3585 results:
Zimbabweans want a leader who can build a strong economy, create jobs, and provide a decent living  
Zimbabweans want a leader who can build a strong economy, create jobs, and provide a decent living  
Zimbabwe’s election: what are the parties saying about land, agriculture and rural development?  
Zimbabwe’s election: what are the parties saying about land, agriculture and rural development? Election  
Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung  
ZEF Genscherallee 3  D-53113 Bonn https://www.zef.de/zefhome.html Contact  ZEF's research aims at finding solutions to global development issues. ZEF is an inst  
Zeitenwende – Investing in competencies for transnational cooperation  
Zeitenwende – Investing in competencies for transnational cooperation Transnational cooperation  
Youth-led Preservation of Syriac Orthodox Heritage in Syria  
Youth-led Preservation of Syriac Orthodox Heritage in Syria Youth Western Asia  
Youth aspiring towards the African dream  
Youth aspiring towards the African dream Youth Africa  
Youth Active Citizenship for Decent Jobs: A Handbook for Policy & Practice  
Youth Active Citizenship for Decent Jobs: A Handbook for Policy & Practice Work, Citizenship , Youth  
Young adults and pensioners: too deep a divide  
Young adults and pensioners: too deep a divide Inequality, Youth  
WTO Rulings and the Veil of Anonymity  
WTO Rulings and the Veil of Anonymity European Journal of International Law Trade, World Trade Organization  
WS04 - What Next After the SDGs?  
WS04 - What Next After the SDGs? Mindful that the era of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is drawing to a close, this workshop aims to provide an opportunity for participants at the EADI conf  
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