6469 results:
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'Belarus 2022: the "Bridge" or the "Corpse" on the Road between Russia and Europe’  
'Belarus 2022: the "Bridge" or the "Corpse" on the Road between Russia and Europe’ Geopolitics, War Eastern Europe  
'Digital Cash Transfers from the Perspective of Intended Beneficiaries: A Comparative Exploration of Effectiveness  
'Digital Cash Transfers from the Perspective of Intended Beneficiaries: A Comparative Exploration of Effectiveness Journal: Bath Papers in International Development and Wellbeing Cash transfer  
'Green' Multinationals Exposed: How the energy transition is being hijacked by corporate interests  
'Green' Multinationals Exposed: How the energy transition is being hijacked by corporate interests  
'Land is everything': Reclaiming grabbed indigenous land in Colombia  
'Land is everything': Reclaiming grabbed indigenous land in Colombia Land & Life Stories series Land grabbing Central America  
'Radicalisation' and 'Countering radicalisation': The emergence and expansion of a contentious concept  
'Radicalisation' and 'Countering radicalisation': The emergence and expansion of a contentious concept In: The Routledge Handbook on Radicalisation and Countering…  
'We need a democratic economic strategy to overcome current global crisis': Professor Alfredo Saad-Filho  
'We need a democratic economic strategy to overcome current global crisis': Professor Alfredo Saad-Filho  
'You have to know to wait' Entangling Im/mobilities, Temporalities and Aspirations in Planned Relocation Studies  
'You have to know to wait' Entangling Im/mobilities, Temporalities and Aspirations in Planned Relocation Studies Open Access Book: Entangled Future Im/mobilities Development, Urban Development,…  
‘A bridge to those in need’ Frontline Provider Perspectives on the Accountability of Social Assistance in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq  
‘A bridge to those in need’ Frontline Provider Perspectives on the Accountability of Social Assistance in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Society, Social development, Social protection Asia, Western…  
‘As if the soul returns to the body’: affect, stuckedness, and (in)voluntary return to Nicaragua from Spain  
‘As if the soul returns to the body’: affect, stuckedness, and (in)voluntary return to Nicaragua from Spain Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Refugee Southern Europe, South America  
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