3585 results:
(In)decent work for youth in agro-industrial value chains in Uganda  
(In)decent work for youth in agro-industrial value chains in Uganda Work Africa  
(Mis)adventures in the former Soviet Union with the WHO  
(Mis)adventures in the former Soviet Union with the WHO  
(R)evolution? Exploring the potential of post-development approaches for reforming development cooperation  
(R)evolution? Exploring the potential of post-development approaches for reforming development cooperation Post-development  
(Un)learning EU development policy through post-colonial lenses  
(Un)learning EU development policy through post-colonial lenses When reading the fresh manuscript of the special issue of Global Affairs on ‘Development and International Partnerships in the EU’s ext  
(Un)sustainable Lives  
(Un)sustainable Lives Sustainability  
(Un)Sustainable Lives  
(Un)Sustainable Lives Sustainability  
#4: Life under the Taliban  
#4: Life under the Taliban Central Asia  
#6: Life under the Taliban - Discrimination Against Hazaras in the Taliban’s Afghanistan  
#6: Life under the Taliban - Discrimination Against Hazaras in the Taliban’s Afghanistan Central Asia  
#GlobalJustice: Learning and activism through social media  
#GlobalJustice: Learning and activism through social media In an era of ‘Fake News’ and polarised mainstream media, is social media educating young people or exacerbating misconceptions on global inj  
$1 trillion in the shade  
$1 trillion in the shade  
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