Regulating female embodiment as disciplining citizens: the biopolitics of Islamic governance in Iran and Afghanistan
International Journal of Cultural Policy
‘Making Religion’ as a Form of State Territorialisation in Southeastern Myanmar
The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies
Development Within a Religious Ontology? The Argument from Islamic Dharma
European Journal of Development Research
Can Jihadis’ Strategic Interests Trump Their Ideology? Foreign Support and Insurgent Survival in Syria
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism
Correlates of Peace: Religious Determinants of Interreligious Peace
Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
Negotiating Peace with Islamists? Reviewing the Literature
Terrorism and Political Violence
The new legalities of Islamic contractual interpretation: Institutional Frameworks and the Displacement of Intention.
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management
A moral economy of pastoralists? Understanding the ‘jihadist’ insurgency in Mali
Political Geography
Mosques and Meeting Rooms: Professional Lives of Muslim Women
International Quarterly for Asian Studies
‘There is no compulsion in marriage’. Divorce and gendered change in Afghanistan during the Islamic Republic
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
Peaceful or Contentious? How to Promote Interreligious Peace in Africa
GIGA Focus Africa
Chinese Buddhism in Africa: The Entanglement of Religion, Politics and Diaspora
Contemporary Buddhism
Salafist violence and artisanal mining: Evidence from Burkina Faso
Journal of Rural Studies
Statebuilding beyond the West: Exploring Islamic State’s strategic narrative of governance and statebuilding
European Journal of International Security
Forum: Religion, Security, and Gender: An Unholy Trinity
Public Anthropologist
Contact-based interfaith programmes in schools and the changing religious education landscape: negotiating a worldviews curriculum
in: Journal of Beliefs and Values
The Tajik civil war and Russia’s islamist moment
Central Asian Survey
Cyclical jihadist governance: the Islamic State governance cycle in Iraq and Syria
Small Wars & Insurgencies
Preventing Harm: Refutation of Militant Jihad in “Revisionist Literature”
Perspectives on Terrorism
Following Richard Burton: Religious Identity and Difference in Colonial Sindh
Philological Encounters
Results: 1 to 5 of total 51