Needs and Satisfiers: A Tool for Dealing with Perspectivity in Policy Analysis
European Journal of Development Research
Employment Responses to EU Food Safety Regulations: A Gendered Perspective
European Journal of Development Research
Strengthening the Resilience of Vulnerable Communities: Results from a Quasi-experimental Impact Evaluation in Coastal Bangladesh
European Journal of Development Research
Negotiating Unsustainable Food Transformations: Development, Middle Classes and Everyday Food Practices in Vietnam
European Journal of Development Research
On- and Off-Farm Diversification and Travel Time to Markets: Linkages to Food Security in Rural Ethiopia
European Journal of Development Research
What Drives Africa’s Inability to Comply with EU Standards? Insights from Africa’s Institution and Trade Facilitation Measures
European Jorunal of Development Research
Public Expenditure’s Role in Reducing Poverty and Improving Food and Nutrition Security: Cross-Country Evidence from SPEED Data
European Journal of Development Research
Diversity and heterogeneity of smallholder vegetable farming systems and their impact on food security and income in Malawi
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Private service provision contributes to widespread innovation adoption among smallholder farmers: Laser land levelling technology in northwestern India
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy
Farming system change under different climate scenarios and its impact on food security
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
Deep-sea fisheries as resilient bioeconomic systems for food and nutrition security and sustainable development
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Measuring the end of hunger: Knowledge politics in the selection of SDG food security indicators
Agriculture and Human Values
Africa’s Food Security under the Shadow of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
The Strategic Review for Southern Africa
Russia's invasion of Ukraine jeopardizes food security in Africa
Shocks to global food supply chains could lead to social and political unrest. Policy Note
Higher and more volatile food prices
Complex implications of the Ukraine war and the Covid-19-pandemic
Results: 26 to 30 of total 78