Migrant labour flows and interconnected agrarian transformations in Southern China
Agriculture and Human Values
A Video Store After the End of the World: Material Speculation & Media Infrastructures Beyond the Cloud
In: Infrastructure Aesthetics
Political Patronage and the Labour Market Experience of High-Skilled Workers: Mixed Methods Evidence from Sierra Leone
European Journal of Development Research
Intertwined precarities: how can vulnerability create a labor relationship?
Dialectical Anthropology
Financial constraints and nonlinearity of farm size growth
Journal of Advances in Managment Research
New trends in the housing market and supply in the urban area of Pécs, Hungary
Risks and Catastrophes Journal
Leapfrogging Manufacturing? Rwanda’s Attempt to Build a Services-Led ‘Developmental State’
European Journal of Development Research
‘Our Backs Are Against the Wall’: The Story of a Bangladeshi Woman Garment Worker in the COVID-19 ‘New Normal’
Work, Employment and Society
The Decline and Levelling Off of Earnings Inequality: Boon or Bane for a Growing Economy?
European Journal of Development Research
A policy for the jobless youth in South Africa
Journal of Development Economics
Migration and Labour
First Impressions Matter: Feeling Welcome and Onward Migration Intentions of Highly Skilled Migrants
Journal of International Migration and Integration
The Devaluation of Essential Work: An Assessment of the 2023 ILO Report
Development and Change
Regional resilience and the network structure of inter-industry labour flows
Journal: Regional Studies
Infrastructure, time and labour: movement and suspension along the Abidjan-Lagos corridor
Territory, Politics, Governance
Regional diversification and labour market upgrading: local access to skill-related high-income jobs helps workers escaping low-wage employment
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
Gains and pitfalls of coalitions: Societal resources as sources of trade union power in Croatia and Poland
European Journal of Industrial Relations
Female Migrants’ Experiences of Labour Market ‘Integration’ in Denmark
in: Immigrant and Asylum Seekers Labour Market Integration upon Arrival: NowHereLand
Depression and labor supply: Evidence from the Netherlands
Economics & Human Biology
Structural Change, Productivity Growth and Labour Market Turbulence in Sub-Saharan Africa
Journal of African Economies
Results: 1 to 5 of total 75