Susannah Sallu (Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds, UK)
Consistent Injustice Within Environment-Development Intervention in Sub-Saharan Africa and Possible Ways Forward
Francis Onditi (Riara University, Kenya)
Modeling a Pandemic (COVID-19) Management Strategy for Urban Slums Using Social Geometry Framework
Liliana Miranda (Foro ciudades para la vida, Peru)
Communities' Responses to COVID 19 in Peru
Joyeeta Gupta (Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education)
Inclusive Development
Nicky Pouw (Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam)
Towards a Wellbeing Economics. How and why we need to do economics differently
Louisa Acciari (Master in Comparative Politics, Sciences Po Paris, PhD in Gender Studies, London School of Ecoomics)
Domestic Workers' Activism during the Pandemic Crisis in Latin America
Nkanyiso Gumede (Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of the Western Cape, South Africa)
Lockdown challenges for land reform beneficiaries: South Africa
S.M. Vijayanand (Former Chief Secretary to the Government of Kerala)
Kerala’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic: key takeaways
Sudha Narayanan (Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) in Mumbai, India)
Food chain resilience in India during the covid-19 pandemic
Stephen Brown (University of Ottawa, Canada, School of International Development and Global Studies)
The Rise and Fall of the Aid Effectiveness Norm
Lara Lundsgaard-Hansen (Centre for Development and Environment, Bern, Switzerland) and Stefan Bächtold (Monash University,Kuala Lumpur)
Land Conflict in Myanmar
Mala Thun (University of New Mexico), Elisabeth Olivus (Umea University Sweden)
Gender and Development in Myanmar
Jana Kleibert (Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS) and Humboldt University of Berlin)
Digital Work in the Global South: A Chance for Transformative Development?
Owasim Akram (Örebro University, Sweden)
Generational Transfer of Disadvantages and Extreme Poverty
Nicky Pouw (Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research), Marleen Decker (African Studies Centre Leiden)
How to reach the (extreme) poor through inclusive development policies in sub Saharan Africa?
Rachel Sabates-Wheeler (Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK)
Linking social rights to active citizenship for the most vulnerable: the role of rights and accountability in the ‘making’ and ‘shaping’ of social protection?
European Journal of Development Research (EJDR) article
Sylvia Kay (Transnational Institute), Attila Szocs (Eco Ruralis)
This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is My land? Land Deals and Dynamics in Europe
Presentation (PDF)
Jude Fransman and Kate Newman (Rethinking Research Collaborative)
Rethinking Research Collaboration for Global Development
Henning Melber (EADI and Nordic Africa Institute)
Knowledge Production, Ownership and the Power of Definition
Rogelio Madrueño Aguilar (University of Göttingen)
Development Studies in Spanish: Critical, Constructive and Peripheral
Webinar Presentation (PDF)
Melissa Leach and John Gaventa (Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex)
Engaged Excellence in Development Studies
Presentation (PDF)
Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (University of South Africa)
The Struggles of Epistemic Freedom and Decolonization of Knowledge in Africa
Presentation (PDF)
Isa Baud (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Elisabetta Basile (University of Rome La Sapienza), Susanne von Itter (EADI Executive Secretary)
Building Development Studies for the New Millennium
Presentation (PDF)
Laura Camfield (University of East Anglia, United Kingdom), Lukas Schlogl (University of Vienna, Austria), Andrew Sumner (King's College London)
Mixed Method Research on poverty, inequality and economic development
Juan Fernando Larco Guevara (University of Freiburg, Germany)
“Re-thinking emancipation in “Latin America” and the de-colonial project"
Prof Vanessa Andreotti (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Interdisciplinary Studies in Global/Planetary Interdependence: The mobilization of hope and rage in times of instability
Dr Sayan Dey (Royal Thimphu College, Bhutan)
"Colonial Detoxification and In-Betweenness"
Dr Tiina Kontinen (University of Jyväskylä) / Dr Marianne Millstein (Oslo Metropolitan University) / Prof Kees Biekart (International Institute of Social Studies)
"Civil Society, Citizenship and Development"
Prof Peter Knorringa (International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam)
"Frugal Innovation and Development"
Dr Ana E. Carballo (University of Melbourne, Australia)
"Discursive synergies across Buen Vivir, Degrowth and Human Development"
Prof Aram Ziai (University of Kassel, Germany)
"Ethiopians in Zhengistan- Decolonising Development Policy"
Dr Rosalba Icaza Garza (Institute of Social Studies, ISS, The Netherlands)
"Decolonial Feminism and Development"
Dr Epifania Amoo-Adare (Accra, Ghana)
"(Un)thinking Science: Critical Literacies for 'Postnormal' Times"