Member Benefits for Organisations
Promote your research
Disseminate your work
At EADI, we offer two types of membership for organisations: a basic and a premium membership. You can find out more about the advantages of each type of membership model, as well as the respective annual membership fee structure through our membership factsheet. These benefits are also summarised below:
Basic Members:
- Disseminate your calls for papers, publications, training courses and vacancies via EADI’s communication channels.
Premium Members:
Your events, conferences and news actively promoted in EADI information services and website.
- Your own institutional profile page on the EADI website which gives enhanced visibility to your publications, news and training.
- All updated for you by the EADI Secretariat
EADI: Your voice promoting development studies
- We lobby for the scientific recognition of Development Studies in European countries and advise members in this regard
- We promote quality in development studies, and develop peer review guidelines for Masters' programmes in Europe and worldwide
- We lobby for the integration of social sciences in European programmes such as Horizon2020 with our partner organisation EASSH
- We lobby for a category for development studies in the International Social Science Citation Index
- We publish statements such as "No development without freedom"
...all this in close consultation with our members and partner networks
Contribute to the European debate on development
Basic members:
- Join one of our pan-European, multidisciplinary working groups and benefit from an exchange with peers, or initiate a working group.
- Contribute to the EADI General Conferences and receive registration discounts.
- Make your institute known as important actor in the community
Premium Members:
- Benefit from expert knowledge in building and coordinating project proposals.
Network with European development players
Basic and premium members:
- Network with leading development experts at the annual Directors’ Meeting.
- Stay up to date on the latest project opportunities, studies and updates in European Development Research.
- Get into direct contact with renowned EADI members.
Receive Discounts and Access to EADI Publications
Basic members:
- Receive discounts for EADI Global Development Series books.
- Enjoy a free printed copy of the European Journal of Development Research (EJDR) published five times a year.
Premium Members:
- Receive free copies of EADI Global Development Series books.
- Enjoy online access and a printed copy of the EJDR.
Benefits for Individual and Student Members
- Join one of our pan-European, multidisciplinary working groups.
- Contribute to the EADI General Conferences and receive registration discounts.
- Stay up to date on the latest project opportunities, studies and updates in European Development Research.
- Receive a personal login for free online access to the EJDR.
As an information broker, a platform for networking and a facilitator in building international research projects, EADI is at the forefront of promoting development studies on a European scale.
Networking opportunities at meetings (Directors‘ Meetings and General Conferences) have enabled me to engage with experts and colleagues from a broad range of European countries.
Andy Sumner,
King’s International Development Institute at King’s College London