When ‘best practice’ means formalising: foreign large-scale land investments on customary tenure in Uganda and Sierra Leone
Review of International Political Economy
Competing aspirations and contestations at Isiolo International Airport, Kenya
In: Contested Airport Land. Social-Spatial Transformation and Environmental Injustice in Asia and Africa
Contested airport lands in the Global South
In: Contested Airport Land. Social-Spatial Transformation and Environmental Injustice in Asia and Africa
Financial constraints and nonlinearity of farm size growth
Journal of Advances in Managment Research
Agricultural land use change and its drivers in the Sudanese Ethiopian borderland: the case of Al-Fashaga region
Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes
Dangerous liaisons: navigating women's land rights and disputes
Open access book
Impacts on Rural Community Development and Governance by Different Land Ownership: A Comparative Study Based on Two Villages in China
European Journal of Development Research
Land commoning in deagrarianized contexts: Potentials for agroecology?
Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene
The lucky and unlucky daughter: Gender, land inheritance and agrarian change in Ratanakiri, Cambodia
Journal of Agrarian Change
Legalizing illegalities? Land titling and land tenure security in informal settlements
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
Legalizing illegalities? Land titling and land tenure security in informal settlements
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
Credit, land and survival work in rural Cambodia: Rethinking rural autonomy through a feminist lens
Journal of Agrarian Change
The value of so-called ‘failed’ large-scale land acquisitions
Land Use Policy
Results: 1 to 5 of total 43