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EADI Member Publications

Here you find a selection of the latest publications of our members. Although far from being comprehensive, this overview showcases the broad variety of our members’ work and gives some inspirations for your reading list. You can as well search the publication collection by keywords, regions, or publication types. This selection is updated constantly.

Results: 11 to 20 of total 5785

Artificial Intelligence, Biodiversity & Energy: From a Resource-Intensive to a Symbiotic Tech

Amir Lebdioui, Angel Melguizo & Victor Muñoz - Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House (ODID)

KIX EMAP Comparative Study on Inclusive Education Practices: The Cases of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia

Jekatyerina Dunajeva - Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training NORRAG

Ukubaluleka kobuchwepheshe : Ethical AI as a Tool for Decolonizing South Africa’s Early Childhood Development Sector

Nkosana Sithole kaMiya - Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training NORRAG

African Perspectives: Paving the road to the Second World Summit for Social Development

Jalal Abdel-Latif, Brenda Aleesi, Laura Alfers et al. - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Latin American and Caribbean Perspectives: Paving the Road to the Second World Summit for Social Development

Alberto Arenas de Mesa, Karina Batthyany, Carlos Barba et al. - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Asian Perspectives: Paving the Road to the Second World Summit for Social Development

Munkh-Ulzii Batmunkh, Joy Chavez, Mehrinaz El Awady et al. - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

How are civil society organisations affected by the backlash against sexual and gender rights?

Sofia Kahma - Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA)

Ghana's democracy stress tested – three milestones passed: women remain severely underrepresented

Diana Højlund Madsen & George M. Bob-Milliar - Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

Advancing transformative adaptation through social equity: Land, water and food systems in the Global South

Current Research in Environmental Sustainability
Eleanor Fisher, Jon Hellin, Mary Ng'endo - Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)
Results: 11 to 20 of total 5785