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EADI Member Publications

Here you find a selection of the latest publications of our members. Although far from being comprehensive, this overview showcases the broad variety of our members’ work and gives some inspirations for your reading list. You can as well search the publication collection by keywords, regions, or publication types. This selection is updated constantly.

Results: 31 to 40 of total 5785

Rural Youth Aspirations in the Face of Environmental, Economic and Social Pressures: Transformation in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta

European Journal of Development Research
Michael Coleman, Sang Thanh Le, Nhu Huynh Mao et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Four Years after the Coup the EU Should Increase Support for Myanmar’s Resistance

GIGA Focus Asia
Richard Roewer - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Emotional Priming for Sustainable Consumption?: The Effects of Social Media Content on the Valuation of Chocolate

Anette Ruml, Stefan Pahl, Liza von Grafenstein et al. - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

LGBT Rights and Freedom of Conscience in Tunisia, between Islamic Norms and Individual Rights

Tommaso Virgili - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Explaining Sender–Receiver Gaps in Signalling: Australia’s ‘Pacific Step-up’ and Solomon Islands’ Multi-Alignment

British Journal of Politics and International Relations
Patrick Köllner - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Measuring the Business Case for Workforce Nutrition Programmes

Evert-jan Quak, Christina Nyhus Dhillon et al. - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Growth and Development in the Presence of Absolute Poverty

Wilhelm Loewenstein - Institute of Development Research and Development Policy (IEE)

On a transformation of the Gini coefficient into a well-behaved social welfare function.

Oded Stark - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

Local and regional food production diversity are positively associated with household dietary diversity in rural Africa.

Nature Food
Thanh-Tung Nguyen & Matin Qaim - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

Bridging the Work Governance Divide: Pluralism and Performance.

European Management Review
Gustavo Magalhães de Oliveira, Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes, Wilson Aparecido Costa de Amorim et al. - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF
Results: 31 to 40 of total 5785