Comprehensive social protection programming: what is the potential for improving sanitation outcomes?
Journal of Development Effectiveness
Access to Social Protection Among People with Disabilities: Mixed Methods Research from Tanahun, Nepal
European Journal of Development Research
Social Protection and Social Cohesion in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
Can Integrated Social Protection Programmes Affect Social Cohesion? Mixed-Methods Evidence from Malawi
European Journal of Development Research
Disentangling the Relationship Between Social Protection and Social Cohesion: Introduction to the Special Issue
European Journal of Development Research
Microsimulation approaches to studying shocks and social protection in selected developing economies
Economic Analysis and Policy
‘Our Backs Are Against the Wall’: The Story of a Bangladeshi Woman Garment Worker in the COVID-19 ‘New Normal’
Work, Employment and Society
Innovative business models for cultural tourism
Open Access
How Inclusive are the Local Economic Impacts of Social Protection in Uganda?
European Journal of Development Research
The Poverty Reduction Effect of Social Protection: The Pros and Cons of a Multidisciplinary Approach
European Journal of Development Research
The Impact of the Disability Allowance on Financial Well-Being in the Maldives: Quasi-experimental Study
European Journal of Development Research
Reimagining Social Protection
IDS Bulletin
Winners and losers: Class dynamics and social protection in Pakistan
International Journal of Social Welfare
Integrating Environmental Justice into Child-Sensitive Social Protection: The Environmental Roots of Intergenerational Poverty in Amazonia
European Journal of Development Research
Negotiating de facto borders: the case of social services provision in Abkhazia and Transnistria
Eurasian Geography and Economics
Cash transfers and micro-enterprise performance: Theory and quasi-experimental evidence from Kenya
Journal of Development Economics
A Socially Just Transformation Through Integrated Social Protection ‘Plus’ Programming
Think7: Research-based policy recommendations for the G7
The Impact of Social Assistance Programmes in a Pandemic: Evidence from Kenya
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy
The Politics of Distributing Social Transfers
State Capacity and Political Contestation in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Results: 1 to 5 of total 103