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EADI Book Series

The EADI Global Development Book Series seeks to broaden our understanding of the processes that advance or impede human development, whether from a political, economic, sociological or anthropological perspective.

Development Studies is a multi- and inter-disciplinary field of study, reflecting the multi-disciplinary character of EADI membership. The book series aims to better understand the interplay between social, economic, political, technological, ecological, cultural and gendered aspects of societal change at the local, national, regional and global levels. It focusses on the link between theory, policy and practice.

New formats within the series are also being considered. The first format “From past to present - and vice versa” reminds us that development processes are not ahistorical, gathering papers that draw on historical and contemporary events focussed on a particular region or topic. The second format “From theory to practice - and vice versa” provides a forum for dialogue between academics, policymakers and practitioners. The third “Development roundtable” format serves as a forum where major contributors engage in debate about a specific topic. Original and thought-provoking perspectives based on evidence are encouraged.

The series editors invite manuscripts across all disciplines which address these questions.

Proposals or inquiries at bookproposals(at)

Have a look at the book series factsheet.

EADI Global Development Series (current)

Building Development Studies for the New Millennium

Isa Baud, Elisabetta Basile, Tiina Kontinen & Susanne von Itter - Palgrave Macmillan, Cham -
This book brings together multiple critical assessments of the current state and future visions of global development studies. It examines how the field engages with new paradigms and narratives, methodologies and scientific impact, and perspectives from the Global South. The authors focus on social and democratic transformation, inclusive development and global environmental issues, and implications for research practices. Leading academics provide an excellent overview of recent insights for post-graduate students and scholars in these research areas.

Local Governance, Economic Development and Institutions

Georgina M. Gómez & Peter Knorringa - Palgrave Macmillan, London -
This edited collection examines the interconnections between local governance, economic development and institutions, by focusing on what initiatives work and under what conditions they do so. Using a variety of theories and empirical data, the contributors present evidence from current experiences around the world.

Social Research and Policy in the Development Arena. Critical Encounters

Martin Doornbos - Palgrave Macmillan, London -
The author analyzes the research-policy nexus in development studies, highlighting reciprocal orientations and interactions between the domains of social research and of policy and politics. The study deals with instances where these domains are complementary and geared towards common objectives, but also with others marked by opposing premises. The underlying idea is not to arrive at any 'one best formula', as the interests and objectives of research and researchers on the one hand, and those of politics and policy-makers on the other, are often vastly different and based on contrasting rationales. Instead, Martin Doornbos aims at illustrating potential sources of tension between these respective spheres, tracing the silent battles waged between them while also recognizing instances where research has played a meaningful role vis-à-vis policy - for instance, in bridging informational gaps towards policy deliberation or in assessing policy outcomes. This book therefore seeks to provide a better understanding of the conditions determining conflict and cooperation between policy and social research.
Results: 7 to 9 of total 14

EADI Book Series at Amsterdam University Press (2007–2011)

The New Presence of China in Africa

Meine Pieter van Dijk - Amsterdam University Press -
This book describes China's growing range of activities in Africa, especially in the sub-Saharan region. The three most important instruments China has at its disposal in Africa are development aid, investments and trade policy. The Chinese government, which believes the Western development aid model has failed, is looking for new forms of aid and development in Africa. China's economic success can partly be ascribed to the huge availability of cheap labour, which is primarily employed in export-oriented industries. China is looking for the required raw materials in Africa, and for new marketplaces. Investments are being made on a large scale in Africa by Chinese state-controlled firms and private companies, particularly in the oil-producing countries (Angola, Nigeria and Sudan) and countries rich in minerals (Zambia). Third, the trade policy China is conducting is analysed in China and compared with that of Europe and the United States.

Decentralisation in Africa

A Pathway out of Poverty and Conflict?
Gordon Crawford & Christof Hartmann - Amsterdam University Press -
This volume tackles head-on two crucial issues concerning the relationship between decentralisation and development. In an uncompromising assessment of controversial claims, it provides comprehensive evidence-based analysis and critique of this key policy prescription for Africa. Professor Nancy Thede, Department of Political Science, Quebec University, Montreal "This is a major contribution to the study of decentralisation in Africa as it does not stop at describing intentions, but deals with implementation successes and shortcomings. The balance sheet of intended and unintended effects of a major reform on both poverty and conflict is convincingly established on the basis of a limited number of case studies, comparative analysis and theoretical considerations. Essential reading for both academics and decision-makers in this field. " Andreas Mehler, Institute of African Affairs, Hamburg

EU Development Policy in a Changing World

Challenges for the 21st Century
Andrew Mold - Amsterdam University Press -
"This excellent book, covering the history, present and future of Europe’s relations with developing countries, explores the challenges and problems that determine EU development policy." Professor Frances Stewart, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford "This volume of collected papers provides many interesting insights into the European development strategy, and suggests a major rethink in a number of areas, particularly with regards to allowing developing country more policy space to devise their own policies. The book advances strong arguments that deserve serious attention." Ha-Joon Chang, Reader in the Political Economy of Development, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge
Results: 4 to 6 of total 6

25. Perspectives on European Development Cooperation.
Policy and Performance of Individual Donor Countries and the EU

Editors: Olav Stokke, Paul Hoebink
(March 2005)

24. Food Aid and Human Security

Editors: Edward Clay, Olav Stokke
(June 2000)

23. Regions and Development

Editor: Sheila Page
(January 2000)

22. Policy Coherence in Development Co-operation

Editors: Jacques Forster, Olav Stokke
(September 1999)

21. Latin America and East European Economies in Transition.
A Comparative View

Editor: Claude Auroi
(December 1997)

20. Enterprise Clusters and Networks in Developing Countries

Editors: Meine Pieter van Dijk, Roberta Rabellotti
(February 1997)

19. Multilateralism Versus Regionalism.
Trade Issues after the Uruguay Road

Editors: Meine Pieter van Dijk, Sandro Sideri
(June 1996)

18. Foreign Aid Towards the Year 2000

Editor: Olav Stokke
(May 1996)

17. The Institutional Approach to Labour and Development

Editors: Klárá Fóti, Laurids Lauridsen, Gerry Rodgers
(January 1996)

16. Aid and Political Conditionality

Editor: Olav Stokke
(March 1995)

15. The Role of the State in Development Processes

Editor: Claude Auroi
(November 1992)

14. Evaluating Development Assistance.
Approaches and Methods

Editors: Lodewijk Berlage, Olav Stokke
(July 1992)

13. The 1992 Single European Market and the Third World

Editors: Jati Sengupta, Sandro Sideri
(May 1992)

12. Evaluation Development Assistance:
Policies and Performance (out of print)

Editor: Olav Stokke

11. Food Aid Reconsidered:
Assessing the Impact on Third World Countries

Editors: Edward Clay, Olav Stokke
(December 1991)

10. Industrialization in the Third World:
The Need for Alternative Strategies (out of print)

Editors: Meine Pieter van Dijk, Henrik Secher Marcussen

9. Regional Development Policies in Areas in Decline

Editor: Jaime del Castillo

8. Politics and Economics of East-South Relations

Editor: István Dobozi

7. Trade and Development.
Experiences and Challenges

Editor: Olav Stokke

6. Women in Development Cooperation.
Europe’s Unfinished Business

Editors: Cecilia Andersen and Isa Baud

5. Endogenous Development: a Myth or a Path?
Problems of Economic Self-Reliance in the European Periphery

Editor: Stefan Musto

4. European Development Assistance.
Volume II: Third World Perspectives on Policies and Performance

Editor: Olav Stokke

3. Towards Income Distribution Policies.
From Income Distribution Research
to Income Distribution Policy in LDC’s

Editor: Hans-Peter Nissen

2. Femmes et Développement
ou Les Métamorphoses d’un Developpement au Masculin

Editor: Maria Eliou

1. Emerging Development Patterns:
European Contributions

Editors: István Dobozi, Péter Mándi