusive Development Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa
HP11 - Women Entrepreneurs on the African Continent
HP12 - Value chains, inequality and development
HP13 - International development cooperation and LGBTQ+ rights
HP14 - Exploring the rhythms of urbanisation and conflict
HP16 - The Global South and the return of geopolitics