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Agriculture is driving small town growth in post-land reform Zimbabwe

Ian Scoones - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Contribution of community seed banks to farmer seed systems and food security in Northern and Central Malawi

Food Policy
Grace Tione, Ola Tveitereid Westengen, Stein Terje Holden et al. - Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)

Taxation and Governance in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Prospects for a Fiscal Social Contract

Sansia Blackmore, Odd-Helge Fjeldstad - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Namibia – Do the oil discoveries herald a more inclusive economy?

Vincent Joguet - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

An Analytical Framework to Assess Green Transition Jobs in South Africa

Katherine Davidson, Ariane De Lannoy, Joanna Grotte, Arindam Jana Anda, David Murray Leibbrandt - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Public Employment Programmes in South Africa’s Changing Social Protection Landscape

Kate Philip - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Ukuqonda Ezilimini Zethu: Mother Tongue-Based Bilingual Education as a Decolonial Response to Literacy Challenges in South Africa’s Early Childhood Development (ECD)

Nkosana Sithole kaMiya, Athenkosi Mndende - Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training NORRAG

Donations and tax incentives Evidence from South Africa

Fadzayi Chingwere et al. - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

South Africa’s new retirement savings system: will it reshape financial security?

Ada Jensen et al. - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Internal displacement, informal local structures and social cohesion in Mozambique

Rose Jaji - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Shedding light on local development: Unveiling spatial dynamics from infrastructure implementation through nighttime lights in the Nacala corridor, Mozambique

Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
Ricardo Gellert Paris, Andreas Rienow - Institute of Development Research and Development Policy (IEE)

How Does Legal Culture Matter for Climate Mobilities? A Case Study in an Unplanned Coastal Settlement in Urban Mozambique

Social & Legal Studies
Simon Halliday, Eric Hoddy, Amelia Macome, et al. - Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre, University of York (IGDC)

Microsimulation approaches to studying shocks and social protection in selected developing economies

Economic Analysis and Policy
Kwabena Adu-Ababio - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Big man politics and multi-party rule call for new gender plans

Amanda Gouws, Diana Højlund Madsen - Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

Fuel subsidy reforms: lessons from the literature and assessing the price shock for different sectors through an input-output table in the case of Angola

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series
Bao We Wal Bambe. Chadi Bou Habib Joaquin Marandino Peregalli - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Centring Race: Unpacking Informality Through the Lens of Black Tax

European Journal of Development Research
Annalena Oppel - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

A policy for the jobless youth in South Africa

Journal of Development Economics
Amina Ebrahim, Jukka Pirttilä - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Food insecurity, xenophobia, and political legitimacy: exploring the links in post-COVID-19 South Africa

Khulekani T. Dlamini, Elizabeth Hul - SOAS University of London SOAS

Improving Revenue Collection in Malawi. Tax Collectors’ Perspectives

Nyanyiwe Sulu, Mick Moore - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

When the State Doesn’t love you back: Navigating identities as a Nigerian woman

Emaediong Akpan - International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)

Implementing sustainability taxonomies to redirect capital flows: the case of South Africa

Climate Policy
Sören Hilbrich, , Kathrin Berensmann, Giovanna Artmann et al. - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Differential Bunching Impacts Across the Income Distribution: Evidence from Tax Administrative Data

European Journal of Development Research
Kwabena Adu-Ababio, Samuel Bryson, Evaristo Mwale, John Rand - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

From data to action: How findings from an interagency rapid qualitative assessment are stimulating action to support drought- affected communities in Zambia

Tikulirekuti Banda, Hanna Woldemeskel, Rachel James, Ginger A. Johnson - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Zambia at 60

A.J. Dietz, D.W.L. Ehrhardt - African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL)

Striking a balance between the individual and the community through an extended understanding of marginalisation

Jennifer Agbaire, Kris Stutchbury, John Phiri - The Centre for the Study of Global Development, Open University (CSGD & OU)

E-government and citizen-state relations: Evidence from a randomized information campaign with the Botswana Unified Revenue Service

Sebastian Ziaja, Markus Geray, David Sebudubudu, Armin von Schiller - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Teacher Professional Development @scale: Achieving Quality and Sustainability in Zambia

Journal of Learning for Development
Kris Stutchbury, Lore Gallastegi, Clare Woodward et al. - The Centre for the Study of Global Development, Open University (CSGD & OU)

Mozambique — Completing the successful transformation of the development model

Alix Vigato - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

The Morality of Schooling: Women's Education as an Arena for Social Tension in Cabo Delgado

Carmeliza Rosario - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 in Mozambique in 2020

The European Journal of Development Research
Vincenzo Salvucci, Finn Tarp - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Estimating the economic multipliers for wildlife-based tourism in Zambia

Development Southern Africa
Grant Simuchimba, James N Blignaut, Espen Sjaastad - Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)

Watts happening to work? The labour market effects of South Africa’s electricity crisis

Haroon Bhorat and Tim Köhler - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Dancing on the grid: electricity crises, manufacturing energy vulnerability, and jobs in South Africa

Gideon Ndubuisi, Elvis Korku Avenyo and Rex Asiama - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Taxing top incomes in the emerging world. Economic impact under the microscope

Christopher Axelson, Antonia Hohmann, Jukka Pirttilä, Roxanne Raabe, Nadine Riedel - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Green hydrogen in Namibia: opportunities and risks

Tilmann Altenburg, Anne Kantel - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

South Africa’s Watershed Election: The Dawn of Coalition Politics

Christian von Soest - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Targeting in Protracted Crises: Nigeria Case Study

Fred Merttens, Louis Hodey, Alexandra Doyle - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Social Protection in Nigeria: Analysing Capacities

Daniela Baur - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

A Transformative Social Policy Perspective on Land and Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe

Africa Spectrum
Clement Chipenda - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Traditional authorities need a clearer role in land governance

Jesinta Kunda - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Key Considerations: Child Engagement in the Context of Disease Outbreaks in Eastern and Southern Africa

Elena Reilly, Elizabeth Serlemitsos, Julieth Sebba Bilakwate - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Covid-19 demography in France and South Africa: A comparative study of morbidity and mortality in 2020–2022

Plos One
Michel Garenne, Nancy Stiegler - Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI)

El Niño drought hits Zimbabwe hard

Ian Scoones - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

À Mayotte, changer le droit du sol ne fait pas forcément baisser le nombre de naissances issues de parents étrangers

Jules Gazeaud - Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI)

Relational Harm: On the Divisive Effects of Global Health Volunteering at a Hospital in Rural Zambia

Medical Anthropology
James Wintrup - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Qauggas and diamonds: the possible relations between damond mining and species extinction

ASCL Working Paper
J.B. Gewald - African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL)

The effect of South African wine certifications on price premiums and marginal costs: A two-stage hedonic approach

Britta Niklas - Institute of Development Research and Development Policy (IEE)

A Crack in a 75-year-old Wall of Impunity: South Africa Challenges Israeli Genocide in Court

Craig Mokhiber, Phyllis Bennis - Transnational Institute TNI

Malawi: desk study on aid and democracy

Melissa Samarin - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

High wage inequality in South Africa – are employers to blame?

Shakeba Foster - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Study: An Empirical Test of Pedestrian Activity Theories Within Informal Settlements

Urban Planning
ETH Zürich, Centre for Development and Cooperation (NADEL)

(Re)Interpreting corruption in local environments: Disputed definitions, contested conservation, and power plays in Northern Madagascar

Political Geography
Brian Klein, Saul Mullard et al. - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Socioeconomic and spatially-explicit assessment of Nature-related risks: the case of South Africa

Paul HADJI-LAZARO, Julien CALAS, Antoine GODIN, Pamela SEKESE, Andrew SKOWNO - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Fuel subsidy protests in Nigeria: The promise and mirage of empowerment

Elsevier The Extractive Industries and Society
John Agbonifo - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Feeding the Community - Urban Farming in Johannesburg

Henrice Altink & Tim Hart - Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre, University of York (IGDC)

Returns to education and wage inequality in Namibia. A gendered analysis

Obrein Muine Samahiya, Ebenezer Lemven Wirba - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

The effect of wage subsidies on job retention in a developing country. Evidence from South Africa

Timothy Köhler, Haroon Bhorat, Robert Hill - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

The impact of agricultural minimum wages on worker flows in South Africa

South African Journal of Economics
Marlies Piek, Dieter von Fintel, Johann Kirsten - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Only a minority of Zimbabweans consider elections free and fair

HENNING MELBER - Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

Employment Mismatches Drive Expectational Earnings Errors among Mozambican Graduates

The World Bank Economic Review
Sam Jones, Ricardo Santos, Gimelgo Xirinda - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Getting from Good Intentions to Effective Action: A Proposal for a Just Transition Partnering Implementation Model in South Africa

Notiswa LIBALA, Andrew BORAINE, Jessica WILSON - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

A scoping review of the vulnerability of Nigeria's coastland to sea-level rise and the contribution of land subsidence

Femi Emmanuel IKUEMONISAN Vitalis Chidi OZEBO et al. - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Macro-financial implications of public debt in South Africa. The role of financial regimes

Theshne Kisten - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Legalizing illegalities? Land titling and land tenure security in informal settlements

Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
Bridget Bwalya Umar, Julius Kapembwa, Ketiwe Kaluma, Lawrence Siloka, Dipuo Mukwena - Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

Legalizing illegalities? Land titling and land tenure security in informal settlements

Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
Bridget Bwalya Umar, Julius Kapembwa, Ketiwe Kaluma, Lawrence Siloka, Dipuo Mukwena - Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

The risk of authoritarian renewal in Zimbabwe: Understanding ZANU-PF youth

Marjoke Oosterom, Simbarashe Gukurume - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Poorly designed youth employment programmes will boost the insurgency in Mozambique

Aslak Orre, Salvador Forquilha - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

The local economic development effects of income transfers in South Africa. The Social Relief of Distress grant

Sophie PLAGERSON, Senzelwe MTHEMBU, Thandi SIMELANE, Khuliso MATIDZA, Anita MWANDA - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Green Hydrogen: Implications for International Cooperation

Andreas Stamm et al. - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

The richer your neighbours, the more you borrow – the case of South Africa

Shakeba Foster - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Respecting Diversity through Joint Social Action: Experiences of Zambia

Njavwa Mbao - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Measuring Stimulus Effects Around Stock Road in Philippi in the Western Cape

Shamima VAWDA Mélani PRINSLOO Martin PRINSLOO Rawane YASSER - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Can Cash Transfers to the Unemployed Support Economic Activity? Evidence from South Africa

Haroon BHORAT Timothy KÖHLER David de VILLIERS - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Election type and the logic of pre-election violence: Evidence from Zimbabwe

Electoral Studies
Ursula Daxecker, Mascha Rauschenbach - Governance and Inclusive Development, Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (GID)

Did withholding value-added tax improve revenue collection in Zambia?

Kwabena Adu-Ababio et al. - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

New estimates on the share of tax evasion in Zambia

Kwabena Adu-Ababio et al. - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

The Case of MUVA Assistentes: Beyond Income Generation to a New Approach for Women’s Empowerment

Deepta Chopra, Devanik Saha, Luize Guimarães, Lucia Bernadete, Kerry Selvestre - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Lessons from SADC for the AfCFTA: The case of Mozambique

Bruce Byiers, Poorva Karkare, Samuel Zita - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Unbundling Eskom: How would a new distribution system impact on energy poverty

Nthabiseng MOHLAKOANA, Peta WOLPE - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

How the EU supports food systems change: Lessons from Malawi

Cecilia D'Alessandro, Paulina Bizzotto Molina - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Transnational Migration and Reconfiguration of the Family in Zimbabwe

REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
Rose Jaji - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

The livelihood impacts of COVID-19 in urban South Africa - A view from below

in: Social Indicators Research
Simone Schotte & Rocco Zizzamia - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

The effects of a private-sector driven smallholder support programme on productivity, market participation and food and nutrition security: evidence of a Nucleus-Outgrower Scheme from Zambia

Tekalign Gutu Sakketa, Raoul Herrmann, Chewe Nkonde, Mwelwa Lukonde, Michael Brüntrup - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Evolution of farm-level crop diversification and response to rainfall shocks in smallholder farming: Evidence from Malawi and Tanzania

Ecological Economics
Clifton Makate, Arild Angelsen, Stein Terje Holden, Ola Tveitereid Westengen - Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)

Growing green in Mozambique

Köeti Serôdio - OECD Development Centre OECD/DC

Assessing the Potential for Private Sector Engagement in Integrated Landscape Approaches: Insights from Value-Chain Analyses in Southern Zambia

Pauliina Upla, James Reed, Kaala B. Moombe, Benjamin J. Kazule, Brian P. Mulenga, Mirjam Ros-Tonen, and Terry Sunderland - Governance and Inclusive Development, Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (GID)

Community Mobilization as a tool against sexual and gender-based violence in SADC region

UNU-MERIT Working Paper
Choolwe Mphanza Muzyamba - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Can information correct optimistic wage expectations? Evidence from Mozambican job-seekers

Sam Jones & Ricardo Santos - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Public Channels of Access and State–Citizen Encounters in the Namibian Tax System

Johanna Söderström & Marcus Wangel - Department of Government Uppsala University

Sales recovered faster from the pandemic than employment

Evidence from tax administrative and survey data in Zambia
Aliisa Koivisto et al. - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Legal empowerment with a gender lens: how women tea farmers in Malawi are claiming their rights

Kumvana Mlumbe Mtukule - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Germany and reparations: the reconciliation agreement with Namibia

The Round Table
Henning Melber - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Economic and cultural determinants of elite attitudes toward redistribution

Matias López, Graziella Moraes Silva, Chana Teeger, Pedro Marques - Department of Government Uppsala University

Addressing climate goals and the SDGs through a just energy transition? Empirical evidence from Germany and South Africa

Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences
Ramona Hägele, Gabriela Iacobuta, James Tops - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Living Through a Pandemic: Competing Covid-19 Narratives in Rural Zimbabwe

Iyleen Judy Bwerinofa, Jacob Mahenehene, Makiwa Manaka et al. - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Taxation in Namibia: an everyday political practice without deliberation and influence

The Journal of Modern African Studies
Johanna Söderström - Department of Government Uppsala University

Explorations into middle class urbanites, social movements and political dynamics: impressions from Namibia’s capital, Windhoek

Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Henning Melber - Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

‘Running Them Out of Time:’ Xenophobia, Violence, and Co-Authoring Spatiotemporal Exclusion in South Africa

Jean Piere Misago & Loren B Landau - Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House (ODID)

‘Delangokubona’ and the distribution of rents and opportunity

An exploration of tensions over race-based policies of redress and redistribution in South Africa
Ayabonga Cawe - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Boosting mineral revenues in Zambia

Policy options for a sustainable fiscal regime
Andrew Mwaba & Steve Kayizzi-Mugerwa - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

SOUTHMOD country report Zambia - MicroZAMOD v2.12

Mbewe Kalikeka et al. - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Innovation and socio-economic development challenges in South Africa: An overview of indicators and trends

Alexis Habiyaremye, Nicola A King and Fiona Tregenna - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Climate finance coordination from the global to the local - Norm localization and the politics of climate finance coordination in Zambia

Journal of Development Studies, 58, 2022
Mikkel Funder & Kendra Dupuy - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

What Role for Social Policies in the Framework of the Just Transition in South Africa?

Wendy Annecke & Peta Wolpe - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Snakes and ladders and loaded dice: Poverty dynamics and inequality in South Africa between 2008 and 2017

South African Journal of Economics
Simone Schotte, Rocco Zizzamia & Murray Leibbrandt - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)
Results: 16 to 20 of total 111