How can relational, decolonial and feminist approaches inform the EU bioeconomy?
Sustainability Science
Making and unmaking the actually existing hegemonic green transition
The Extractive Industries and Society
Place-based and people-centred: Principles for a socially inclusive Net Zero transition
Geo: Geography and Environment
Transforming the rhetoric of Just Energy Transition Partnerships into reality: The devil lies in the details
PLOS Sustainability and Transformation
Green and global? A policy frame analysis of the European Investment Bank’s re-branding from 2018–2023
Journal of Economic Policy Reform
The political economy of energy transitions in Africa: Coalitions, politics and power in Tanzania
Energy Research & Social Science
Making Global Climate Action work for nature and people: Priorities for Race to Zero and Race to Resilience
Environmental Science & Policy
Challenges in accelerating net-zero transitions: insights from transport electrification in Germany and California
Environmental Research Letters
Green bond market practices: exploring the moral ‘balance’ of environmental and financial values
Journal of Cultural Economy
The transition of Ghana's cooling appliance sector to a circular economy via a small wins governance framework
Sustainable Production and Consumption
Power politics: How electric grievances shape election outcomes
Ecological Economics
The criticality of lithium and the finance-sustainability nexus: Supply-demand perceptions, state policies, production networks, and financial actors
The Extractive Industries and Society
What should “we” do? Subjects and scales in the double-bind between energy transition and lithium extraction
The Extractive Industries and Society
An inclusive typology of values for navigating transformations towards a just and sustainable future
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
The green economy as plantation ecology: When dehumanization and ecological simplification go 'green'
Journal of Political Ecology
Turning investments green in bond markets: Qualification, devices and morality
Economy and Society
Just transitions and resilience in contexts of conflict and fragility: the need for a transformative approach
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
The “Greening” of Empire: The European Green Deal as the EU first agenda
Political Geography
Carbon taxation and greenflation: evidence from Europe and Canada
Journal of the European Economic Association
From Climate Change to Sustainable and Inclusive Economies: A Policy Agenda
Critical Sociology
China's leapfrogging in electromobility. A story of green transformation driving catch-up and competitive advantage
Elsevier Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Green and Social Regulation of Second Hand Appliance Markets: the Case of Air Conditioners in the Philippines
Circular Economy and Sustainability
Results: 1 to 5 of total 128