The Handbook of Iraqi People’s Heritage
Open access book
Regulating female embodiment as disciplining citizens: the biopolitics of Islamic governance in Iran and Afghanistan
International Journal of Cultural Policy
‘Making Religion’ as a Form of State Territorialisation in Southeastern Myanmar
The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies
Legalised resistance to autocratisation in common law Africa
Third World Quarterly
Why we should revitalize indigenous water harvesting systems: Lessons learned
International Soil and Water Conservation Research
Caring consumption and sustainability: Insights from household provisioning in the first ten years of motherhood
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Towards a Development and Development Studies of Liberation
European Journal of Development Research
Is the Study of Development Humiliating or Emancipatory? The Case Against Universalising ‘Development’
European Journal of Development Research
Indigenous peoples, commons and the challenges of sustaining life amid capitalist land grabs
Journal of Peasant Studies
Agronomy and (in)equity: Lead, engage or ignore?
Outlook on Agriculture
Comprehensive social protection programming: what is the potential for improving sanitation outcomes?
Journal of Development Effectiveness
A Video Store After the End of the World: Material Speculation & Media Infrastructures Beyond the Cloud
In: Infrastructure Aesthetics
Imagining change in crisis: Climate imaginaries in activist agenda-settingForthcoming contributions
Theory and Politics in Organization
Innovative Business Models for Cultural Tourism : Advancing Development in Peripheral Locations.
In: Innovative Cultural Tourism in European Peripheries
Where Is the Patriarchy? : A Review and Research Agenda for the Concept of Patriarchy in Management and Organization Studies.
Gender, Work & Organization
Pensar América
Pensadores latinoamericanos en diálogo
Sociología crítica cosmopolita
Trayectorias, diálogos y figuraciones
Significados y usos de un concepto político fundamental
The craft of meaningful stakeholder engagement in social science research: Lessons from a Research Project on Leadership and (In)equality in Greenland
Free Access Chapter In The Routledge Handbook on Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement
Indigenous peoples, commons and the challenge of sustaining life amid capitalist land grabs
The Journal of Peasant Studies
The Social Aesthetics of Digital Diplomacy
International Political Sociology
Additive and Multiplicative Effects of Different Forms of Positive and Negative Indirect Intergroup Contact in Predicting Intergroup Attitudes
International Journal of Intercultural Relations
New trends in the housing market and supply in the urban area of Pécs, Hungary
Risks and Catastrophes Journal
Open Access Book
El Antropoceno como crisis múltiple : Perspectivas desde América Latina.
Volumen I. Uso de la tierra
Learning to Co-operate: Youth Engagement with the Co-operative Revival in Africa
European Journal of Development Research
Increasing the Power of the Poor? NGO-led Social Accountability Initiatives and Political Capabilities in Rural Uganda
European Journal of Development Research
How Mothers in Poverty Explain Their Use of Corporal Punishment: A Qualitative Study in Kampala, Uganda
European Journal of Development Research
Men’s Involvement in a Parenting Programme to Reduce Child Maltreatment and Gender-Based Violence: Formative Evaluation in Uganda
European Journal of Development Research
Poor Children in Rich Households and Vice Versa: A Blurred Picture or Hidden Realities?
European Journal of Development Research
Access to Social Protection Among People with Disabilities: Mixed Methods Research from Tanahun, Nepal
European Journal of Development Research
Development Within a Religious Ontology? The Argument from Islamic Dharma
European Journal of Development Research
Generational Bargain, Transfer of Disadvantages and Extreme Poverty: A Qualitative Enquiry from Bangladesh
European Journal of Development Research
Introduction: Development, Young People, and the Social Production of Aspirations
European Journal of Development Research
Education, Aspiration and aage badhna: The Role of Schooling in Facilitating ‘Forward Movement’ in Rural Chhattisgarh, India
European Journal of Development Research
‘When the Numbers Stop Adding’: Imagining Futures in Perilous Presents Among Youth in Nairobi Ghettos
European Journal of Development Research
Farming, Gender and Aspirations Across Young People’s Life Course: Attempting to Keep Things Open While Becoming a Farmer
European Journal of Development Research
Fiscal Policy, Multidimensional Poverty, and Equity in Uganda: A Child-Lens Analysis
European Journal of Development Research
Gender Gaps in Market Participation Among Individual and Joint Decision-Making Farm Households: Evidence from Southern Ethiopia
European Journal of Development Research
What’s the Story on Agriculture? Using Narratives to Understand Farming Households’ Aspirations in Meru, Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
Roads to Change: Livelihoods, Land Disputes, and Anticipation of Future Developments in Rural Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
Collective Capacity to Aspire? Aspirations and Livelihood Strategies in the Zambezi Region, Namibia
European Journal of Development Research
Do Tar Roads Bring Tourism? Growth Corridor Policy and Tourism Development in the Zambezi region, Namibia
European Journal of Development Research
Who Wants to Farm? Answers Depend on How You Ask: A Case Study on Youth Aspirations in Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
‘I Just Keep Quiet’: Addressing the Challenges of Married Rohingya Girls and Creating Opportunities for Change
European Journal of Development Research
‘No One Should Be Terrified Like I Was!’ Exploring Drivers and Impacts of Child Marriage in Protracted Crises Among Palestinian and Syrian Refugees
European Journal of Development Research
‘People Consider Us Devils’: Exploring Patterns of Exclusion Facing Adolescents with Disabilities in Ethiopia
European Journal of Development Research
‘I Dream of Going Home’: Gendered Experiences of Adolescent Syrian Refugees in Jordan’s Azraq Camp
European Journal of Development Research
‘Do Poor People’s Dreams Ever Come True?’ Educational Aspirations and Lived Realities in Urban Slums in Dhaka, Bangladesh
European Journal of Development Research
Changing Patterns of Commercial Sex Work Amongst Adolescent Girls in Nepal: The Role of Technology
European Journal of Development Research
No One Left Behind: Using Mixed-Methods Research to Identify and Learn from Socially Marginalised Adolescents in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
European Journal of Development Research
Intersectionality as a Framework for Understanding Adolescent Vulnerabilities in Low and Middle Income Countries: Expanding Our Commitment to Leave No One Behind
European Journal of Development Research
‘If She’s Pregnant, then that Means that Her Dreams Fade Away’: Exploring Experiences of Adolescent Pregnancy and Motherhood in Rwanda
European Journal of Development Research
‘I Wish Someone Would Ask Me Questions’: The Unheard Voices of Adolescents with Disabilities in Jordan
European Journal of Development Research
Work and Rural Livelihoods: The Micro Dynamics of Africa’s ‘Youth Employment Crisis’
European Journal of Development Research
Beyond the Annual and Aggregate Measurement of Household Inequality: The Case Study of Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
Friend or Patron? Social Relations Across the National NGO–Donor Divide in Ghana
European Journal of Development Research
Long-Lasting, But Not Transformative. An Ex-post Sustainability Study of Development Interventions of Private Development Initiatives
European Journal of Development Research
Female and Male Community-Level Empowerment: Capability Approach-Based Findings for Rural India
European Journal of Development Research
Social Protection and Social Cohesion in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
Highways to Hell? Paths Towards the Formal Financial Exclusion: Empirical Lessons of the Households from Northern Hungary
European Journal of Development Research
Can Integrated Social Protection Programmes Affect Social Cohesion? Mixed-Methods Evidence from Malawi
European Journal of Development Research
Disentangling the Relationship Between Social Protection and Social Cohesion: Introduction to the Special Issue
European Journal of Development Research
Research–Practice–Collaborations in Engineering
European Journal of Development Research
Microsimulation approaches to studying shocks and social protection in selected developing economies
Economic Analysis and Policy
‘Our Backs Are Against the Wall’: The Story of a Bangladeshi Woman Garment Worker in the COVID-19 ‘New Normal’
Work, Employment and Society
Innovative business models for cultural tourism
Open Access
Revealing the Diversity and Complexity behind Long-Term Income Inequality in Latin America: 1920–2011
The Journal of Economic History
Procesos de transición alimentaria. Aprendizajes y sugerencias
Open Access Book
La Generación Z frente a la desinformación: percepciones y prácticas en la era digital
Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico
Empresas sociales e inclusión laboral de las mujeres con discapacidad. Las mujeres con discapacidad en los Centros Especiales de Empleo de la Comunidad Valenciana
CIRIEC-España Revista De economía Pública, Social Y Cooperativa
Habitability for a connected, unequal and changing world
Global Environmental Change
Inequality perception and preferences globally and locally
The Journal of Economic Inequality
Making and unmaking the actually existing hegemonic green transition
The Extractive Industries and Society
Elite Incomes Around the World: Command over Tradables, Nontradables and Labour
Journal of Economic Inequality
Pensar la universidad
Instituciones, actores y utopía. Textos reunidos de Pedro Krotsch (1993-2009)
'You have to know to wait' Entangling Im/mobilities, Temporalities and Aspirations in Planned Relocation Studies
Open Access Book: Entangled Future Im/mobilities
How Inclusive are the Local Economic Impacts of Social Protection in Uganda?
European Journal of Development Research
The Poverty Reduction Effect of Social Protection: The Pros and Cons of a Multidisciplinary Approach
European Journal of Development Research
Trends in Subjective Income Poverty Rates in the European Union
European Journal of Development Research
COVID-19 Effects on Public Finance and SDG Priorities in Developing Countries: Comparative Evidence from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
European Journal of Development Research
Evaluating Research for Development: Innovation to Navigate Complexity
European Journal of Development Research
The Impact of the Disability Allowance on Financial Well-Being in the Maldives: Quasi-experimental Study
European Journal of Development Research
‘Mind the Gaps’: Exploring Regional and Gender Patterns in Threats to Ethiopian Adolescents’ Bodily Integrity
European Journal of Development Research
Valuing the 'neighbourhood': Responding to Racialised Post-War Development in Slave Island, Colombo
European Journal of Development Research
The Decline and Levelling Off of Earnings Inequality: Boon or Bane for a Growing Economy?
European Journal of Development Research
Centring Race: Unpacking Informality Through the Lens of Black Tax
European Journal of Development Research
Politics on the stock market?: Political investorism as a form of political participation
International Political Science Review
Post-Extractivist Horizons in Latin America: Between Utopias and Struggles for Re-Existence Against Neo-Extractivism
Sociological Research Online
Education for Societal Transformation: Alternatives for a Just Future
NORRAG Special Issue 10
A policy for the jobless youth in South Africa
Journal of Development Economics
Place-based and people-centred: Principles for a socially inclusive Net Zero transition
Geo: Geography and Environment
Public opposition to fuel taxes in Europe: how important is social disadvantage and how do welfare regimes compare?
Journal of European Social Policy
Reimagining Social Protection
IDS Bulletin
Zakat, Non-state Welfare Provision and Redistribution in Times of Crisis: Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic
Studies in Comparative International Development
Advocacy coalitions as political organizations
Policy & Society
Can Jihadis’ Strategic Interests Trump Their Ideology? Foreign Support and Insurgent Survival in Syria
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism
The chicken or the egg? Spillover between private climate action and climate policy support
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Caste Aside? Names, Networks and Justice in the Courts of Bihar, India
European Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
State-led gentrification against the backdrop of Urban Authoritarian Practices
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Civilian and Caring Masculinities and the Questions of Justice in Kashmir
In: Masculinities and Queer Perspectives in Transitional Justice (open access)
Long-Term Effects of Childhood Exposure to War on Domestic Violence
The European Journal of Development Research
Stay home: Mapping the new domestic regime
Economy and Society
Conceptualising global cultural transformation – Developing deep institutional scenarios for whole of society change
Environmental Research Letters
The role of institutional and political factors in attracting Chinese and Russian multinationals to the Visegrad countries
Journal: Politics in Central Europe – The Journal of the Central European Political Science Association
Driving towards a just transition? The case of the European car industry
Journal: Energy Research & Social Science
Take-up and labor supply responses to disability insurance earnings limits
Journal: Labour Economics
Public support and willingness to pay for a carbon tax in Hungary: can revenue recycling make a difference?
Journal: Energy, Sustainability and Society
Poor housing quality and the health of newborns and young children
Journal: Scientific reports
Comparative moves: the pursuit of value and belonging in transnational migration toward a “better life”
Ethnic and Racial Studies
Escrituras de lo posglobal en América Latina
Futuros especulativos entre colapso y convivialidad
Constructing Chinese Spaces in Mexico City: The Case of the Viaducto Piedad Neighbourhood
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
The 2019 Chilean Social Upheaval: A Descriptive Approach
Journal of Politics in Latin America
The merger of populations as a revision of comparison space: Repercussions for social stress and income inequality
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy
Ukraine in Popular Culture
Czech Journal of International Relations
Mosques and Meeting Rooms: Professional Lives of Muslim Women
International Quarterly for Asian Studies
La sociedad del cuidado y políticas de la vida
Open access book
Inconsistent choices among adolescents in El Salvador
PsyArXiv Preprints
Global Economic Observe
Online repression and transnational social movements: Thailand and the #MilkTeaAlliance
Political Research Exchange
Reimagining language: towards a better understanding of language by including our interactions with non-humans.
Linguistics in the Netherlands
Caught in the crossfire: understanding the impact of conflict on young people’s lives in Ethiopia
The showability of policing: How police officers’ use of videos in organizational contexts reproduces police culture
European Journal of Criminology
Fear-anger contests: Governmental and populist politics of emotion
In: Online Social Networks and Media
Introduction: Rethinking global value chains and corporate social responsibility
in: Rethinking Global Value Chains and Corporate Social Responsibility
Results: 1 to 5 of total 304