The Social Aesthetics of Digital Diplomacy
International Political Sociology
Adapting Generic Models through Bricolage: Elite Capture of Water Users Associations in Peri-urban Lilongwe
European Journal of Development Research
From Rowdy Cartels to Organized Ones? The Transfer of Power in Urban Water Supply in Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
Collaboration in a ‘North–South’ Context: The Role of Power Relations and the Various Context-Based Conditions
European Journal of Development Research
How are Research for Development Programmes Implementing and Evaluating Equitable Partnerships to Address Power Asymmetries?
European Journal of Development Research
Price-Setting Power in Global Value Chains: The Cases of Price Stabilisation in the Cocoa Sectors in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana
European Journal of Development Research
Overcoming methodological statism: new avenues for hegemony research
Review of International Political Economy
Dams, Power, and the Politics of Ethiopia's Renaissance
Open access book
Post-Soviet power hierarchies in the making: Postcolonialism in Tajikistan’s relations with Russia
Review of International Studies
Authoritarian power and contestation beyond the state
Power and Informality in Urban Africa: Ethnographic Perspectives
Open Access Book
Impossible Histories, Power, and Exclusion in the Gold Coast and Ghana 1930–2020
in: Global Power and Local Struggles in Developing Countries
Global Power and Local Struggles in Developing Countries: An introduction
in: Global Power and Local Struggles in Developing Countries
Results: 1 to 5 of total 30