‘There is no compulsion in marriage’. Divorce and gendered change in Afghanistan during the Islamic Republic
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
Gender, Women, Religion
Central Asia
‘Those with big phones have the upper hand’: Political, Gender and Digital Exclusions in Cash and Voucher Assistance in North East Nigeria
Inclusive Development, Economy, Cash transfer, Gender,…
‘We are not Drug Traffickers, We are Colombian Peasants’: The voices and history of cocaleros in the substitution programme of illicit crops in Colombia
Food & Agriculture
South America
‘When the Numbers Stop Adding’: Imagining Futures in Perilous Presents Among Youth in Nairobi Ghettos
European Journal of Development Research
Security, Society, Violence, Vulnerability, Youth
‘You are Still a Guest in This Country!’: Understanding Racism through the Concepts of Hospitality and Hostility in Healthcare Encounters in Sweden
In: Sociology
Northern Europe
"Amar beton khub e kom": The Role of Commercial Recruitment Intermediaries in Reinforcing Gendered and Racialised Inequalities
Zanj: The Journal of Critical Global South Studies
"Delicate and embarassing": U.S. loans to suppress Haitian independence
Debt, Geopolitics
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