Is China ‘Crowding Out’ South African Exports of Manufactures?
European Journal of Development Research
Trade, Global Value Chains and Upgrading: What, When and How?
European Journal of Development Research
Conceptualizing sustainability in China's belt and road initiative: A longitudinal analysis of scholarship (2013 - 2024)
Resources, Conservations and Recycling
The Belt and Road Initiative and Dynamics of Structural Transformation
European Journal of Development Research
Does It Matter for Africa with Whom It Trades? Estimations of the Impacts of Africa’s Trade with the EU and China on Corruption
The Journal of the Middle East and Africa
Winds from the East: ignored ancient Asian views on international trade and traders
Contemporary Social Science
Missing Dollars Illicit Financial Flows from Commodity Trade
Open access book
Made and created in China: the role of processing trade
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Inside the European Union's Trade Machinery: Institutional Changes in an Age of Geoeconomics
Journal of Common Market Studies
State Transformation and China’s Belt and Road Initiative
In:Rising Power, Limited Influence: The Politics of Chinese Investments in Europe and the Liberal International Order
Distance(s) and the volatility of international trade(s)
European Economic Review
Do petroleum price fluctuations under price deregulation cause business cycles in Ghana?
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management
Assembling China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Discourse, Institution, and Materials
International Political Sociology
Do regional trade agreements affect agri-food trade? Evidence from a meta-analysis
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
Decolonising EU Trade Relations with the Global Souths?
Journal of Contemporary European Research
China’s International Investment Agreement Policy From Rule-Taker to Rule-Maker?
In: China and the WTO
Decolonising EU Trade-Relations with the Global Souths?
Journal of ContemporaryEuropean Research
Chronicle of a crisis foretold: how the WTO Appellate Body drove itself into a corner
Journal of International Economic Law
The Unilateral Turn in EU Trade Policy? The Origins and Characteristics of the EU’s New Trade Instruments
European Foreign Affairs Review
Murky trade waters: Regional tariff commitments and non-tariff measures in Africa
The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development
WTO Rulings and the Veil of Anonymity
European Journal of International Law
Logistical futures and the Arabian Peninsula
Dialogues in Human Geography
Harvesting consent: South Asian tea plantation workers’ experience of Fairtrade certification
The Journal of Peasant Studies
Logistical futures and the Arabian Peninsula
Dialogues in Human Geography
Results: 21 to 25 of total 108