A Prototypical Case in the Making? Challenging Comparative Perspectives on French Aid
European Journal of Development Research
Roots, trees, and the re-enchantment of nature: the French new right’s eco-political utopia
Journal of Political Ideologies
Place-based and people-centred: Principles for a socially inclusive Net Zero transition
Geo: Geography and Environment
The WARFUN taboo
War & Society
Exploring the linkages between farm efficiency, farm environmental performance, and agri-environmental scheme adoption: lessons from France
Journal of Environmental Management
Can preferences for redistribution explain the impact of austerity on political participation? Evidence from the UK
Oxford Bulleting of Economics and Statistics
Exploring the linkages between farm efficiency, farm environmental performance, and agri-environmental scheme adoption: lessons from France
Journal of Environmental Management
Challenges in accelerating net-zero transitions: insights from transport electrification in Germany and California
Environmental Research Letters
The role of narratives in the discourse on energy security of the European Commission: The EU's transition in energy relations with Russia
he Extractive Industries and Society
Are the Effects of Terrorism Short-Lived?
British Journal of Political Science
Estuarine territorialization and the port of Hamburg
Maritime Studies
The Old and the Young: Configurational Niches Amongst Dutch Climate Civil Society Organisations
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations
The Well-Being of Undocumented Migrants in The Netherlands: Learning about Post-Migration Experiences
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies .
Migration as Crisis? German Migration Discourse at Critical Points of Nation-Building
American Behavioral Scientist
Constructing healthcare services markets: networks, brokers and the China-England engagement
Globalisation and Health
Work-Related and Personal Predictors of COVID-19 Transmission: Evidence from the UK and US
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health
Positive, global, and health or environment framing bolsters public support for climate policies
Communications Earth & Environment
The Socio-Economic Impact of Public Policies in the Space Sector in Italy
CIREC Working Papers
Just Transition Frames: Recognition, representation, and distribution in Irish beef farming
Journal of Rural Studies
Sympathizing With the Radical Right: Effects of Mainstream Party Recognition and Control of Prejudice
The Journal of Social and Political Psychology
Potential of drinking water alliances to address nitrate pollution – Experiences from Germany
SOLAW21 Technical background report, FAO
Space invaders and norm-politicians: how the media represent the intersectional identities of Members of Parliament
European Political Science Review
Family figurations in displacement: entangled mobilities of refugees towards Germany and beyond
urnal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Addressing climate goals and the SDGs through a just energy transition? Empirical evidence from Germany and South Africa
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences
What Switzerland can do for biodiversity
Policy options for selected sectors
Depression and labor supply: Evidence from the Netherlands
Economics & Human Biology
Results: 6 to 10 of total 142