Call for Applications: Share Your Decolonising Story with EADI | Apply by 20 December 2024
We are thrilled to invite you to participate in a storytelling project on decolonising knowledge that aims to capture the remarkable journeys, experiences, and transformative moments of our members (individuals and institutions) within EADI. These could be moments when you first realised the need to think about how we value and teach development knowledge, or you supported colleagues or students in getting recognition, or you transformed the teaching or research relationships in a project you were working on or brought in exciting new thinkers to a seminar series or reading list. Your (personal) stories will help to inspire and showcase decolonisation of knowledge in many ways.
What is this storytelling initiative about?
Through this storytelling project, we aim to create a captivating webspace that showcases the stories and experiences of our members, serving as a hub for decolonisation of knowledge in practice.
In addition to English language submissions, we also invite texts in French and Spanish!
Why should you share your story?
By sharing your personal experiences, you have the opportunity to inspire others who wish or are already working on decolonising knowledge.
How can you apply?
To apply for inclusion in this project, we kindly ask you to provide the following information to meet one of the rolling deadlines:
• Name and email (required): Please provide your full name and an e-mail address.
• Organisation (optional): If you are associated with an organisation, specify the organisation you are currently working for.
• Position in EADI (optional): Indicate the position your organisation holds within EADI, such as member, member of a working group or Executive Committee member.
• Overview of Potential Story (required): In a few sentences (300 words maximum), provide a brief overview of one story you wish to share. Your story should highlight the added value you have experienced through your involvement. Please include information about the context in which the story takes place, the region, and any key players involved. We really welcome a reflexive approach to how you tell the story. Please ensure that you answer the 5Ws: Who, What, When, Where, Why.
We encourage you to provide a concise but informative overview that allows us to assess the potential of your story accurately.
Project timeline
• We will collect stories on a rolling basis, through two rounds of invitations, round one already being closed.
Round 2:
• Submission of story overview by 20 December 2024
• Selection and development phase (refining stories, possible interviews): January-February 2025
• Finalisation of Texts, May 2025
We hope also to organise Webinars inviting contributors of stories to share their experiences verbally with other EADI members in a safe, online space, to help promote further learning and experience exchange. We also ran a Workshop and presentation on the first round of the Storytelling Project at theEADI Directors meeting in November 2024
Please note that this timeline is tentative and subject to adjustments based on the number of applications received and the scope of the development process. Depending on interest and availability of support, we may offer further rounds of invitations. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility throughout the process.
Which stories will be selected and how?
The EADI Task Group on Decolonising Knowledge for Development will review all submitted applications. We will identify the most compelling stories.
Who is writing the story?
We understand that some individuals may have concerns about their writing skills or whether their story is "good enough." We want to assure you that every story is welcome, and there will be multiple perspectives that may influence how your story will engages with the framework of this EADI storytelling project. EADI can offer different ways of supporting those whose stories are selected, including:
1. We (together with an expert if needed) will work closely with the selected individuals, conducting virtual interviews or providing written interview questions. We will then refine and polish the stories, ensuring they fit within the overall framework of the project.
2. If you are a passionate writer or have talented communication specialists within your organisation, you may choose to write your own story following the provided guidelines and, if necessary, have a short preliminary meeting with us. In this case, the EADI task group team will conduct a final editing and proofreading of the text to ensure it aligns with the overall framework of the project.
Applying means being committed to the project
Additionally, we kindly request your active participation in submitting relevant photographs, including portrait photos and, if possible, project photos, to enrich the visual representation of your story. Please note that you need to provide proof of consent for the pictures (more information will follow). We will support in the picture selection process.
Kindly note that by participating in this process, you grant us permission to use your story, photographs, and any accompanying material solely for the purposes of EADI’s public relation work without time limit. We will handle your story with the utmost respect and ensure that appropriate consents are obtained for the usage and publication of any submitted material.