Caring consumption and sustainability: Insights from household provisioning in the first ten years of motherhood
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Sustainability of animal-sourced foods and plant-based alternatives
Agricultural Sciences
The Interaction of Private and Public Governance: The Case of Sustainability Standards for Palm Oil
European Journal of Development Research
Negotiating Unsustainable Food Transformations: Development, Middle Classes and Everyday Food Practices in Vietnam
European Journal of Development Research
Conceptualizing sustainability in China's belt and road initiative: A longitudinal analysis of scholarship (2013 - 2024)
Resources, Conservations and Recycling
Innovative business models for cultural tourism
Open Access
Exploring consumer attitudes toward reusable takeaway packaging: An empirical study in Germany
International Journal on Food System Dynamics
Counter-hegemonic ethics for sustainable business
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility
Language, Climate Change, and Cities beyond Capitalism
Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy
How to bridge the last mile in agro-climate service adoption? The importance of farmers’ needs, attitudes and interpersonal relations in understanding impact pathways
Environment, Development and Sustainability
Stakeholder engagement in agro-climate service planning
Climate Services
Revitalizing Rural Tourism: A Croatian Case Study in Sustainable Practices
Journal: Sustainability
Innovation studies, social innovation, and sustainability transitions research: From mutual ignorance towards an integrative perspective?
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Assessing the suitability of sustainability frameworks for embedding sustainability in higher education curricula
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
From diffusion to diffuse-ability: A text-as-data approach to explaining the global diffusion of Corporate Sustainability Policy
International Studies Quarterly
Sustainable finance: the rise of the “E” in ESG
Global Policy
Welcome to the (Label) Jungle? Analyzing How Consumers Deal with Intra-sustainability Label Trade-offs on Food
in: Food Quality and Preference
Policy of Sustainable Entrepreneurship: A Crowdsourced Framework
in: Journal of Cleaner Production
Toward the sustainability state? Conceptualizing national sustainability institutions and their impact on policy-making
Environmental Policy and Governance
Contested Sustainability
The Political Ecology of Conservation and Development in Tanzania
Rethinking work for a just and sustainable future
Ecological Economics
Writing our way to sustainable economies? How academic sustainability writing engages with capitalism
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Connecting for common goals
Exploring IIED’s role in ten sustainable development movements
Critical social science perspectives on transformations to sustainability
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Energy saving behaviours of middle class households in Ghana, Peru and the Philippines
Elsevier Energy for Sustainable Development
Results: 16 to 20 of total 142