Climate change perceptions and adaptation by Sebei pastoralists in Mount Elgon, Uganda: a qualitative survey
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine
Competing aspirations and contestations at Isiolo International Airport, Kenya
In: Contested Airport Land. Social-Spatial Transformation and Environmental Injustice in Asia and Africa
Open Access Book
Education desires and conflict impacts in refugees’ decisions to leave
Migration Studies
Dangerous liaisons: navigating women's land rights and disputes
Open access book
Refugee journey infrastructures: Exploring migration trajectories from South Sudan to Uganda
Population, Space and Place
Situational Analysis of Groundwater Resources in Kenyan Drylands, Case study of Turkana County
International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics
The effects of a risk-based approach to tax examinations: evidence from a tax pilot programme in Tanzania
International Tax and Public Finance
The political economy of energy transitions in Africa: Coalitions, politics and power in Tanzania
Energy Research & Social Science
The economic lives of refugees
World Development
Diversity and heterogeneity of smallholder vegetable farming systems and their impact on food security and income in Malawi
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
New perspectives on multiple fuel use: Energy flexibility in household cooking solutions in Tanzania
Energy Research & Social Science
Who is Being Left Behind? Participatory Exclusion of Marginalized Groups in Kenya
Sexuality and Gender Studies Journal
Exploitation, patriarchy and petty commodity production: class, gender and neocolonialism in rural eastern Uganda
Review of African Political Economy
Do petroleum price fluctuations under price deregulation cause business cycles in Ghana?
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management
Continuities and changes in electoral authoritarianism: evidence from Ethiopia
Regional & Federal Studies
Settler Ecologies and the Future of Biodiversity: Insights from Laikipia, Kenya
Conservation and Society
Cash transfers and micro-enterprise performance: Theory and quasi-experimental evidence from Kenya
Journal of Development Economics
Depression, violence and socioeconomic outcomes among refugees in East Africa: evidence from a multicountry representative survey
Depression, violence and socioeconomic outcomes among refugees in East Africa: evidence from a multicountry representative survey
“The cake is in Accra”: a case study on internal migration in Ghana
Canadian Journal of African Studies
Leaving No One Behind: Prospects for User-Owned Urban Water Utilities in Kenya
Public Works Management & Policy
Pre-colonial centralization and tax compliance norms in contemporary Uganda
Journal of Institutional Economics
Leaving No One Behind: Prospects for User-Owned Urban Water Utilities in Kenya
Public Works Management & Policy
Climate Change Adaptation and the Water–Energy–Food Nexus in Tanzania: Policy Trends and Smallholder Livelihoods
Progress in Development Studies
Climate Change Adaptation and the Water–Energy–Food Nexus in Tanzania: Policy Trends and Smallholder Livelihoods
Progress in Development Studies
Association between Livestock Ownership and Malaria Incidence in South-Central Ethiopia: A Cohort Study
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Tensions of Modernity: Privilege, Precarity, and Colonial Nostalgia among European Security Contractors in East Africa
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Somali Refugees, Informality, and Self-initiative at Local Integration in Ethiopia and Kenya
Journal on Migration and Human Security
Understanding the Determinants of Aspirations in Rural Tanzania: Does Financial Literacy Matter?
The European Journal of Development Research
Household behavior and vulnerability to acute malnutrition in Kenya
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume
Designing diversified renewable energy systems to balance multisector performance
Nature Sustainability
Practising organizational autonomy at the community level. Evidence from advocacy projects in Uganda and Vietnam
In: Reimagining Civil Society Collaborations in Development (Open Access Book)
The evolution of inequality in Mozambique
Humanitarian diplomacy as Turkey’s national role conception and performance: evidence from Somalia and Afghanistan
Southeast European and Black Sea Studies
Exploring Financing for Green-Tech SMEs in East Africa: Current Trends and Risk Appetite
Digital Development Working Papers
Coffee, child labour, and education: Examining a triple social–ecological trade-off in an Afromontane forest landscape
International Journal of Educational Development
Digital platforms and job search
Experimental evidence from Mozambique
Contested Sustainability
The Political Ecology of Conservation and Development in Tanzania
Family figurations in displacement: entangled mobilities of refugees towards Germany and beyond
urnal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
"Together at the heart": familial relations and the social reintegration of ex-combatants
International Peacekeeping
The many faces of Post-Development: alternatives to development in Tanzania, Iran and Haiti
Sustainability Science
The Political Economy of ‘Specialism’ in Tanzania
How to make Export Processing Zones work via conditional special licensing
The Impact of Social Assistance Programmes in a Pandemic: Evidence from Kenya
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy
Determinants of clove exports in Zanzibar
Implications for policy
Site-specific agronomic information and technology adoption: A field experiment from Ethiopia
Journal of Development Economics
Global connections
Somali diaspora practices and their effects
Mozambique – neither miracle nor mirage
Review of African Political Economy
The impact of COVID-19 on consumption poverty in Mozambique
Journal of International Development
Against the grain? A historical institutional analysis of access governance of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in Ethiopia
The Journal of World Intellectual Property
Results: 1 to 5 of total 212