Rethinking retrofit: Relational insights for the design of residential energy efficiency policy
Energy Research & Social Science
Household flood resilience in the Nowshera district, Pakistan: A multidimensional analysis.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Perspectives and challenges of marine carbon dioxide removal
Frontiers in Climate
Climate change perceptions and adaptation by Sebei pastoralists in Mount Elgon, Uganda: a qualitative survey
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine
The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act: Climate policy as economic crisis response
Environmental Politics
Imagining change in crisis: Climate imaginaries in activist agenda-settingForthcoming contributions
Theory and Politics in Organization
Climate coercion and resistance
Contemporary South Asia: Book Review "Threatening Dystopias: the Global Politics of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh"
Indigenous peoples, commons and the challenge of sustaining life amid capitalist land grabs
The Journal of Peasant Studies
Investigation of fire regime dynamics and modeling of burn area over India for the twenty-first century.
Novel Remote Sensing Technologies for Natural Hazard Management
Changes and drivers of vegetation productivity in China's drylands under climate change
Environmental Research Letters
People Who Once Had 40 Cattle Are Left Only with Fences: Coping with Persistent Drought in Awash, Ethiopia
European Journal of Development Research
Dynamics of Human–Water Interactions in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania: Insights from Farmers’ Aspirations and Decisions in an Uncertain Environment
European Journal of Development Research
The politics of carbon management in Austria: Emerging fault lines on carbon capture, storage, utilization and removal.
Energy Research & Social Science
Habitability for a connected, unequal and changing world
Global Environmental Change
Multiple pathways towards sustainable development goals and climate targets
Environmental Research Letters
University-Based Researchers as Knowledge Brokers for Climate Policies and Action
European Journal of Development Research
Public opposition to fuel taxes in Europe: how important is social disadvantage and how do welfare regimes compare?
Journal of European Social Policy
Climate risks for displaced populations: a scoping review and research agenda
Journal of Refugee Studies
India's Security and Climate Policy: Navigating the China Challenge
Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs
The chicken or the egg? Spillover between private climate action and climate policy support
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Making Impact Investment a Financing Solution for African Businesses
Open access book
Evidence of thermophilization in Afromontane forests
Nature Communications
Redefine and re-engage: the role of the youth sector in empowering young people to advance just climate action
In: Youth and Democracy in the Climate Crisis
Transforming agricultural research and development systems to meet 21st Century needs for climate action
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Insights on “Attitudes towards chemicals”
OECD Report
Global exposure to climate change at a subnational jurisdiction level
World Development Sustainability
On the acceptance of high carbon taxes in low- and middle-income countries: a conjoint survey experiment
Environmental Research Letters
Global exposure to climate change at a subnational jurisdiction level
World Development Sustainability
Impacts of climate change and vegetation response on future aridity in a Mediterranean catchment
Agricultural Water Management
Making Global Climate Action work for nature and people: Priorities for Race to Zero and Race to Resilience
Environmental Science & Policy
Economic assessment of nature-based solutions to reduce flood risk and enhance co-benefits
Journal of Environmental Management
Climate Litigation in Europe: A Discussion about Emerging Trends in the Context of Principle of Non-Regression
Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica
When Are Carbon Border Adjustment Measures Just?
Political Studies
Carbon Leakage and International Climate Change Law
Transnational Environmental Law
The role of framing and effort in green nudging acceptance
Behavioural Public Policy
The atlas of unburnable oil for supply-side climate policies
Nature Communications
“A game show at the end of the world” The currency of youth in UN climate summitry
Journal of Youth Studies
Indigenous Peoples and local communities report ongoing and widespread climate change impacts on local social-ecological systems
Communications Earth & Environment
Indigenous peoples and green NGOs are surprisingly uneasy allies in the Arctic
In: Greenland in Arctic security
Language, Climate Change, and Cities beyond Capitalism
Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy
How to bridge the last mile in agro-climate service adoption? The importance of farmers’ needs, attitudes and interpersonal relations in understanding impact pathways
Environment, Development and Sustainability
Stakeholder engagement in agro-climate service planning
Climate Services
Modelling mangrove-mudflat dynamics with a coupled individual-based-hydro-morphodynamic model
Environmental Modelling & Software
Designing role-play simulations for climate change decision-making: A step-by-step approach to facilitate cooperation between science and policy
Elsevier Environmental Science & Policy
Functional changes across marine habitats due to ocean acidification
Global Change Biology
Combating climate change through the welfare state:: can social insurance boost support for carbon taxes in Europe?
Journal of European Public Policy
Explaining Perceptions of Climate Change in the US
Leaving Home: Cumulative Climate Shocks and Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa
Environmental and Resource Economics
Climate Change and Critical Agrarian Studies
Open access book
Whose security? Politics, risks and alternatives for climate security practices in agrarian-environmental perspectives
The Journal of Peasant Studies
Farming system change under different climate scenarios and its impact on food security
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
On Debt and climate
Oxford Open Economics
The Old and the Young: Configurational Niches Amongst Dutch Climate Civil Society Organisations
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations
Climate change and coastal megacities: Adapting through mobility
Global Environmental Change
Examining the Czech Presidency’s Role in the Convergence of the EU’s Energy-Climate Agenda
Czech Journal of International Relations
From Climate Change to Sustainable and Inclusive Economies: A Policy Agenda
Critical Sociology
Accelerating emission reduction in Israel: carbon pricing vs. policy standards
Energy Strategy Reviews
Authoritarian environmentalism in Vietnam: The construction of climate change as a security threat
in: Environmental Science & Policy
The political life of mitigation: from carbon accounting to agrarian counter-accounts
The Journal of Peasant Studies
Carbon Farming Training and Welfare: Evidence from Northern Ghana
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 320
The climate change – inequality nexus: towards environmental and socio-ecological inequalities with a focus on human capabilities
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences
Reducing academic flying beyond COVID-19: Drivers, alternatives, and avenues for change
The Geographical Journal
Addressing climate goals and the SDGs through a just energy transition? Empirical evidence from Germany and South Africa
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences
Time for Climate Action? Political Actors’ Uses of Twitter to Focus Public Attention on the Climate Crisis During the 2019 Danish General Election
International Journal of Communication
Assessing the effectiveness of orchestrated climate action from five years of summits
Nature Climate Change
Past and projected climate change impacts on heat-related child mortality in Africa
Environmental Research Letters
Declining vulnerability but rising impacts: the trends of climatic disasters in Nepal
Regional Environmental Change
Stress-testing development pathways under a changing climate: water-energy-food security in the lake Malawi-Shire river system
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A
Results: 1 to 5 of total 378