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Europe's teenage jihadists: a growing security challenge

Dino Krause - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Defining Price Stability: Public Accountability of the European Central Bank’s Goal Independence

Politics and Governance
Mattias Vermeiren - Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS - UGent)

Defining a safe and just operating space for the Norwegian economy

cological Economics
Thomas Røkås, Erik Gómez-Baggethun - Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)

On industrial pasts and futures: Imagining a large-scale battery industry in Norway

The Extractive Industries and Society
Anna-Sophie Hobi - Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)

The broken promise of loss and damage finance: Can Europe help?

Daniel Adeniyi - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

From India Stack to EuroStack: Reconciling approaches to sovereign digital infrastructure

Chloe Teevan, Raphael Pouyé, Gautam Kamath - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Sustainable Urban Development in the European Arctic

Open access book
Dorothea Wehrmann, Michał Łuszczuk, Katarzyna Radzik-Maruszak, Jacqueline Götze, Arne Riedel - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Rebuilding Syria: A Win-Win for German-Trained Refugees and their Hosts

Musallam Abedtalas, Tina Zintl - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Refugees in Norway: Stay or Leave Rural Areas?

Henrik Lindegaard Andersen, Liv Osland - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

New articles by researchers of Institute of Regional Studies in Deturope – edited by Ildikó Egyed and Szilárd Rácz

DETUROPE – The Central European Journal of Regional Development and Tourism, 2024 (vol. 16), issue 3
ldikó Egyed and Szilárd Rácz - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Net Zero Export Finance: Lessons for Austria from International Best Practice

Kyjas Schlögl, David Pfaffenbichler, Werner Raza - Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)

Resources or race? Explaining (un)equality in international development partnerships

Canadian Journal of Development Studies
S. Kinsbergen, F. Been, J. Bian, M. Molthof, C. Honings, D.-J. Koch - Department of Anthropology and Development Studies (CAOS)

Race2Paris: New Study Underlines Necessity to Tackle Transportation Sector

M. Neujeffski, O. Hoedeman, B. Schuster - Transnational Institute TNI

Europe’s Education Gamble: Can the EU Compete in a Changing World?

J. Ritzen, J. Zomerplaag - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Territorial arrangements and ethnic conflict management: The paradox that isn’t

World Development
Natascha S. Neudorfer , Ulrike G. Theuerkauf, Stefan Wolff - School of International Development, University of East Anglia (DEV)

Colonial Shadows: Can Germany address reparations through bilateral development cooperation?

Leander Heblich, Theresa Wolf - The Centre for Rural Development, Humboldt University, Berlin SLE

Green Industrialization: Rethinking African-German cooperation for energy-intensive value chains

Philipp Ahovi, Burcu Dolanbay, Margitta Minah - The Centre for Rural Development, Humboldt University, Berlin SLE

Ireland’s application of the OECD’s framework on masculinities

OECD - OECD Development Centre OECD/DC

The rise and fall of the Wagner Group

Karen Philippa Larsen - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Dear mr. Trump, do not get Greenland's role in Arctic security wrong

Ulrik Pram Gad - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

EU foreign policy in the next political cycle. Beyond geopolitical Europe

Fabrizio Tassinari - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Collaboration Through a Computer Screen: Migrant Integration Services and the Challenges of Co-Producing Services Online

Social Policy Administration
Caitlin McMullin - Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University (RUC)

Coloniality In queer asylum: towards theorising ‘colonial surveillance’ and its resistances

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Marie Lunau, Rieke Schröder - Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University (RUC)

Data solidarity: Operationalising public value through a digital tool

Global Public Health
Seliem El-Sayed, Ilona Kickbusch, Barbara Prainsack - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

How can relational, decolonial and feminist approaches inform the EU bioeconomy?

Sustainability Science
Sabaheta Ramcilovic-Suominen, Jacopo Giuntoli, Tom Oliver, Lyla Mehta - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Why is climate justice missing from Government programme?

Jennie Stephens, Professor of Climate Justice at ICARUS. - Maynooth University Social Science Institute MUSSI

Revocation nation: the rule of law and precarious legal status in Norway

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Jessica Schultz - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Resilient infrastructure for a fair and sustainable future

Žiga Novak - Slovenian NGDO Platform for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (SLOGA)

Hell, or Heaven – “The crisis in the country is so severe that it’s hard to believe

First results from a new research project of Ákos Bodor, Márk Hegedüs and Péter Szegedi
Bodor, Ákos – Hegedüs, Márk – Szegedi, Péter (PTE) - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Who's still playing by the rules?

Sébastien Treyer - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

The Impact of the Quality of Institutions on Sustainable Development

Senada Šelo Šabić, Ana Vučemilović-Grgić and Antonija Majdančić -

The geography of green iron and steel: New opportunities for Europe and North Africa

Poorva Karkare, Alfonso Medinilla - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Tech sovereignty and a new EU foreign economic policy

Chloe Teevan, Raphael Pouyé - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The multiannual financial framework after 2027: Financing the EU’s global ambitions

Alexei Jones, Mariella Di Ciommo, Andrew Sherriff - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

European support for adaptation in times of shifting politics and tight budgets

Hanne Knaepen - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Externalisation of migration policy and its complex consequences

Cathrine Talleraas - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Innovative Business Models for Cultural Tourism : Advancing Development in Peripheral Locations.

In: Innovative Cultural Tourism in European Peripheries
Carsten Humlebæk, Esben Rahbek Gjerdrum Pedersen - Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)

Working With Pride In the Shadow of Shame: Emotional Dissonance and Identity Work During a Corporate Scandal

Human Relations
Sanne Frandsen, Johanne Grant, Dan Kärreman et. al. - Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)

The Mercosur-EU agreement as a model for open decarbonisation

Gonzalo Escribano - Real Instituto Elcano

What about Gender Equality in the EU's External Action?

Alexandra Rosén - Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC)

The craft of meaningful stakeholder engagement in social science research: Lessons from a Research Project on Leadership and (In)equality in Greenland

Free Access Chapter In The Routledge Handbook on Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement
Mette Apollo Rasmussen - Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University (RUC)

Exploring EU and member states' approaches and options to addressing the shrinking civic space

Sara Gianesello, Amandine Sabourin - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The EU needs a clear pitch for its human-centric approach to digital transformation

Sabine Muscat - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The cost of Europe’s divisions in the Middle East

Karim Karaki Chloe Teevan Alfonso Medinilla et al. - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

A Prosperous and Competitive Europe

EASSH - European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities EASSH

Animal welfare has priority: Swiss consumers’ preferences for animal welfare, greenhouse gas reductions and other sustainability improvements in dairy products

Food Quality and Preference
Sebastian Richter et al. - Swedish Development Research Network SweDev

External actors’ engagement in the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe

Jan Daniel, Martin Laryš, Jan Švec, Pelin Ayan Musil - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

Exploring Populism in Erdogan’s Discourse on Turkey–European Union Relations

Czech Journal of International Relations
Onder Canveren, André Kaiser - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

A Review of Science Diplomacy: Theoretical Evolution to a Post-Naïve Approach and Its Relevance for the Czech Republic

Czech Journal of International Relations
Doubravka Olšáková - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

Race 2 Paris. Shifting gears for climate action: Transforming Europe's transportation

Moritz Neujeffski et al. - Transnational Institute TNI

Differences in the risk of frailty based on care receipt, unmet care needs and socio-economic inequalities: a longitudinal analysis of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

The Journal of Frailty & Aging
David Sinclair, Asri Maharani, Andrew Clegg, et al. - Global Development Institute (GDI)

A Prototypical Case in the Making? Challenging Comparative Perspectives on French Aid

European Journal of Development Research
Gordon D Cumming - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Who Called Team Europe? The European Union’s Development Policy Response During the First Wave of COVID-19

European Journal of Development Research
Aline Burni, Benedikt Erforth, Ina Friesen et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

The Discursive Struggle for Digital Sovereignty: Security, Economy, Rights and the Cloud Project Gaia-X

Journal of Common Market Studies
Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

A Longitudinal Causal Graph Analysis Investigating Modifiable Risk Factors and Obesity in a European Cohort of Children and Adolescents

Scientific Reports
Ronja Foraita et al. - Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)

Paradigmas en las comunidades epistémicas. Un análisis de los estudios del desarrollo vistos desde REEDES y EADI

Juliana A. Pinzón Moreno et al. - Red Española de Estudios del Desarrollo (REEDES) Red Española de Estudios del Desarrollo (REEDES)

Europe after the elections: the centre holds out, but for how long?

Piotr Maciej Kaczyński - Real Instituto Elcano

Influence of Social Networks on the Choice of Cultural Tourism Destination. Case study of Novi Sad and Rijeka as European Capitals of Culture

Sociology and Space
Tatjana Pivac, Damir Demonja, Tamara Surla et al. - Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)

Structural Change, Employment, and Inequality in Europe: an Economic Complexity Approach

Bernardo Caldarola et al. - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

The EU's Rhetoric-Reality Gap Towards Israel-Palestine

Hayat Kassioui - Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS - UGent)

The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and developing countries: Threats, opportunities and strategic responses

Bruce Byiers, Alfonso Medinilla - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Industrial policy trends in Germany

Tilman Altenburg - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Refugees in the German elections’ discourse: Challenging the narrative: How policy choices empower the far-right

Musallam Abedtalas - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Protecting EU's critical infrastructure The fight intensified in the cyber realm

Veronika Slakaityte, Izabela Surwillo - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Power moves east: Poland’s rise as a strategic European player

Izabela Surwillo, Veronika Slakaityte - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Roots, trees, and the re-enchantment of nature: the French new right’s eco-political utopia

Journal of Political Ideologies
Manni Crone - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Place-based and people-centred: Principles for a socially inclusive Net Zero transition

Geo: Geography and Environment
Lucie Middlemiss, Carolyn Snell, Samanthi Theminimulle et al. - Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds (SRI)

Understanding essential energy through functionings: A comparative study across six energy poverty trials in Europe

Energy Research & Social Science
Nicola Willand, Lucie Middlemiss, Milena Büchs, Pepa Ambrosio Albala - Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds (SRI)

Public opposition to fuel taxes in Europe: how important is social disadvantage and how do welfare regimes compare?

Journal of European Social Policy
Milena Büchs, Elena Bastianelli, Sylke V Schnepf - Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds (SRI)

French military interventions in the Sahel

Aelön Messiaen - Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS - UGent)

Renaturalisation and natural rewilding of the Manzanares river in Madrid, Spain: Mapping recreation potential and actual use

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
Marta Suárez , Ana Paula García-Nieto , Erik Gómez-Baggethun , Ibone Ametzaga-Arregi - Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)

What to watch out for in Jozef Síkela’s approach to international partnerships

Pauline Veron, Andrew Sherriff - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Resisting the new green colonialism

Saber Ammar - Transnational Institute TNI

The Struggle Over Mobility Narratives: How Senegalese Activists use Alternative Information Campaigns to Contest EU Externalization

International Migration Review
Ida Marie Marie Savio Vammen - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Europe at war and European defence: the same as ever?

Félix Arteaga - Real Instituto Elcano

The Spanish proposal for a European Competitiveness Laboratory

Enrique Feás, Ignacio Molina, José Juan Ruiz - Real Instituto Elcano

Conceptualising Chinese transnational infrastructure projects in Europe and beyond

Progress in Human Geography
Florian Schaefer, Giles Mohan, - Department of International Development King’s College London (DID)

Unlocking capital: Towards a European approach to mobilising institutional investors

Karim Karaki, Laure Blanchard-Brunac , San Bilal - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

A stronger EU offer to partners: Beyond power play and competition

Mariella Di Ciommo - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

SSH integration analysis: A research-on-research approach to EU framework programmes

European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities EASSH

The Draghi report on energy issues: a confirmation of the European Commission's strategic agenda?

Andreas Rüdinger - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Leveraging Green Industrialisation for a Just Transition: Africa-Europe Cooperation

Damien Barchiche, Alfonso Medinilla, Catherine Kilelu, Sébastien Treyer, Chukwumerije Okereke - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

The EU-Africa migration agenda: Realising a new partnership

Claire Kumar, Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Amanda Gray Meral, Jesper Bjarnesen Anna Knoll - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

A savvier approach for meaner times: The EU’s external promotion of democracy

Amandine Sabourin, Sara Gianesello - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The paradox of semiconductors—EU governance between sovereignty and interdependence

Cambridge Review of International Affairs
Linda Monsees - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

A research-on-research approach to EU framework programmes

European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities EASSH

Past, present and future of innovation agencies in Europe

Rainer Kattel - Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)

Draghi Report: a competitiveness agenda for a more sustainable Europe?

Nicolas Berghmans,Céline Kauffmann - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Comparative Analysis of AI Development Strategies: A Study of China's Ambitions and the EU's Regulatory Framework

Błażej Sajduk, Dominika Dziwisz - Centre for International Studies and Development CISAD

First Impressions Matter: Feeling Welcome and Onward Migration Intentions of Highly Skilled Migrants

Journal of International Migration and Integration
Julia Reinold, Melissa Siegel - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Active Labor Market policies in the framework of Just Transition Programs: the case of Italy, Spain, and Germany

Valeria Cirillo, Marialuisa Divella, Eustachio Ferrulli, Lidia Greco - Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)

The European financial architecture for development in a changing world

San Bilal, Karim Karaki - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The EU Global Gateway strategy: Giving local authorities a voice

Jean Bossuyt, Amandine Sabourin - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Mapping European social economy: Employment, social dialogue and the European pillar of social rights. Final mapping report

Anne Guisset, Melinda Kelemen - Higher Institute for Labour Studies (HIVA)

What environmental policy should the new French government pursue?

Lucien Chabason - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Consolidating a clear European vision in the face of national uncertainties

Sébastien Treyer - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

The EU and China in the Global South: Perspectives from African countries

Mariella Di Ciommo, Pauline Veron, Nadia Ashraf - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Two Norms Collide: EU Policy on Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries

Journal of Common Market Studies
Julian Bergmann, Mark Furness - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Governance and policy changes during times of high influxes of protection seekers. A comparative governance and policy analysis in eight European countries, 2015-June 2023

Vilde Hernes, Åsne Øygard Danielsen, KristianTvedt et al. - Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research NIBR

The European Union’s global role in a changing world: challenges and opportunities for the new leadership

Christine, Hackenesch, Niels Keijzer, Svea Koch (eds.) - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Enforced transnationalism. Refugees' family lives in Germany under conditions of separation and waiting

In: Family Reunification in Europe
Simone Christ, Benjamin Etzold - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Do Wars Abroad Affect Attitudes at Home?

PNAS Nexus
Department of International Development King’s College London (DID)

Green and global? A policy frame analysis of the European Investment Bank’s re-branding from 2018–2023

Journal of Economic Policy Reform
Benedikt Erforth, Niels Keijzer - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Sámi-EU relations Sámi participation in the EU as an example of Indigenous peoples' participation in transnational policy-making

Jaqueline Götze - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

China at bay and the EU to the rescue? Not quite…

Miguel Otero Iglesias - Real Instituto Elcano

Who Cheats? Adolescents’ Background Characteristics and Dishonest Behavior: A Comprehensive Literature Review and Insights From Two Consecutive Surveys

The Journal of Early Adolescence
Tamás Keller and Hubert János Kiss - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

European security in a changing geo-political context: From the European Research Area to the European Defence Research and Innovation Area and from Cohesion to European territorial security policy

Rainer Kattel and Luc Soete - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Exploring the linkages between farm efficiency, farm environmental performance, and agri-environmental scheme adoption: lessons from France

Journal of Environmental Management
Thiernobocar Diop, Stéphane Blancard, Sophie Legras, Sébastien Marchand, Lionel Védrine - Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI)

Ethical research in the German social sciences: Exploring the significance and challenges of institutionalized research ethics practices

Research Ethics
Andrew Crawford, Laura Fichtner, Clara-Auguste Süß, et al. - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Two decades of changing dependency on Russian gas in Central and Eastern Europe: strategies versus achievements

Journal: Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Csaba Weiner, Péter Kotek and Borbála Takácsné Tóth - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Hydrogen Affairs in Hungary’s Politically Confined Ambition

Journal: The Geopolitics of Hydrogen - Volume 1: European Strategies in Global Perspective
John Szabo - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Teachers’ perceptions of students’ school performance: the impact of classroom composition. Evidence from a survey experiment

Journal: Education Economics
Tamás Keller - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Agents of change in old-industrial and non-metropolitan regions of Europe

Journal: European Planning Studies
Nadir Kinossian, Markus Grillitsch and Erika Nagy - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

The role of institutional and political factors in attracting Chinese and Russian multinationals to the Visegrad countries

Journal: Politics in Central Europe – The Journal of the Central European Political Science Association
Ágnes Szunomár, Tamás Peragovics and Csaba Weiner - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

The impact of urban sprawl on the urban-rural fringe of post-socialist cities in Central and Eastern Europe – Case study from Hungary

Journal: Journal of Urban Management
Gábor László Vasárus, Jenő Zsolt Farkas, Edit Hoyk and András Donát Kovács - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

The Expansion of Alternative Forms of Organizing Integration: Imitation, Bricolage, and an Ethic of Care in Migrant Women’s Cooperatives

In: Journal of Business Ethics
María José Zapata Campos - Swedish Development Research Network SweDev

Scandinavia and the 1968 International Year for Human Rights

Journal: Scandinavian Journal of History
Rasmus Sinding Søndergaard - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

The crisis in the palm of our hand

Journal: International Affairs
Jethro Norman, Matthew Ford and Signe Marie Cold-Ravnkilde - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Assessing EU energy resilience and vulnerabilities: Concepts, empirical evidence and policy strategies

Dario Guarascio, Jelena Reljic, Francesco Zezza - Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)

Industrial Policy, Progressive Derisking, and the Financing of Europe’s Green Transition

Viktor Skyrman - Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)

Inside the European Union's Trade Machinery: Institutional Changes in an Age of Geoeconomics

Journal of Common Market Studies
Sjorre Couvreur - Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS - UGent)

More than ones and zeros: How the EU can partner with Africa on digital literacy

Sabine Muscat, Stephanie Arnold - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Decolonisation, dependency and disengagement—the challenge of Ireland’s degrowth transition

Seán Fearon - Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP)

Home Beyond the Home Office: Addressing Refugee Move-On Challenges in the Oxford Area

Anna Lindley, Agegnehu Mamo, Hari Reed - SOAS University of London SOAS

From farmer to consumer: what challenges is the meat industry in France facing?

Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

King Felipe VI restores trust in the monarchy in his first decade

William Chislett - Real Instituto Elcano

The trajectory of US-EU relations in a tumultuous year

Liana Fix and Molly Carlough - Real Instituto Elcano

The EU-Republic of Korea economic security engagement: policy recommendations and next steps

Cristina de Esperanza Picardo, Mario Esteban and Raquel Jorge Ricart - Real Instituto Elcano

The energy and climate diplomacy of the new European Commission

Gonzalo Escribano and Lara Lázaro Touza - Real Instituto Elcano

Germany’s closest partner slips further away

Henning Hoff - Real Instituto Elcano

An empty shell? Relocation of central and eastern European startups, virtual headquarters and beyond

Andrea Szalavetz and Agnieszka Skala - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Driving towards a just transition? The case of the European car industry

Journal: Energy Research & Social Science
John Szabó and Peter Newell - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Niobium and the EU: Green Dreams or War Machines?

Transnational Institute TNI

How Do The British People Understand Their Security? Responses From A New Approach To Public Opinion Surveying

Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor, Anna Gillions, David Curran and Zsófia Hacsek - Centre for Trust Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR)

Early voting can widen the turnout gap: The case of childbirth

Journal: Electoral Studies
Sirus H. Dehdaria, Mathilde M. van Ditmarsb, Karl-Oskar Lindgrenc, Sven Oskarssonc and Kåre Vernby - Department of Government Uppsala University

Farmers’ willingness to adopt precision agricultural technologies to reduce mycotoxin contamination in grain: evidence from grain farmers in Spain and Lithuania

Journal: Precision Agriculture
Enoch Owusu-Sekyere, Assem Abu Hatab, Carl-Johan Lagerkvist, Manuel Pérez-Ruiz, Egidijus Šarauskis, Zita Kriaučiūnienė, Muhammad Baraa Almoujahed, Orly Enrique Apolo-Apolo and Abdul Mounem Mouazen - Swedish Development Research Network SweDev

Von der Leyen 2.0 and a shifting approach to EU international partnerships

Chloe Teevan - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Time for the UK to adopt Spain’s electoral system?

William Chislett - Real Instituto Elcano

Western sanctions on icebreakers stall Russia’s Arctic LNG expansion

Ignacio Urbasos Arbeloa - Real Instituto Elcano

Ready for the Digital Era? A Comparative Analysis of Hungary and Romania in the Field of Digital Policy

Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning
Magdalena Drăgan, Réka Horeczki, Gabriela Munteanu - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

The role of socioeconomic variables in the regional inequalities of COVID-19 mortality in Hungary

Eastern Journal of European Studies
Balázs Páger, Csaba G. Tóth, Annamária Uzzoli - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

War volunteers in the digital age: How new technologies transform conflict dynamics

Jethro Norman - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Denmark: De-risking paves the way for pragmatic reengagement with China

Report: National Perspectives on Europe’s De-risking from China : European Think-tank Network on China
Andreas Bøje Forsby & Yang Jiang - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Nature emergency a critical issue for new UK government

International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Restoring biodiversity in France: options and opportunities

Agnès Hallosserie - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Europe’s strategic agenda 2024–2029: Reconciling security, competitiveness, and social justice

Léna Spinazzé - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Strengthening Franco-German cooperation to promote the ecological transition

Andreas Rüdinger - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

The European Green Deal: a compass in the storm? Assessment and prospects for the European Union's environmental action

Nicolas Berghmans - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

The Ukrainian agricultural sector: presentation and challenges in the light of a possible enlargement of the European Union

Elsa Régnier, Aurélie Catallo - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

The European Union's electricity transition: progress and challenges

Andreas Rüdinger - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

The impact of EU gender policy in the NDICI-Global Europe framework

Sara Gianesello, Amandine Sabourin, Katja Sergeje - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Financing inclusive digital transformation under the EU Global Gateway

San Bilal, Chloe Teevan, Klaus Tilmes - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Towards an integrated approach to EU foreign policy? Horizontal spillover across the humanitarian–development and the security–migration interfaces

Journal of European Public Policy
Julian Bergmann, Patrick Müller - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

A Post-Development Perspective on the EU’s Generalized Scheme of Preferences

Politics and Governance
Jan Orbie, Antonio Salvador M. Alcazar III, Tinus Sioen - Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS - UGent)

Partners in Crime. EU complicity in Israel’s genocide in Gaza

Niamh Ní Bhriain, Mark Akkerman - Transnational Institute TNI

Economy doing better, but no room for complacency

William Chislett - Real Instituto Elcano

Depoliticising Schengen: the Iberian model and the ‘roads’ ahead

Francesc Torres i Mañá - Real Instituto Elcano

Regional resilience and the network structure of inter-industry labour flows

Journal: Regional Studies
Zoltán Elekes, Gergő Tóth &Rikard Eriksson - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Public support and willingness to pay for a carbon tax in Hungary: can revenue recycling make a difference?

Journal: Energy, Sustainability and Society
Daniel Muth, Csaba Weiner & Csaba Lakócai - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

A Solidarity Mechanism to Allocate Stored Natural Gas in Crisis

Journal: The Energy Journal
Dávid Csercsik and Anne Neumann - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

The Long and Winding Road: Evaluation of Swedish Long-Term Development Cooperation with Liberia

Christoph Emminghaus, Simon Wallisch, Kou Meapeh Gbaintor-Johnson, Julian Klauke, Anouchka Baldin, Tillman Hönig, John Pokoo, Johanna Schaefer-Kehnert - Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA)

Outsourcing Asylum to African States? An endeavour destined to fail

Franzisca Zanker - Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut (ABI)

Global Gateway: Where now and where to next?

San Bilal, Chloe Teevan - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The EU risks neglecting fragile and conflict-affected countries

Volker Hauck, Sophie Desmidt - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The geopolitics of digital literacy and skills cooperation with Africa

Ennatu Domingo, Sabine Muscat, Stephanie Arnold, Maëlle Salzinger, Pria Chetty - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Climate-related losses and damages to social cohesion are overlooked

Lily Salloum Lindegaard & Francis Jarawura - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Revisiting the trends in global inequality

World Development
Carlos Gradín - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

What can European security architecture look like in the wake of Russia’s war on Ukraine?

European Security
Ditrych, O., & Laryš, M. - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

In search of critical raw materials: What will the EU Critical Raw Materials Act achieve? An analysis of legal and factual implications of the CRMA

Bernhard Tröster, Simela Papatheophilou, Karin Küblböck - Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)

Where to now for development policy? Between niche and mainstream, between charity and self-interest

Politics and Governance
Julian Bergmann, Niels Keijzer, Christine Hackenesch - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

A partnership in progress: Africa and the EU strive for global health and equitable access

Fabien Tondel, Philomena Apiko, Hilda Milka Koyier - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The need to bridge the EU’s internal and external actions for geostrategic and development ambitions

San Bilal - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Spanish public opinion regarding the recognition of the State of Palestine

Carmen González Enríquez & José Pablo Martínez - Real Instituto Elcano

Overtourism: is Spain’s sector a victim of its own success?

William Chislett - Real Instituto Elcano

The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: context, challenges and limitations

Carmen González Enríquez - Real Instituto Elcano

Green hydrogen in Tunisia. A new mechanism of plunder and exploitation

Elyes Ben Ammar and Saber Ammar - Transnational Institute TNI

Why do corporate farms survive in Central and Eastern Europe?

Agricultural Systems
Imre Fertő et al - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Why does human development matter to the EU’s strategic priorities?

Pauline Veron, Katja Sergejeff - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The mid-term evaluation of NDICI-Global Europe: Is the instrument fit for purpose?

Volker Hauck, Amandine Sabourin, Alexei Jones - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The European elections and European development policy. Could the first political group with a vision please stand up?

Svea Koch, Niels Keijzer, Christine Hackenesch - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Skilled Worker Visas for Refugees: An Evaluation of the UK's Displaced Talent Mobility Pilot (DTMP)

Nour Moussa, Olivier Sterck - Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House (ODID)

International development policies in Central and Eastern Europe since EU accession: increasing divergence?

Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Balázs Szent-Iványi, Simon Lightfoot - POLIS - University of Leeds -

Banning Russian LNG transhipment in European ports: a pragmatic and effective measure

Ignacio Urbasos Arbeloa - Real Instituto Elcano

France’s Eastern Zeitenwende?

Teona Giuashvili - Real Instituto Elcano

Climate Litigation in Europe: A Discussion about Emerging Trends in the Context of Principle of Non-Regression

Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica
Elif Naz Němec, Milan Damohorský - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

Defining a European eco-score to support automotive industrial policy

Louis-Pierre Geffray, Malo Benoit - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Counter-Frames Against Anti-Asian Racism During the Corona Pandemic in Berlin – Coping With Exclusion, Creating Belonging and Organising Resistance

Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
Kimiko Suda, Jonas Köhler - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Mobilising Against Insecurity, Engaging in Local Civic Life: The Collective Action of Chinese and South-East Asian Inhabitants in a Paris Suburb

Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
Aurore Merle - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

The Effectiveness of the EU’s Post-Accession Conditionality in the Case of Hungary

Veronika Czina - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS


Europa XXI
Petra Kinga Kézai - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

The EU must reclaim its climate leadership

Hanne Knaepen - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

What do the Turkish local elections mean for the country’s 4 million refugees?

Dilshad Muhammad - Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut (ABI)

Sustainable cities – finding the right study programme

Miriam Hoffmeyer - Spatial Planning for Regions in Growing Economies, Faculty of Spacial Planning, Universität Dortmund ISPC / SPRING

Patients with a chronic lung disease who live further from hospital or in the most deprived areas have a poorer survival rate

Owain Delf - School of International Development, University of East Anglia (DEV)

Under the Radar Twenty years of EU military missions

Josephine Valeske - Transnational Institute TNI

Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans: potential for knowledge-based economic cooperation

Radovanovic Nikola et al - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Corporate Cosmos. How commercial American space imagines our future and shapes our present

Vibeke Schou Tjalve - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

From New to Indispensable? How Has the 2004 “Big Bang” Enlargement Reshaped EU’s Power Balance

Politics and Governance
Matej Navrátil, Marko Lovec - Centre of International Relations (CIR)

How to secure support for the Green Deal? A plea for prioritization

Tim Elias Peter - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

A new deal for Europe: seizing the opportunity of defining new industrial policies

Céline Kauffmann, Sébastien Treyer - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Reinventing the deal – What new narrative to put sustainable development at the centre of the next EC mandate?

Céline Kauffmann, Sébastien Treyer - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Can the Green Deal survive in the age of fear?

Andrea Renda - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Supporting plausible acts of genocide: Red lines and the failure of German Middle Eastern Studies

Benjamin Schuetze - Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut (ABI)

Peace with Adjectives: Conceptual Fragmentation or Conceptual Innovation?

International Political Society
Simon Pierre Boulanger Martel et al - Department of Government Uppsala University

The Effects of Admission Policies on Rates of Family Migration in European States, 2008-2019

Nordic Journal of Migration Reseatrch
Anton Ahlén - Department of Government Uppsala University

Wooing foreign investors: Greenland should prepare for the next dispute

Rafael Cox Alomar & Ulrik Pram Gad - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

The power of narratives: How framing refugee migration impacts attitudes and political support towards refugees

Tobias Hillenbrand, Bruno Martorano, Laura Metzger and Melissa Siegel - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

The pandemic, socioeconomic disadvantage, and learning outcomes Cross-national impact analyses of education policy reforms

EU Publications
Schnepf, Silke V et al - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Strategies of search and patenting under different IPR regimes

Robin Cowan, Nicolas Jonard and Ruth Samson - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

From Drains to Bridges: The role of internationally mobile PhD students in linking non-mobile with foreign scientists

Ito Rodrigo, Diego Chavarro, Tommaso Ciarli, Robin Cowan & Fabiana Visentin - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

'Radicalisation' and 'Countering radicalisation': The emergence and expansion of a contentious concept

In: The Routledge Handbook on Radicalisation and Countering Radicalisation
Rik Coolsaet - Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS - UGent)

Series: To the new leaders of Europe

European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

How can relational and decolonial approaches inform the EU Bioeconomy?

Sabaheta Ramcilovic-Suominen, Jacopo Giuntoli, Tom Oliver, Lyla Mehta - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Competition with China and other emerging actors

Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Development and climate finance

Abel Gwaindepi - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

If we are to build partnerships around energy Denmark must be willing to address African priorities

Rasmus Hundsbæk Pedersen - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Towards a just green transition: The governance challenge

Mikkel Funder - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Challenges to Danish development engagements in a time of increasing autocratisation

Adam Moe Fejerskov - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Non-state armed groups in the sky: Global regulation fails to address the security risks posed by civilian drones

Maria-Louise Clausen - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Humanitarian hacking: When big tech companies want to solve refugee crises

Journal of Refugee Studies
Sofie Henriksen - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

How to create decent work for women: Policy lessons for low- and middle-income countries

Ashwini Deshpande Janneke Pieters Kunal Sen Maria C. Lo Bue - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Are Organic Farms Less Efficient? The Case of Estonian Dairy Farms

Agris on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics
Imre Fertő, Zoltán Bakucs, Ants-Hannes Viira, Olha Aleksandrova, Helis Luik-Lindsaar, Raul Omel - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

A GIS-based assessment of different income groups’ access to multiple types of green areas in Budapest, Hungary

György Csomós, Jenő Zsolt Farkas, Zoltán Kovács - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

The Ukrainian Refugee Crisis and the Politics of Public Opinion: Evidence from Hungary

Thomas B. Pepinsky, Ádám Reiff and Krisztina Szabó - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Connectivity, The Black Sea Region, and Hungarian Priorities

ERZSÉBET N. RÓZSA & TAMÁS SZIGETVÁRI - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

The international politics of perception in Central and Eastern Europe

New Perspectives
Nicholas Michelsen - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

What do the shifts in US and Chinese engagement in Africa mean for the EU and Czechia

Ondřej Horký-Hlucháň - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

Triumphalism eroded: Central Europe after the Poland and Slovakia elections

Daniel Šitera, Katarzyna Kochlöffel - Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)

How Türkiye’s balancing strategy between Russia and the West matters

Pelin Ayan Musil - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

The Ukraine EU Membership Bid

Mats Braun - Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)

Managing Migration and Integration in the EU: An Attempt to Balance Solidarity and Responsibility

Snježana Gregurović - Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)

Democracy and Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) - The example of mutual health insurance in France

CIRIEC Working Papers
Yannick Lucas - Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique pour l'Étude de la Mondialisation et du Développement (GEMDEV)

Biomethane potential in France: mapping controversies to reconfigure the political debate

Ines Bouacida, Jeanne Cadiou, Andreas Rüdinger, Pierre-Marie Aubert, Jean-Philippe Hermine - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

‘Social leasing’ pilot scheme: Lessons learned from an unanticipated success

Marjorie Mascaro, Jean-Philippe Hermine - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Green Industrialization in Africa: Opportunities and Tensions in Africa-Europe Relations / Scoping Paper on Nigeria

Chukwuemeka Emenekwe, Uchenna Nnamani, Ayodeji Stephen - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Ukȧmȧ Synthesis Paper on green industrialization: developing a shared agenda between Africa and Europe

Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

EU-LAC cooperation on climate change and energy transitions

Damien Barchiche, Maria Alejandra Riaño - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

CAP and European budget negotiations: how might the French position change in response to major shocks?

Elsa Régnier, Aurélie Catallo, Pierre-Marie Aubert, Nathalie Bolduc - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Does One Health need European leadership?

Anne Bucher - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Growth dependency in the welfare state – An analysis of drivers in the UK's adult social care sector and proposals for change

Ecological Economics
Christine Corlet Walker, Angela Druckman, Tim Jackson - Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP)

To Stay or to Go? Recruitment and Outmigration of Nurses from India

GPN Working Papers
Dr. Reema Gill, Sneha Maji, Daisy Zacharia, et al. - Global Partnership Network (GPN)

Accelerating Smart City 4.0: A city diplomacy and sister city cooperation between Jakarta and Berlin

Kariem El-Ali, Alecia Firnanda - Institute for Development and Peace (INEF)

A new EU leadership and international cooperation for the 21st century

Mariella Di Ciommo, Chloe Teevan - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The EU and debt-for-climate swaps: Geopolitical ambitions and development impacts

Karim Karaki, San Bilal - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Out with the old, in with the new? The EU’s path out of the energy crisis

Izabela Surwillo, Veronika Slakaityte - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Invisible frontlines: safeguarding Europe's energy infrastructure

Veronika Slakaityte, Izabela Surwillo - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Energy as a weapon - decoding blackmail tactics in Europe

Veronika Slakaityte, Izabela Surwillo - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

The EU in the Sahel: Be patient, united and critical

Sophie Desmidt - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

A common future for Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean

ETTG Collective Report
Iliana Olivié, María Santillán O’Shea (lead) - Real Instituto Elcano
This ETTG collective report highlights the shared priorities of both regions, including the green, digital, and social transitions. It emphasises the need for increased financial support for Latin America and the Caribbean, specifically looking beyond traditional aid models. It also proposes a “beyond-aid” approach that leverages various tools and identifies opportunities for collaboration in tackling climate change and promoting social inclusion.

Decolonising Bloomsbury: A guided walking tour through London’s colonial legacy

Alia Amir - SOAS University of London SOAS

Government funding of CSOs in a rapidly changing world: Evidence from six OECD-countries

Lara Helsen, Huib Huyse, Ignace Pollet, Lau Schulpen - Higher Institute for Labour Studies (HIVA)
This report summarizes the findings of a study on government funding (ODA) for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in six European countries (Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK), examining trends over the past five years. It highlights the impact of global crises such as COVID-19 and the Ukraine conflict, as well as shifts in development priorities and challenges to civic space.

Automation and Employment over the Technology Life Cycle: Evidence from European Regions

Florencia Jaccoud, Fabien Petit, Tommaso Ciarli, Maria Savona - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

The French Hydrogen Strategy: Focusing on Domestic Hydrogen Production to Decarbonise Industry and Mobility

Ines Bouacida - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Organizational Overlap and Bureaucratic Actors: How EU–NATO Relations Empower the European Commission

Journal of Common Market Studies
Catherine Hoeffler, Stephanie C. Hofmann - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Immigration, employment, productivity and inequality in Spain

Carmen González Enríquez - Real Instituto Elcano

Ukraine as a mirror: should we pay an insurance premium?

Mira Milosevich-Juaristi - Real Instituto Elcano

A Relational Work Perspective on the Gig Economy: Doing Creative Work on Digital Labour Platforms

Work, Employment and Society
Alacovska, Ana; Bucher, Eliane; Fieseler, Christian - Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)

The EU energy security relations with Russia until the Ukraine war

Energy Strategy Reviews
Lukáš Tichý Zbyněk Dubský - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

Labor regimes, global production networks and state-society relations-Assessing the impact of the EU-Vietnam free trade agreement on labor in Vietnam

Kristoffer Marslev, Cornelia Staritz - Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna

Two Years into the Full-Scale Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Ramifications for European and Global Security

Krševan Antun Dujmović - Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)

By voting “yes” to ecosystem restoration, the European Parliament shows it can still have an honest discussion about the future of agriculture

Agnès Hallosserie - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

No deal on farming: lessons from the Netherlands

Henk Westhoek, Daan Boezeman - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Getting out of business as usual: four conditions for building a new agreement on the European and French food system

Pierre-Marie Aubert, Hervé Guyomard, et al. - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

European farmers crisis: what are its root causes and what solutions?

Aurélie Catallo - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Innovative tracker engages Majority World experts to identify gaps in European research priorities

International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Net zero policy risks making the poor poorer – research calls for an inclusive transition

Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds (SRI)

Energy, Power and Transition: State of Power 2024

Nick Buxton, Timothy Mitchell, Thea Riofrancos et al -
The fossil fuel based energy system has shaped capitalism and our geopolitical order. The 12th State of Power report unveils the corporate and financial actors that underpin this order, the dangers of an unjust energy transition, lessons for movements of resistance, and the possibilities for transformative change.

EU's 2040 climate target: a framework to keep on track

Nicolas Berghmans - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Who profits from the green energy rush? Derisking and power relations in Africa’s renewable energy finance

Steffen Haag, Johanna Tunn, Tobias Kalt, Franziska Müller & Jenny Simon - Transnational Institute TNI

Research independence: drivers and impact on PhD students’ careers

Studies in Higher Education
Sofia Patsali, Michele Pezzon & Fabiana Visentin - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Regional and sectoral variations in the ability to attract funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program and Horizon 2020

Fredrik Niclas Piro, Marco Seeber, and Lili Wang - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Power politics: How electric grievances shape election outcomes

Ecological Economics
Anton Brannlund, Lauri Peterson - Department of Government Uppsala University

Solving problems and shifting systems with intentional ethical leadership

Edit Morin-Kovacs - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation (DHF)

The Construction of Europe

Eline Ruëll - Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS - UGent)

Tracking alliances in a fragmented and geopolitical world: the US according to Elcano Global Presence Index

Manuel Gracia Santos & Iliana Olivié - Real Instituto Elcano

Europe Sustainable Development Report 2023/24

Guillaume Lafortune, Grayson Fuller, Adolf Kloke-Lesch, Phoebe Koundouri, Angelo Riccaboni - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
The report provides an independent quantitative assessment of the progress by the European Union, its member states and partner countries towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In light of the upcoming European Elections and UN Summit of the future, this year’s edition identifies 10 priority actions for the incoming EU leadership to accelerate SDG implementation within Europe and internationally. In the context of a fragmented and multipolar world, the ESDR 2023/24 calls for decisive action by the EU to avoid dangerous environmental and social tipping points.

Conflict and Unconstitutional Change of Government in Africa: Is there still a role for the EU-AU Partnership?”

ETTG Report
Francesca Caruso, Lidet Tadesse Shiferaw, Kawsar Laanani et al. - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)  |  European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Blog Taking localisation beyond labels and lip service

Swetha Ramachandran & Swetha Ramachandran - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

The green transformation as a new direction for techno-economic development, UNU-MERIT Working Pape

Lema, Rasmus & Carlota Perez - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Has the war in Ukraine changed Europeans’ preferences on refugee policy? Evidence from a panel experiment in Germany, Hungary and Poland

Journal of European Public Policy
Natalia Letki, Dawid Walentek, Peter Thisted Dinesen, Ulf Liebe - Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS - UGent)

EU-AU cooperation on cross-border digital services and trade

Chloe Teevan, Melody Musoni - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

What is driving change in Europe’s international cooperation agenda? Part 2

Pauline Veron, Andrew Sherriff - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

How to make 2024 the EU’s year on global health

Katja Sergejeff, Pauline Veron - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Farmers' unrest: how can dialogue be restored?

Pierre-Marie Aubert, Aurélie Catallo - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Shift happens: Will the EU-CEE automotive industry benefit or suffer from the industrial reshuffling?

Michal Hrubý - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Changes in eating habits and lifestyle during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic across metropolitan regions in Brazil and Germany: A survey-based cross-sectional study

Food Science & Nutrition
Juliana Paris, Emília Lima, Jéssica de Finger, et al. - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

Aerosol properties and aerosol–radiation interaction in clear-skies over Germany for the period from 2003 to 2020

Jonas Witthuhn, Anja Hünerbein, et al. - International Center for Sustainable Development (IZNE)

Civil Society Under Attack: The Consequences for Horizontal Accountability Institutions

Hannah Smidt, Jessica Johansson, Thomas Richter - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

A record year for jobs and better quality ones

William Chislett - Real Instituto Elcano

Celebrating 50 Years of TNI A Legacy of Activism, Scholarship, and Global Impact

Fiona Dove - Transnational Institute TNI

COVID-19 as a critical juncture for EU development policy? Assessing the introduction and evolution of “Team Europe”

Journal of European Integration
Svea Koch, Niels Keijzer, Ina Friesen - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Supporting adult unpaid carers via an online dancing intervention: A feasibility/acceptability study

PLOS Global Public Health
Joanna Horne, Louisa Donald, Rosaria Gracia et al. - The Centre for the Study of Global Development, Open University (CSGD & OU)

What is driving change in Europe’s international cooperation agenda? Part 1

Andrew Sherriff, Pauline Veron - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The Future of EU Enlargement in a Geopolitical Perspective

Mats Braun, Asya Metodieva, et al. - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

The Stenographic Bias: Shaping Formulaic Language in the Swedish Parliament 1920–2020

Mohammadi Norén, Fredrik & Jarlbrink, Johan - School of Arts and Communication, University Malmö (K3)

Upon entering NATO: explaining defence willingness among Swedes

European Security
Thomas Persson & Sten Widmalm - Department of Government Uppsala University

External shocks, policy spillovers, and veto players: (post)exceptionalist common agricultural policy and the case of the 2023-2027 reform

Journal of European Integration
Marko Lovec, Ilona Rac, Emil Erjavec - Centre of International Relations (CIR)

Newcomers Navigating the Welfare State: Experiences of Immigrants and Street-Level Bureaucrats with Belgium's Social Assistance System

Peter De Cuyper, Marije Reidsma, Hanne Vandermeerschen - Higher Institute for Labour Studies (HIVA)

“Small is beautiful”: what does Montenegro need from the EU to become an ecological transition laboratory?

Nicolas Petrovitch Njegosh - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

2024: Europe once again at a turning point

Sébastien Treyer - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

The EU climate agenda cannot destroy our natural ecosystems

Sirpa Pietikainen - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Social Transfer Policies on Poverty for Children with Previous Experience in Poverty

Journal of Family and Economic Issues
Elena Bárcena-Martín, M. Carmen Blanco-Arana & Salvador Pérez-Moreno - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

European Innovation Scoreboard: Identification and treatment of outliers

EU publications
Es-Sadki, Nordine ; Khalilova, Aishe ; Hollanders, Hugo - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Global Gateway: what we know and what it means for Latin America and the Caribbean

María Santillán O’Shea & Ernesto Talvi - Real Instituto Elcano

Economic security: a new age for the EU

Eduardo Castellet Nogués - Real Instituto Elcano

"Meme-Ing" Peace in Northern Ireland: Exploring the Everyday Politics of Internet Memes in Belfast Riots

International Journal of Communication
Gusic, Ivan; Lundqvist, Martin - Department of Government Uppsala University

Dimensions of disagreement in EU affairs:: is parliamentary opposition driven by left-right or European integration contestation?

West European Politics
Karlsson, Christer; Mårtensson, Moa; Persson, Thomas - Department of Government Uppsala University

Combating climate change through the welfare state:: can social insurance boost support for carbon taxes in Europe?

Journal of European Public Policy
Nordbrandt Bergström, Maria; Peterson, Lauri; Mårtensson, Moa; Palme, Joakim - Department of Government Uppsala University

Subsidies and the income inequality in the Hungarian wine sector

Wine Economics and Policy
Imre Fertő and Stefan Bojnec - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Perceptions and attitudes of the students of Babeș-Bolyai University towards online, face-to-face, and hybrid learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

Journal of Research in Higher Education
Réka Geambașu, Júlia Szabó, Éva László, Valér Veres & Anamaria Bogdan - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS


Judit Berkes, Ildikó Egyed, Szilárd Rácz - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Enlargement at All Costs? A View from Hungary

Enlargement and the Future of Europe
Veronika Czina, Tamás Szigetvári & Gábor Túry - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

A potential framework for cross-zonal reserve procurement on European power exchanges based on robust optimization

Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
Dániel Divényi a, Ádám Sleisz et al - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Climate Change, Pressures, and Adaptation Capacities of Farmers: Empirical Evidence from Hungary

József Lennert, Katalin Kovács, Bálint Koós, Nigel Swain, Csaba Bálint, Eszter Hamza, Gábor Király, Katalin Rácz, Monika Mária Váradi, András Donát Kovács - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

External implications of the circular economy transition of the Netherlands and the EU

Nadia Ashraf, Daniel Adeniyi, Jeske van Seters - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Repackaging Imperialism The EU – IOM border regime in the Balkans

Border Wars Briefing
Nidžara Ahmetašević, Manja Petrovska, Sophie-Anne Bisiaux, and Lorenz Naegel - Transnational Institute TNI

The role of narratives in the discourse on energy security of the European Commission: The EU's transition in energy relations with Russia

he Extractive Industries and Society
Zbyněk Dubský, Lukáš Tichý - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

Links Between the Balkan Far-Right and the War in Ukraine

Asya Metodieva, Michael Colborne - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

(En)Countering epistemic imperialism: A critique of “Westsplaining” and coloniality in dominant debates on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Tereza Hendla, Olga Burlyuk, Mila O’Sullivan, Aizada Arystanbek - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

NextGenerationEU and the Future of the European Monetary Union: Shifting Interests and New Fractures in the German Power Bloc

Journal of Common Market Studies
Etienne Schneider - Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna

Digital cultural policy in Croatia

Book: Digital Transformation and Cultural Policies in Europe
Aleksandra Uzelac, Jaka Primorac, Barbara Lovrinić Higgins - Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)

Atlanticism After the Cold War – Between Changing Strategic Environment and Conflicting Theoretical Frameworks

Journal: Balkan Social Science Review
Sandro Knezović - Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)

Revitalizing Rural Tourism: A Croatian Case Study in Sustainable Practices

Journal: Sustainability
Marina Funduk, Ivana Biondić, Abra Lea Simonić - Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)

Smart water management in Europe: lessons from Spain - Frugality, adaptation, mitigation and resilience

Carlos Alfonso Sánchez, Fernando Prieto del Campo, Raúl Estévez - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

What role for young people in the AU-EU partnership?

Sara Gianesello, Hilda Milka Koyier - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

‘My Parents Told Me to Love My Country’: Positionalities of Second-Generation Diaspora Eritreans in a Transnational Setting

Journal: Globalizations
Nicole Hirt - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Migrant Lives. Experiences of ʿAlawiness in Germany

Open Access Book
Erkan Tümkaya - Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut (ABI)

Spearhead?: Spain, Europe and the battle for the global South

Luis Simon - Real Instituto Elcano

Digital Transformation and Cultural Policies in Europe

Open access book
Ole Marius Hylland, Jaka Primorac - Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)
Through case studies of seven European countries and the analysis of EU digital cultural policy, this open access book investigates what happens when cultural policy gets changed and challenged by digital culture. Based on a thorough discussion of key concepts and analytical perspectives, this collection also offers a unique multi-disciplinary contribution that shows how digital cultural policy is hyperconvergent. These policies contain established ideas of cultural policy – such as democratization, welfare, access, and national, protectionist ideas – brought together within a digital framework, while also adding new cultural policy tools and instruments, such as digital standards, international regulations, directives, etc.

Converging Interests, Diverging Realities: Arab League–EU Cooperation

GIGA Focus Middle East
Mona Saleh - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

The European Union’s Governance Approach to Tackling Disinformation – protection of democracy, foreign influence, and the quest for digital sovereignty

L'Europe en Formation
Matthias Kachelmann, Wulf Reiners - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Can European foreign aid motivate people to stay in Africa?

Lars Engberg-Pedersen, Ida Marie Savio Vammen & Hans Lucht - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Balcani Occidentali – Europa: una relazione complicata

Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale (CeSPI)

Gender Equality Under Attack: Unmasking Opposition to the Istanbul Convention in the European Parliament

Amber Hanselaer - Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS - UGent)

The Global Gateway at two: Implementing EU strategic ambitions

Chloe Teevan, San Bilal - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The new EU development policy shifts in practice: Views from Kenya and Cameroon

Amandine Sabourin, Katja Sergejeff, Alexei Jones - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Trouble in paradise: The EU-Africa partnership in a geopolitical context

Lidet Tadesse Shiferaw, Mariella Di Ciommo - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Spatial patterns of manufacturing sectors and digitalisation in Hungary in the age of Industry 4.0

European Planning Studies
Eva Kiss & Balázs Páger - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Decolonising EU Trade Relations with the Global Souths?

Journal of Contemporary European Research
Antonio Salvador M. Alcazar III, Camille Nessel, Jan Orbie - Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS - UGent)

Multilateralism offers advantages for indigenous peoples

Åsa Larsson Blind - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation (DHF)

Acting like a state

In Geoforum
Anastasia Shesterinina - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

New villain enters Danish nature

Kirstine Crenzien Pedersen, RUC Communication & Press - Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University (RUC)

Everyday migration hierarchies: negotiating the EU’s visa regime

International Relations
Paul D. Beaumont, Katharina Glaab - Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric)

Working life of people with disabilities during the Covid-19 pandemic: An interview study conducted in Sweden

Lundälv, Jörgen Eriksson, Magnus Nilsson & Elisabet M. - School of Arts and Communication, University Malmö (K3)

Free Movement versus European Welfare States?: Variations of the Fiscal Effects of EU Migrants across Welfare State Regimes

Politics & Society
Österman, Marcus & Palme, Joakim Search in Di - Department of Government Uppsala University

Comprehensive Health Assessment for Children in Out-of-Home Care: An Exploratory Study of Service Needs and Mental Health in a Norwegian Population

Child Psychiatry and Human Development
Haune, Monica Christine; Nissen, Alexander; Christiansen, Øivin; Myrvold, Trine; Ruud, Torleif; Heiervang, Einar Røshol - Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research NIBR

Despite the energy crisis, Denmark stays committed to sustainable transition

Izabela Surwillo & Veronika Slakaityte - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Arctic climate science is caught in the middle of geopolitical tension

Lin Alexandra Mortensgaard - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

China's role in African sovereign debt: Implications for Europe

Karim Karaki - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Is the Positive Effect of Education on Ethnic Tolerance a Method Artifact? . A Multifactorial Survey Experiment on Social Desirability Bias in Sweden

International journal of public opinion research
Adman, Per Gschwind, Lutz - Department of Government Uppsala University

Exploring Sustainability in Parliamentary Gender Equality Work. Insights from the Swedish Riksdag

NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
Erikson et al - Department of Government Uppsala University

The case for an Africa-Europe trade-climate-development triangle

Bruce Byiers - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

A new cooperation agenda for European Energy Security

Nature Energy
Veronika Slakaityte, Izabela Surwillo, Trine Villumsen Berling - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Truth and Trust Making in Troubled Times: Let’s talk about the EU and Africa

Mayke Kaag - African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL)

‘Ask not what your country can do for you’. Legacies of the Great Recession and the consequences of the ‘trust crisis’

Alia Aghajanian, Rute Martins Caeiro, Eva-Maria Egger, Patricia Justino, Maria C. Lo Bue - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Moving Europe and Africa towards more common ground on climate and energy

Alfonso Medinilla, Afaf Zarkik, Larabi Jaïdi - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Enhancing complaints mechanisms of European development finance institutions

Nadia Ashraf, Karim Karaki, San Bilal - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Integrating a human rights-based approach in European development finance institutions

Cecilia D'Alessandro, Karim Karaki, San-Bilal - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Celebrating Yorkshire Day with conservation and sustainability research

Sustainability Research Institute - Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds (SRI)

Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU 2023

Real Instituto Elcano - Real Instituto Elcano

The European Green Deal as a driver of EU-Latin American cooperation

A. Averchenkova, L. Lázaro Touza, G. Escribano, C. Prolo, S. Guzmán Luna & L.E. Gonzáles - Real Instituto Elcano

From a China strategy to no strategy at all – Exploring the diversity of European approaches

Bernhard Bartsch, Claudia Wessling (eds) - Real Instituto Elcano

Development aid and geopolitics: the EU’s Global Gateway initiative

Ugo Armanini, Mario Esteban, Raquel Jorge, Lara Lázaro, Iliana Olivié, María Santillán O’Shea & Ignacio Urbasos - Real Instituto Elcano

The “Greening” of Empire: The European Green Deal as the EU first agenda

Political Geography
Diana Vela Almeida, Vijay Kolinjivadi, Tomaso Ferrando, Brototi Roy et al. - Institute of Development Policy, University of Antwerp (IOB)

Why is a nature restoration policy essential in Europe?

Agnès Hallosserie - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Spanish Presidency of the EU: driving forward the Green Deal in a period of electoral uncertainty

Nicolas Berghmans - Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)

Raping turtles and kidnapping children: Fantasmatic logics of Scandinavia in Russian and German anti-gender discourse

Nordic Journal of Media Studies
Maria Brock, Tina Askanius - School of Arts and Communication, University Malmö (K3)

Differentiated Implementation of Controls: The Internal Border Regimes of Schengen

Politics and Governance
Johanna Pettersson Fürst - Department of Government Uppsala University