HP10 - Fostering Inclusive Development Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa
Convened by Nicky Pouw (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Marleen Dekker (Leiden University, The Netherlands) and Maggie Leung (University of Amsterdam)
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Although, at the base of this Harvest session is a SI of EJDR on ‘Inclusive Development Policies in SSA’ (September 2022), this session will reflect on its findings to engage with the conference theme on the relevance of ‘temporalities and rhythms of development’. The 10 empirical case studies covered the three broad policy domains of (1) employment in agricultural and industrial value chain development by local entrepreneurs, through multinational businesses or inclusive business models; (2) social protection policies such as social health insurance and cash transfers; and (3) the representation of indigenous ethnic groups and informal sector workers. The key findings point out that pre-existing exclusionary mechanisms remain (partially) in place and these require extra efforts to be overcome. Also, context specific factors and transaction costs curtail the opportunities of the poor to benefit from development policies and programmes. ‘How to put the last first?’ requires more attention to the intermediate steps and timing and sequencing thereof. But also, underlying assumptions need to be scrutinized about whom will manage to access and how, and what side-effects or externalities are created as a result? The panel consists of 5 contributors to the SI, with representation of the case study countries, and is moderated by two convenors who introduce, guide the discussion with the panel and participants in the audience and draw out a collective conclusion.
This panel is organised by the EADI Working Group on Inclusive Development