3585 results:
'Belarus 2022: the "Bridge" or the "Corpse" on the Road between Russia and Europe’  
'Belarus 2022: the "Bridge" or the "Corpse" on the Road between Russia and Europe’ Geopolitics, War Eastern Europe  
'Green' Multinationals Exposed: How the energy transition is being hijacked by corporate interests  
'Green' Multinationals Exposed: How the energy transition is being hijacked by corporate interests  
'Land is everything': Reclaiming grabbed indigenous land in Colombia  
'Land is everything': Reclaiming grabbed indigenous land in Colombia Land & Life Stories series Land grabbing Central America  
'We need a democratic economic strategy to overcome current global crisis': Professor Alfredo Saad-Filho  
'We need a democratic economic strategy to overcome current global crisis': Professor Alfredo Saad-Filho  
‘Ask not what your country can do for you’. Legacies of the Great Recession and the consequences of the ‘trust crisis’  
‘Ask not what your country can do for you’. Legacies of the Great Recession and the consequences of the ‘trust crisis’ Economic Development, COVID19 Europe  
‘By sharing work we are moving forward’: Changing social norms around men’s participation in unpaid care work in Northern Uganda  
‘By sharing work we are moving forward’: Changing social norms around men’s participation in unpaid care work in Northern Uganda Work  
‘Creature of statute’: Legal bureaucracy and the performance of professionalism in Johannesburg  
‘Creature of statute’: Legal bureaucracy and the performance of professionalism in Johannesburg Critique of Anthropology Law  
‘Delangokubona’ and the distribution of rents and opportunity  
‘Delangokubona’ and the distribution of rents and opportunity An exploration of tensions over race-based policies of redress and redistribution in South Africa Southern Africa  
‘Faith for rights’ in armed conflict: lessons from practice  
‘Faith for rights’ in armed conflict: lessons from practice Human rights, Conflict, Religion  
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