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From India Stack to EuroStack: Reconciling approaches to sovereign digital infrastructure

Chloe Teevan, Raphael Pouyé, Gautam Kamath - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Megatrends and the Future of Democracy in Africa. How Do the Youth Bulge, Urbanization and Digitalization Shape African Politics?

Christine Hackenesch Lena Gutheil Tobias Heidland et al. - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

What Does a Good Digital Welfare State Look Like?

Becky Faith, Kevin Hernandez - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Digital transformation for a sustainable future: insights from Brazil's civil service

Sven Grimm, Wulf Reiners, Mara Braun et al. - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

The EU needs a clear pitch for its human-centric approach to digital transformation

Sabine Muscat - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Data protection is poor for African farmers who use digital services: Kenya and Ghana cases highlight gaps.

The Conversation
H. Baumüller, B Chichaibelu - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

The Discursive Struggle for Digital Sovereignty: Security, Economy, Rights and the Cloud Project Gaia-X

Journal of Common Market Studies
Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

La Generación Z frente a la desinformación: percepciones y prácticas en la era digital

Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico
Cristóbal Fernández Muñoz et al. - Red Española de Estudios del Desarrollo (REEDES) Red Española de Estudios del Desarrollo (REEDES)

The DX4D Illusion: Results from a Stakeholder Survey on Digital Transformation for Development

Richard Heeks, Bookie Ezeomah, Gianluca Iazzolino et al. - Global Development Institute (GDI)

Twin transition trade based on multi-dimensional economic complexity

Mercedes Menéndez De Medina - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Cyber Challenges and Modern Diplomacy

Daryna Abbakumova - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

‘Those with big phones have the upper hand’: Political, Gender and Digital Exclusions in Cash and Voucher Assistance in North East Nigeria

Becky Faith, Tony Roberts, ‘Gbenga Sesan - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Cross-border data flows in Africa: Continental ambitions and political realities

Melody Musoni, Poorva Karkare, Chloe Teevan - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Philippine President Embraces Global Alliances to Push Digitalisation

Tetiana Schipper - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

The Digitalisation of Social Protection in Africa: The Perspective of Marginalised Workers

Becky Faith, Tony Roberts, Laura Alfers et al. - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Digitalisation in Education: Can AI Bridge India’s Digital Divide?

K. K. Roy - Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training NORRAG

The evolving profile of new entrants in agriculture and the role of digital technologies

OECD Working Paper
M. Campi, M. Asai, J. McFadden, E. Pindado, A. Rosburg - OECD Development Centre OECD/DC

More than ones and zeros: How the EU can partner with Africa on digital literacy

Sabine Muscat, Stephanie Arnold - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Data Extraction, Data Governance and Africa–Europe Cooperation: A Research Agenda

Megatrends Africa
Benedikt Erforth - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Moving towards smarter social contracts? Digital transformation as a driver of change in state–society relations in the MENA region

Mediterranean Politics
Tina Zintl, Annabelle Houdret - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Checklist for Digital-Transformation-for-Development (DX4D) Research

Global Development Institute (GDI)

Ready for the Digital Era? A Comparative Analysis of Hungary and Romania in the Field of Digital Policy

Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning
Magdalena Drăgan, Réka Horeczki, Gabriela Munteanu - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Financing inclusive digital transformation under the EU Global Gateway

San Bilal, Chloe Teevan, Klaus Tilmes - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The geopolitics of digital literacy and skills cooperation with Africa

Ennatu Domingo, Sabine Muscat, Stephanie Arnold, Maëlle Salzinger, Pria Chetty - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Digital disruption and displacement

Forced Migration Review
Emily Arnold-Fernández, Catherine Meredith (edt.) - Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House (ODID)

Digitalisation of State Services in Bangladesh

Caroline Khene, Kevin Hernandez - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

BETT as a Global Agenda: Colonizing Futures and Affective Ideologies

Pravindharan Balakrishnan - Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training NORRAG

EdTech from the Perspective of Edtech Firms and Investors

Lulu Shi - Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training NORRAG

Humanitarian hacking: When big tech companies want to solve refugee crises

Journal of Refugee Studies
Sofie Henriksen - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Expanding horizons: the role of digital methods in development research

Stephanie Debere - Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House (ODID)

Digital IDs and Digital Payments – Opportunities and Challenges for Tax Administration

Fabrizio Santoro, Wilson Prichard, Giulia Mascagni - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Science organizations in the digital age

Nick Scott (lead) - International Science Council ISC

Senegal's digital skills initiatives should have equity in mind

Ennatu Domingo, Maëlle Salzinger - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Synergising digital public infrastructure and digital commons for sustainable development

Vy Dang, Aliasger Bootwalla, Eva Lynders, Wulf Reiners - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

A Relational Work Perspective on the Gig Economy: Doing Creative Work on Digital Labour Platforms

Work, Employment and Society
Alacovska, Ana; Bucher, Eliane; Fieseler, Christian - Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)

Are Trade Rules Undermining Taxation of the Digital Economy in Africa?

Karishma Banga, Alexander Beyleveld - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Can we bring digitalisation and the environment together? Agenda and coalitions beyond techno-fix illusions

Simone Lucatello, Wulf Reiners - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

EU-AU cooperation on cross-border digital services and trade

Chloe Teevan, Melody Musoni - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Education governance and digitization: inherent conflicts and potential safeguards for a new social contract

Lara Patil - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

The minerals essential to the energy and digital transitions: An opportunity for Africa?

Philippe BOSSE, Julien GOURDON, Hugo LAPEYRONIE, Emilie NORMAND - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Digital cultural policy in Croatia

Book: Digital Transformation and Cultural Policies in Europe
Aleksandra Uzelac, Jaka Primorac, Barbara Lovrinić Higgins - Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)

Digital Transformation of Academic Publishing: A Call for the Decentralization and Democratization of Academic Journals

Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Michel Avital - Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)

Digital Transformation and Cultural Policies in Europe

Open access book
Ole Marius Hylland, Jaka Primorac - Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)
Through case studies of seven European countries and the analysis of EU digital cultural policy, this open access book investigates what happens when cultural policy gets changed and challenged by digital culture. Based on a thorough discussion of key concepts and analytical perspectives, this collection also offers a unique multi-disciplinary contribution that shows how digital cultural policy is hyperconvergent. These policies contain established ideas of cultural policy – such as democratization, welfare, access, and national, protectionist ideas – brought together within a digital framework, while also adding new cultural policy tools and instruments, such as digital standards, international regulations, directives, etc.

Digital ID systems in Africa: Challenges, risks and opportunities

Melody Musoni, Ennatu Domingo, Elvis Ogah - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Spatial patterns of manufacturing sectors and digitalisation in Hungary in the age of Industry 4.0

European Planning Studies
Eva Kiss & Balázs Páger - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Towards an African digital single market: Opportunities for the AU-EU partnership

Rob Floyd, Melody Musoni - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Interoperability of digital payment systems: Lessons from the East African Community

Ennatu Domingo, Stephanie Arnold, Philomena Apiko - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Green and Digital Futures: Enabling Youth For ‘Just Transitions’

Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

When the digits don’t add up: Research strategies for post-digital peacebuilding

Cooperation and Conflict
Andreas T Hirblinger - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Digitalisation and Labour Markets in Developing Countries

Katharina Fietz, Jann Lay - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Digital Skills in the Global South: Gaps, Needs, and Progress

Katharina Fietz, Jann Lay - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Digital Citizenship in Africa. Technologies of Agency and Repression

Open access book
Tony Roberts, Tanja Bosch (eds.) - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
Since the so-called Arab Spring, citizens of African countries have continued to use digital tools in creative ways to ensure that marginalised voices are heard, and to demand for the rights they are entitled to in law: to freely associate, to form opinions, and to express them online without fear of violence or arrest. The authors of this compelling open access volume have brought to life this dramatic struggle for the digital realm between citizens and governments; documenting in vivid detail how citizens are using mobile and internet tools in powerful viral global campaigns to hold governments accountable and force policy change

Digital services and digital trade in the Asia Pacific: an alternative model for digital integration?

Mishra, Neha; Palacio Valencia, Ana Maria - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

After the pandemic storms, digital trade offers LDCs rays of sunshine

Annette Ssemuwemba - OECD Development Centre OECD/DC

How digitalisation and technology empower women working on the ocean and along the Amazon River

Ramona Hägele, Juliana Arcoverde Mansur - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Gender Inclusivity of India’s Digital Financial Revolution for Attainment of SDGs: Macro Achievements and the Micro Experiences of Targeted Initiatives

The European Journal of Development Research
Maren Duvendack, Lina Sonne, Supriya Garikipati - School of International Development, University of East Anglia (DEV)

Towards Digital Transformation for Universal Health Coverage

Bloom, Gerald; Balasubramaniam, Priya; Marin, Anabel; Nelson, Erica; Quak, Evert-jan; Husain, Lewis; Barker, Tom - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Digital de-industrialization, global value chains, and structural transformation. Empirical evidence from low- and middle-income countries

Karishma Banga, Pankhury Harbansh, Surendar Singh - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Global approaches to digital sovereignty: Competing definitions and contrasting policy

Melody Musoni, Poorva Karkare, Chloe Teevan, Ennatu Domingo - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Why the D9+ Group should provide stronger leadership in European digital policy

Oscar Guinea & Philipp Lamprecht - Real Instituto Elcano

Digital Power: State of Power 2023

NIck Buxton et al. - Transnational Institute TNI
Big Tech has concentrated vast economic power with the collusion of states, which has resulted in expanded surveillance, spiraling disinformation and weakened workers' rights. TNI’s 11th flagship State of Power report exposes the actors, the strategies and the implications of this digital power grab, and shares ideas on how movements might bring technology back under popular control.

Building a digital single market: From the EU to Africa

Chloe Teevan - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

G20 – a unique opportunity to advance digital public infrastructure

Liv Marte Nordhaug - OECD Development Centre OECD/DC

Can digitalisation spur growth and close gaps?

Welby Leaman et al. - OECD Development Centre OECD/DC

Ethiopia’s digital economy is blooming, but needs investment

Ennatu Domingo - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The Global Gateway and the EU as a digital actor in Africa

Chloe Teevan, Ennatu Domingo - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Water ATMs and Access to Water: Digitalisation of Off-Grid Water Infrastructure in Peri-Urban Ghana

Godfred Amankwaa,Richard Heeks and Alison L. Browne - Global Development Institute (GDI)

Digital geopolitics in Africa: Moving from strategy to action

Chloe Teevan, Lidet Tadesse Shiferaw - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Cooperation, technology and digital transformation: The case of Arab countries

Professor Dr. Samia Satti Osman Mohamed Nour - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Mobile phones on mobile fields: co-producing knowledge about migration and violence

Antropologia Pubblica
Nina Khamsy - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Digital platforms and job search

Experimental evidence from Mozambique
Sam Jones & Kunal Sen - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Policy Insights: The Digitalisation of Education

Numa Hopkins, A. and M. V. Faul (eds.) - Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training NORRAG

The Global Gateway: A recipe for EU geopolitical relevance?

Chloe Teevan, San Bilal, Ennatu Domingo, Alfonso Medinilla, - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

What is digital social science? Challenges and opportunities of digitalization for the social sciences

Henrik Wiig & Yuri Kasahara - Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research NIBR

Strengthening the EU-AU digital agenda: The potential of e-justice

Robert Okello - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The Platform Economy: Opportunities and risks

Jane Pocock (ed.) - International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)

The rise of hybrid diplomacy: from digital adaptation to digital adoption

International Affairs
Corneliu Bjola & Ilan Manor - Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House (ODID)

Digital platform work and occupational safety and health: overview of regulation, policies, practices and research

Karolien Lenaerts et al. - Higher Institute for Labour Studies (HIVA)

The Need for a Digital Safe Haven for Ukraine

Raquel Jorge Ricart - Real Instituto Elcano
Results: 1 to 5 of total 80