When ‘best practice’ means formalising: foreign large-scale land investments on customary tenure in Uganda and Sierra Leone
Review of International Political Economy
Resources or race? Explaining (un)equality in international development partnerships
Canadian Journal of Development Studies
Migration and nutrition of the left behind: Evidence from Ghana
World Development
Climate change perceptions and adaptation by Sebei pastoralists in Mount Elgon, Uganda: a qualitative survey
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine
Competing aspirations and contestations at Isiolo International Airport, Kenya
In: Contested Airport Land. Social-Spatial Transformation and Environmental Injustice in Asia and Africa
Peace and child health in sub-Saharan Africa: the demographic cost paid by young children during and after civil wars
International Health Trends and Perspectives
Road Investment and Violence in DRC : Perishable Effects
World Bank Group
Shedding light on local development: Unveiling spatial dynamics from infrastructure implementation through nighttime lights in the Nacala corridor, Mozambique
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
Taxation in the context of high informality: Conceptual challenges and evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
Review of Development Economics
Long-Term Effects of Childhood Exposure to War on Domestic Violence
The European Journal of Development Research
WHO non-communicable diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Pandemic resilience in sub-Saharan Africa and Low-income Countries
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
Défendre le village et combattre pour le terroir : la mobilisation armée des groupes d’autodéfense à l’épreuve du travail agricole en Pays Dogon, au centre du Mali
Revue internationale des études du développement
Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 in Mozambique in 2020
The European Journal of Development Research
Who is Being Left Behind? Participatory Exclusion of Marginalized Groups in Kenya
Sexuality and Gender Studies Journal
A moral economy of pastoralists? Understanding the ‘jihadist’ insurgency in Mali
Political Geography
Infrastructure, time and labour: movement and suspension along the Abidjan-Lagos corridor
Territory, Politics, Governance
Continuities and changes in electoral authoritarianism: evidence from Ethiopia
Regional & Federal Studies
Settler Ecologies and the Future of Biodiversity: Insights from Laikipia, Kenya
Conservation and Society
Gender and corruption in the access to natural resources: Preliminary findings
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Bridging the gap in agricultural innovation research: a systematic review of push–pull biocontrol technology in sub-Saharan Africa
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
Institutions and tax capacity in sub-Saharan Africa
Journal of Institutional Economics
Access to credit and heterogeneous effects on agricultural technology adoption: Evidence from large rural surveys in Ethiopia
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics
Urbanisation and rural development in sub-Saharan Africa: A review of pathways and impacts
Research in Globalization
Understanding the Determinants of Aspirations in Rural Tanzania: Does Financial Literacy Matter?
The European Journal of Development Research
Political Science Knowledge and Electoral Violence: Experiences From Kenya and Zimbabwe
Forum for Development Studies
Mineralized Urbanization in the Twenty-First Century: Becoming Urban through Mining Extraction
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Weathering shocks: the effects of weather shocks on farm input use in sub-Saharan Africa
WIDER Working Paper 2022/57
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