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Insights into Development Research in Hungary - EADI/KRTK Conference

Venue: Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (KRTK), 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4

Preliminary Programme

09.00 - 09.15:
Welcome (Imre Fertő, general director, KRTK and Henning Melber, president, EADI)

9.15 – 10.30:
Panel 1 (KRTK KTI) – 3 presentations (20 minutes each) and 15 minutes Q&A

Attila Havas: Innovation Studies, Social Innovation, and Sustainability Transitions Research: From mutual ignorance towards an integrative perspective?

Imre Fertő: Impacts of agricultural policy on the Income inequality in agriculture

Miklós Váry:

10.30 - 10.45:
Coffee break

10.45 - 12.00:
Panel 2 (EADI) – 3 presentations (20 minutes each) and 15 minutes Q&A

Henning Melber (president, EADI): Reflections on Development in Development Studies

Andy Summer (King’s College): Plurality, Economics and Development Studies

István Benczes (Corvinus, KRTK VGI) Development studies in Hungary

12.00 – 13.00:

13.00 – 14.00:
Moderated discussion of representatives of EADI and of Hungarian universities and research institutes involved in development studies

(Corvinus, Szegedi Egyetem, TK, CEU, Miskolci Egyetem, PTE, MATE, Pannon Egyetem)

14.00 – 14.30
Coffee break

14.30 – 15.45
Panel 3 (KRTK VGI) – 3 presentations (20 minutes each) and 15 minutes Q&A

Ricz Judit: Brazil’s national champion strategy: Achievements and pitfalls

Peragovics Tamás- Szunomár Ágnes: The role of the Chinese state in shaping the competitiveness of the electric vehicles sector

Sass Magdolna: Heterogeneity of emerging multinationals and the role of the state in their emergence – the case of Czechia and Hungary

15.45 - 16.00:
Break - refreshments

16.00 – 17.15:
Panel 4 (KRTK RKI) – 3 presentations (20 minutes each) and 15 minutes Q&A

Keller Judit, Virág Tünde: Assemblages of local agency for social innovation in peripheral localities

Koós Bálint, Tagai Gergely: (Un-)changing spatial pattern of poverty in Hungary

Gibárti Sára: Humanitarian food assistance to Syrian refugees in Turkey: modalities, challenges, fluctuating cooperation between domestic and international actors

17.15 – 17.30
Closing of the conference