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Regulating female embodiment as disciplining citizens: the biopolitics of Islamic governance in Iran and Afghanistan

International Journal of Cultural Policy
Arash Beidollahkhani - Global Development Institute (GDI)

Regionalism vs Bilateralism in the EU-China-Africa Relations – book chapter by Erzsébet N. Rózsa, Viktor Marsai & András Bartók

Erzsébet N. Rózsa, Viktor Marsai & András Bartók - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

‘Making Religion’ as a Form of State Territorialisation in Southeastern Myanmar

The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies
Justine Chambers - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Why Religion could be an important driver of achieving the SDGs

Kim Tung Dao - International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)

Faith-sensitive Approaches to Gender Equality and Empowerment

International Partnership on Religion and Development PaRD

Development Within a Religious Ontology? The Argument from Islamic Dharma

European Journal of Development Research
Fernande W. Pool - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Violence against women in Ethiopia: Reflections from a research programme

Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Socioeconomic Grievances, Opportunities, and Frames: Conceptualizing Marginalization and Islamist Radicalization in Post-2011 Egypt and Tunisia, and Implications for PCVE

Journal for Deradicalization
Clara-Auguste Süß, Irene Weipert-Fenner - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Can Jihadis’ Strategic Interests Trump Their Ideology? Foreign Support and Insurgent Survival in Syria

Studies in Conflict & Terrorism
Jerome Drevon - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Correlates of Peace: Religious Determinants of Interreligious Peace

Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
Lisa Hoffmann, Julia Köbrich, Eric Stollenwerk - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Much Ado about Islam: The Political Integration of Muslim Minorities in Guyana and Suriname

Aline-Sophia Hirseland - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Casualties of Care a Reflection on Gender, Imperialism and Humanitarian Imaginaries in (Post-) Taliban Afghanistan

Julie Billaud - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Negotiating Peace with Islamists? Reviewing the Literature

Terrorism and Political Violence
Dino Krause - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

The new legalities of Islamic contractual interpretation: Institutional Frameworks and the Displacement of Intention.

International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management
Jonathan Ercanbrack, Ali Ali, - SOAS University of London SOAS

A ‘Hidden’ Crisis-In-Crises: A Transformative Agenda ‘Boko-Haram and Education’ In the Countries of The Lake Chad Region Through Visual Narratives

Tajudeen Akanji, Margaret Ebubedike, Margaret, Afu Isaiah Kunock et al. - The Centre for the Study of Global Development, Open University (CSGD & OU)

The Morality of Schooling: Women's Education as an Arena for Social Tension in Cabo Delgado

Carmeliza Rosario - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

A moral economy of pastoralists? Understanding the ‘jihadist’ insurgency in Mali

Political Geography
Tor A. Benjaminsen, Boubacar Ba - Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)

Muslim Alms and Humanitarian Financing: An Analysis of the UNHCR’s Refugee Zakat Fund

Arne Strand, Kaja Borchgrevink - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Faith-based partners voice support for pandemic accord

International Partnership on Religion and Development PaRD

Divine Mandates and Political Realities: Exploring Power, Religion, and Transition in The Gambia

Africa Spectrum
Danielle Agyemang, Vilashini Somiah, Khoo Ying Hooi - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Mosques and Meeting Rooms: Professional Lives of Muslim Women

International Quarterly for Asian Studies
Claudia Derichs, Faiza Muhammad Din, Manja Stephan-Emmrich (edts.) - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Catolicismos, sociedad y modernidades en América Latina. Textos reunidos de Fortunato Mallimaci (1988-2014)

Open access book
F. Mallimaci - The Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO

The empowerment effect of visible political representation: Examining the impact of Muslim representation on political outcomes

Electoral Studies
Nazita Lajevardi, Moa Mårtensson, Kåre Vernby - Department of Government Uppsala University

‘There is no compulsion in marriage’. Divorce and gendered change in Afghanistan during the Islamic Republic

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
Torunn Wimpelmann, Masooma Saadatk - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Global Trends on Religion and Development

Dietrich Werner - International Partnership on Religion and Development PaRD

Peaceful or Contentious? How to Promote Interreligious Peace in Africa

GIGA Focus Africa
Hervé Akinocho, Lisa Hoffmann, Julia Köbrich - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Special Issue: Travelling Islam: the circulation of ideas in Africa

Islamic Africa
Annachiara Raia, Fallou Ngom, Mayke Kaag, and Maarten Kossmann - African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL)

How Does Violent Extremism Influence Ethnic Identities? A Preparatory Study Of Mali

Shigeyuki Hanoka - Centre for African and Development Studies CESA-ISEG

Poverty and Prejudice: Religious Inequality and the Struggle for Sustainable Development

Open access book
Mariz Tadros, Philip Mader, Kathryn Cheeseman - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Understanding Islamic activism in Central Asia and West Africa and the Sahel

Kawsar Laanani, Sara Gianesello, Sophie Desmidt, Aksana Ismailbekova - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Chinese Buddhism in Africa: The Entanglement of Religion, Politics and Diaspora

Contemporary Buddhism
Xuefei Shi, Hangwei Li - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Using Participatory Methods to Explore Freedom of Religion and Belief. Whose Reality Counts?

Open access book
Jo Howard, Mariz Tadros (eds.) - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Between God, the People, and the State: Citizen Conceptions of Zakat

Max Gallien, Umair Javed, Vanessa van den Boogaard - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Women preventing inter-religious conflict in Pakistan

Miguel Loureiro, Yousuf Gill, Elaine Alam - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

‘Faith for rights’ in armed conflict: lessons from practice

Wiener, Michael; Salama, Ibrahim - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Displaying Demons: Processions at the Crossroads in Multi-religious Indonesia

Asian Ethnology
Kari Telle - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Salafist violence and artisanal mining: Evidence from Burkina Faso

Journal of Rural Studies
Fritz Brugger, Tongnoma Zongo - ETH Zürich, Centre for Development and Cooperation (NADEL)

Statebuilding beyond the West: Exploring Islamic State’s strategic narrative of governance and statebuilding

European Journal of International Security
Raquel da Silva, Matthew Bamber-Zryd, Nicolas Lemay-Hébert - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Forum: Religion, Security, and Gender: An Unholy Trinity

Public Anthropologist
Maria Alcidi, Alessandra Gribaldo, Elisabetta Grande, Carmeliza Rosario - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Are Senegal’s talibés religious scholars or child trafficking victims?

Shona Macleod - Department of International Development King’s College London (DID)

Contact-based interfaith programmes in schools and the changing religious education landscape: negotiating a worldviews curriculum

in: Journal of Beliefs and Values
Lucy Peacock - Centre for Trust Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR)

Aesthetic labor in religious contexts: Women encountering modest dress in the workplace in the UK and Saudi Arabia

in: Fashion Theory
Reina Lewis & Kristin Aune - Centre for Trust Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR)

Understanding Intersecting Threats and Vulnerabilities Facing Christian Women and Men in Ungwan Bawa and Saminaka, Kaduna State, Nigeria

.Para-Mallam, Funmi; Hayab John, Philip; Danfulani Tsilpi, Chikas; John Kwasau, Katung; Samuel, Christine - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Violence and Discrimination Against Women of Religious Minority Backgrounds in Iraq

Mariz Tadros, Sofya Shahab, Amy Quinn-Graham et al. - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

The Tajik civil war and Russia’s islamist moment

Central Asian Survey
Vassily Klimentov - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Engaging with Religious Inequality in Humanitarian Response: A Case Study from Iraq 2014–2019

Jeremy Barker - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Cyclical jihadist governance: the Islamic State governance cycle in Iraq and Syria

Small Wars & Insurgencies
Matthew Bamber-Zryd -

Countering Violent Extremism or Resolving Conflicts? Bridging Micro- and Macro Perspectives on Countering Jihad

Perspectives on Terrorism
Mona Kanwal Sheikh & Isak Svensson - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Preventing Harm: Refutation of Militant Jihad in “Revisionist Literature”

Perspectives on Terrorism
Saer El-Jaichi & Joshua A. Sabih - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Following Richard Burton: Religious Identity and Difference in Colonial Sindh

Philological Encounters
Uttara Shahani - Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House (ODID)
Results: 1 to 5 of total 51