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Regulating female embodiment as disciplining citizens: the biopolitics of Islamic governance in Iran and Afghanistan

International Journal of Cultural Policy
Arash Beidollahkhani - Global Development Institute (GDI)

Positionality and Knowledge Production on Conflict-Related Sexual Violence against Men and Boys in (Counter-) Terrorism

International Studies Perspectives
Emeka Thaddues Njoku, Joshua Akintayo, Idris Mohammed - International Development Department, University of Birmingham (IDD)

Feminist Institutionalism and Ethnography: Crafting Research from a Diverse Methodological Menu

Politics & Gender
Michal Grahn, Cherry M. Miller - Department of Government Uppsala University

Gendered violence and insecurity in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh – new insights and ways forward

Syeda Rozana Rashid, Benjamin Etzold, Anas Ansar - Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut (ABI)

The codification of customary laws in South Africa

OECD - OECD Development Centre OECD/DC

Ireland’s application of the OECD’s framework on masculinities

OECD - OECD Development Centre OECD/DC

Coloniality In queer asylum: towards theorising ‘colonial surveillance’ and its resistances

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Marie Lunau, Rieke Schröder - Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University (RUC)

Routledge Handbook of Gender and Water Governance

Open access book
Tatiana Acevedo-Guerrero, Lisa Bossenbroek, Irene Leonardelli, Margreet Zwarteveen, Seema Kulkarni (eds.) - International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)

Breadwinners and caregivers: Examining the global relationship between gender norms and economic behavior

Scottish Journal of Political Economy
Markus Goldstein, Paula Gonzalez, Talip Kilic, Sreelakshmi Papineni, Philip Wollburg - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Gender, Misogyny and Far-Right Extremism

Tina Askanius - School of Arts and Communication, University Malmö (K3)

Caring consumption and sustainability: Insights from household provisioning in the first ten years of motherhood

Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Kate Burningham and Sue Venn - Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP)

Hell, or Heaven – “The crisis in the country is so severe that it’s hard to believe

First results from a new research project of Ákos Bodor, Márk Hegedüs and Péter Szegedi
Bodor, Ákos – Hegedüs, Márk – Szegedi, Péter (PTE) - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies CERS

Female Agency and Colonial Repression: Memory and Archives in Tunisia

PD Dr Nora Lafi - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Integrating gender in social learning approaches for agriculture and land management research and implementation projects.

Peter Asare-Nuamah, David Anaafo, Constance Akurugu et al. - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

Mapping the patriarchy in conservation

NPJ BIodiversity
Leonie Bossert, Tom Crompton, Anwesha Dutta, Joni Seager - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Where Is the Patriarchy? : A Review and Research Agenda for the Concept of Patriarchy in Management and Organization Studies.

Gender, Work & Organization
Nicole Capriel Ferry - Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)

What about Gender Equality in the EU's External Action?

Alexandra Rosén - Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC)

Afghan Women's Campaign to Recognize Gender Apartheid as a Crime Against Humanity

Nazila Jamshidi - Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC)

Gender parity in the making: Promoting equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems

Federica Cristani, Elisa Fornalé, Riccarda Heepen - Institute of International Relations (IIR)

The craft of meaningful stakeholder engagement in social science research: Lessons from a Research Project on Leadership and (In)equality in Greenland

Free Access Chapter In The Routledge Handbook on Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement
Mette Apollo Rasmussen - Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University (RUC)

CoP on Gender & Tax Explores Gendered fiscal incidence analysis and tax-benefit microsimulation models

Daisy Attu et al. - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Gendered effects of climate and conflict shocks on food security in Sudan and the mitigating role of social protection

Aysegül Kayaoglu et al. - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Links between rural electrification and gendered off-farm employment in sub-Saharan Africa.

Jessy Amarachi Ezebuihe, Martin Parlasca, Matin Qaim - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

Understanding drought adaptation mechanisms from a gender perspective in Modogashe Ward, Kenya

Climate Risk Managment
Julius M. Huho et al. - Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

Midwife-led quality improvement: Increasing the use of evidence-based birth practices in Uganda

Johanna Blomgren et al. - Swedish Development Research Network SweDev

A comprehensive analysis of gender dynamics in organizations: Integrating social, structural and individual dimensions

M. Hundera, H. L. M. Mudde - Expert Centre on Emerging Economies, Maastricht School of Management

Faith-sensitive Approaches to Gender Equality and Empowerment

International Partnership on Religion and Development PaRD

Ending Violence Against Women: An Intersectional Approach to Policy Change

United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Una mujer muere cada 10 minutos a manos de su pareja u otro familiar

K. Batthyány - The Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO

Inequality in financial risk protection in health among displaced populations: The case of Venezuelan women in Brazil

SSM - Health Systems
Iván Ochoa-Moreno, Rodrigo Moreno-Serra - Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre, University of York (IGDC)

What Do We Know About The Patterns and Determinants of Female Entrepreneurship Across Countries?

European Journal of Development Research
Maria Minniti, Wim Naudé - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

How Mothers in Poverty Explain Their Use of Corporal Punishment: A Qualitative Study in Kampala, Uganda

European Journal of Development Research
Nicola Boydell, Winifred Nalukenge, Godfrey Siu et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Men’s Involvement in a Parenting Programme to Reduce Child Maltreatment and Gender-Based Violence: Formative Evaluation in Uganda

European Journal of Development Research
Godfrey E. Siu, Daniel Wight, Janet Seeley et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

From Working in the Wheat Field to Managing Wheat: Women Innovators in Nepal

European Journal of Development Research
Cathy Rozel Farnworth, Tahseen Jafry, Kanchan Lama et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Insecurity, Dispossession, Depletion: Women’s Experiences of Post-War Development in Myanmar

European Journal of Development Research
Jenny Hedström, Elisabeth Olivius - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Participation in and Gains from Traditional Vegetable Value Chains: a Gendered Analysis of Perceptions of Labour, Income and Expenditure in Producers’ and Traders’ Households

European Journal of Development Research
Gundula Fischer, Nicolas Patt, Justus Ochieng et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Farming, Gender and Aspirations Across Young People’s Life Course: Attempting to Keep Things Open While Becoming a Farmer

European Journal of Development Research
Roy Huijsmans, Aprilia Ambarwati, Charina Chazali et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Gender Gaps in Market Participation Among Individual and Joint Decision-Making Farm Households: Evidence from Southern Ethiopia

European Journal of Development Research
Girma Gezimu Gebre, Hiroshi Isoda, Dil Bahadur Rahut et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

From Working in the Fields to Taking Control. Towards a Typology of Women's Decision-Making in Wheat in India

European Journal of Development Research
Cathy Rozel Farnworth, Tahseen Jafry, Preeti Bharati et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Women’s Changing Opportunities and Aspirations Amid Male Outmigration: Insights from Makueni County, Kenya

European Journal of Development Research
Mary Crossland, Ana Maria Paez Valencia, Tim Pagella et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

‘I Just Keep Quiet’: Addressing the Challenges of Married Rohingya Girls and Creating Opportunities for Change

European Journal of Development Research
Silvia Guglielmi, Khadija Mitu, Jennifer Seager - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

‘The School Was Closed, So When They Brought Me A Husband I Couldn’t Say No’: Exploring the Gendered Experiences of Child Marriage Amongst Adolescent Girls and Boys in Ethiopia

European Journal of Development Research
Guday Emirie, Nicola Jones, Meti Kebede - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

‘No One Should Be Terrified Like I Was!’ Exploring Drivers and Impacts of Child Marriage in Protracted Crises Among Palestinian and Syrian Refugees

European Journal of Development Research
Bassam Abu Hamad, Samah Elamassie, Erin Oakley et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

‘I Dream of Going Home’: Gendered Experiences of Adolescent Syrian Refugees in Jordan’s Azraq Camp

European Journal of Development Research
Jude Sajdi, Aida Essaid, Clara Miralles Vila et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

‘If She’s Pregnant, then that Means that Her Dreams Fade Away’: Exploring Experiences of Adolescent Pregnancy and Motherhood in Rwanda

European Journal of Development Research
Ernestina Coast, Marie Merci Mwali, Roberte Isimbi et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Employment Responses to EU Food Safety Regulations: A Gendered Perspective

European Journal of Development Research
Fatima Olanike Kareem, Olayinka Idowu Kareem - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Female and Male Community-Level Empowerment: Capability Approach-Based Findings for Rural India

European Journal of Development Research
Melinda Schmidt, Harald Strotmann, Jürgen Volkert - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

The Dynamics and Role of Gender in High-Value Avocado Farming in Kenya

European Journal of Development Research
Beatrice Muriithi, Jane Kabubo-Mariara - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Big man politics and multi-party rule call for new gender plans

Amanda Gouws, Diana Højlund Madsen - Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

Violence against women in Ethiopia: Reflections from a research programme

Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Empresas sociales e inclusión laboral de las mujeres con discapacidad. Las mujeres con discapacidad en los Centros Especiales de Empleo de la Comunidad Valenciana

CIRIEC-España Revista De economía Pública, Social Y Cooperativa
Manuel Francisco Salinas Tomás, Elena Mut Montalva - Red Española de Estudios del Desarrollo (REEDES) Red Española de Estudios del Desarrollo (REEDES)

Who has economic capabilities? Credit, gender, and informal self-employment in Indonesia

Namira Samir, David Lawson - Global Development Institute (GDI)

Building Solidarities: Gender Justice in a Time of Backlash

Chung-Ah Baek, Deepta Chopra, Jerker Edström et al. - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Rosario Aguirre. Antología Esencial

Cuidados en agenda : género, trabajo y uso del tiempo
K. Batthyány, [Coord.], R. Aguirre. [Author] - The Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO

Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement: A Brief Review and Introduction to the Special Issue

Tilman Brück, Lucia C. Hanmer, Jeni KLugman, Diana J. Arango - International Security and Development Center gGmbH (ISDC)

The Double Burden of Female Protracted Displacement: Survey Evidence on Gendered Livelihoods in El Fasher, Darfur

Wolfgang Stojetz, Tilman Brück - International Security and Development Center gGmbH (ISDC)

Social gains or losses? Evidence from dairy systems under alternative herd health management practices in Kenya.

Kevin W. Maina, Martin C. Parlasca, Elizaphan J.O. Rao - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

Gender and Disability: The Experiences of Microaggressions Against Women with Disabilities in the Philippines

European Journal of Development Research
Christelle Juin Reduta Ancha - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Reproductive Governance in a Fragile and Population-Dense Context: Family Planning Policies, Discourses, and Practices in Burund

European Journal of Development Research
Joëlle Schwarz, René Manirakiza & Sonja Merten - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Including Men in a Female Financial Model: An Analysis of Informal Grassroots Financial Associations

European Journal of Development Research
Linda Nakato - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

‘Mind the Gaps’: Exploring Regional and Gender Patterns in Threats to Ethiopian Adolescents’ Bodily Integrity

European Journal of Development Research
Elizabeth Presler-Marshall, Nicola Jones, Sarah Baird et al. - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

International Rewards for Gender Equality Reforms in Autocracies

American Political Science Review
Sarah Sunn Bush, Daniela Donno, Pär Zetterberg - Department of Government Uppsala University

“Time to Abandon Swedish Women”: Discursive Connections Between Misogyny and White Supremacy in Sweden

Journal of International Communication
Tina Askanius, Maria Brock, Anne Kaun, Anders Olof Larsson - School of Arts and Communication, University Malmö (K3)

Dangerous liaisons: navigating women's land rights and disputes

Open access book
Dolphine Isinta - African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL)
This book examines the experiences of women entangled in land disputes in Kenya. It illustrates women’s vulnerability to land disputes and demonstrates how men exploit their positions of authority to manipulate existing institutions to deprive women of their land rights. These women contend with violence and social exclusion in unclear land dispute resolution structures. While formal courts are more likely to safeguard women’s land rights, the process is often arduous, costly, and often tainted by corruption.

What did they say? Respondent identity, question framing, and the measurement of employment

Rosa Abraham, Nishat Anjum, Rahul Lahoti, Hema Swaminathan - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

La temática de género estuvo ausente de la discusión electoral en Uruguay

K. Batthyány - The Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO

Birth order and transition into adulthood in Madagasca

Francesca Marchetta, Claire Ricard - Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI)

Women negotiating peace: A step toward durable peace?

Julika Holdmann, Dennis Lucy Avilés Irahola, Katharina Löhr - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

Under the shadow of legality: A shadow hauntology on the legal construction of the Women, Peace and Security agenda

Leiden Journal of International Law
Juliana Santos de Carvalho - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

‘Those with big phones have the upper hand’: Political, Gender and Digital Exclusions in Cash and Voucher Assistance in North East Nigeria

Becky Faith, Tony Roberts, ‘Gbenga Sesan - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Global Clean Energy Policy and the Inclusion of Women and Youth

Kathryn Cheeseman - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Key considerations: Female genital mutilation among Sudanese displaced populations in Egypt

Meral Marouf, Jennifer Palmer - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Girls and women (rural) are the backbone of food systems

Patricija Virtič - Slovenian NGDO Platform for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (SLOGA)

Why we need public power and energy democracy for feminist futures

Lavinia Steinfort - Transnational Institute TNI

From the closet to spotlight: the rising tide of lesbian, gay and bisexual political candidacies

Journal of European Public Policy
Michal Grahn - Department of Government Uppsala University

When the State Doesn’t love you back: Navigating identities as a Nigerian woman

Emaediong Akpan - International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)

Perceived abilities and gender stereotypes within the household: experimental evidence from Bangladesh

Carlotta Nani - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

From pioneer to leader: paving the way for African women in mathematics

Marie Françoise Ouedraogo - International Science Council ISC

In the face of gender apartheid: Dr. Erfani’s path

Encieh Erfani - International Science Council ISC

Transforming science organizations: The impact of women’s leadership on institutional reform

Mónica Moraes - International Science Council ISC

Navigating Identity: Black French Women and Natural Hair

Justine Noëlle Bosset - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Transnational Intersectionality at Sea: Gender, Appearance, Ethnicity, Age, and Marine Knowledge Production

Ocean and Society
Ramona Hägele, Anna-Katharina Hornidge - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Nurturing Transformative Adaptation to Climate Change: A Methodology Guide Centred on Social Equity

P. Petesch, E. Fisher, O. Ebenstål Almeida, J. Hellin, R. Bullock - Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

Peoples’ Manifesto on the Right to Adequate Food and Nutrition

Society for International Development (SID)

Civilian and Caring Masculinities and the Questions of Justice in Kashmir

In: Masculinities and Queer Perspectives in Transitional Justice (open access)
Amya Agarwal - Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut (ABI)

Rethinking the Care Economy and Promoting Gender Equality for All Ages by Reducing and Redistributing Unpaid Care and Domestic Work

Adriana Conconi, Francisco Cos-Montiel, Anna Eknor Ackzell, et al. - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Media and gender: A Nordic perspective

Nordic Journal of Media Studies
Tina Askanius, Jill Walker Rettberg, Eli Skogerbø - School of Arts and Communication, University Malmö (K3)

Use of gynaecological care by young women in Togo: focus on students and analysis of the determinants at the University of Lomé

Public Health
A. Pelissier, A.P. Alowou, E.-H. Atake - Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI)

The Social Reproductive Roots of Agrarian Contention: Gendered Labor amid Peasant Struggles in Tunisia

Dhouha Djerbi - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Casualties of Care a Reflection on Gender, Imperialism and Humanitarian Imaginaries in (Post-) Taliban Afghanistan

Julie Billaud - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Adverse Contagion? Populist Radical Right Parties and Norms on Gender Balance in Political Institutions

Politics and Governance
Josefina Erikson, Cecilia Josefsson - Department of Government Uppsala University

Book Review: Verónica Gago: Für eine feministische Internationale. Wie wir alles verändern

A. Heuser - Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna

Women, Revolution, and Backlash: Igniting Feminist Mobilization in Sudan

Politics & Gender
Liv Tønnessen, Samia Al-Nagar - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Gender gaps in wages and non-monetary benefits: Evidence from Ethiopia’s manufacturing sector

Tigabu D. Getahun, Gebeyehu M. Fetene, Heike Baumüller, Zaneta Kubik - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

Early voting can widen the turnout gap: The case of childbirth

Journal: Electoral Studies
Sirus H. Dehdaria, Mathilde M. van Ditmarsb, Karl-Oskar Lindgrenc, Sven Oskarssonc and Kåre Vernby - Department of Government Uppsala University

The impact of EU gender policy in the NDICI-Global Europe framework

Sara Gianesello, Amandine Sabourin, Katja Sergeje - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Development, Peacebuilding, and Women’s Agency in Northeast India

Amrita Saikia - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Debris: autoethnography, feminist epistemology, ethics, and sexual violence

International Feminist Journal of Politics
Jelke Boesten, Lurgio Gavilán - Department of International Development King’s College London (DID)

Exploitation, patriarchy and petty commodity production: class, gender and neocolonialism in rural eastern Uganda

Review of African Political Economy
Jonathan Pattenden - School of International Development, University of East Anglia (DEV)

Convocatorias de Investigación de CLACSO

The Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO

A Tale of Two Femocrats: Brokering Gender Norms in Addis Ababa

Karmen Tornius - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

What does it mean for climate finance to be gender-responsive?

Gabriela Alberola and Ruth Carlitz - Global Research Programme on Inequality GRIP

Silent Dreams: The Story of an Afghan Educator in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan

Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC)

Rwanda’s Resilient Sisters: Rebuilding a Nation Through Women’s Empowerment

Mariana C. Hernandez-Montilla - Global Development Institute (GDI)

Creating an Oral History Archive of Government Work: The Women in Public Service in Pakistan Project

The Oral History Review
Sana Haroon, Sameen A. Mohsin Ali - International Development Department, University of Birmingham (IDD)

Lessons from a Late Adopter: Feminist Advocacy, Democratizing Reforms, and Gender Quotas in Chile

Journal of Politics in Latin America
Jennifer M. Piscopo, Gwynn Thomas, Peter Siavelis, Magda Hinojosa - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

English-medium education and gender equality policy brief

Anna Kristina Hultgren - The Centre for the Study of Global Development, Open University (CSGD & OU)

Building Trust Through Care: A Feminist Take on Inclusion in Multi-Track Mediation

Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos -

Feminist political economy is essential for understanding inequality

Sara Stevano - SOAS University of London SOAS

Afghan women’s war for gender equality

Horia Mosadiq - Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC)

Mosques and Meeting Rooms: Professional Lives of Muslim Women

International Quarterly for Asian Studies
Claudia Derichs, Faiza Muhammad Din, Manja Stephan-Emmrich (edts.) - German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

How kinship and marriage customs influence nutritional outcomes among males and females

ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy
Elza S. Elmira, Bezawit Beyene Chichaibelu, Matin Qaim - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

Engendering Taxation: a Research and Policy Agenda

Anuradha Joshi, Jalia Kangave, Vanessa van den Boogaard - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Changing Narratives Around Humanitarian Protection and Gender‑Based Violence: An Artistic Journey

Open Access eBook
Jeremy Allouche - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

‘There is no compulsion in marriage’. Divorce and gendered change in Afghanistan during the Islamic Republic

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
Torunn Wimpelmann, Masooma Saadatk - Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Mujeres indígenas y afrodescendientes ante el discurso del derecho moderno

A. Guadalupe and M. Rocha (eds) - The Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO

Waiting and the gendered boundaries of work among India's poor

Economy and Society
Lucy Dubochet - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

The lucky and unlucky daughter: Gender, land inheritance and agrarian change in Ratanakiri, Cambodia

Journal of Agrarian Change
Alice Beban, Joanna Bourke Martignoni - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Gender, education and a global view on the ‘crisis of care’

Saba Joshi - Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre, University of York (IGDC)

Moving towards gender justice

Karen Wong Pérez, Giulia Nicolini - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Women paying the cost of the climate crisis with their wombs: quantifying loss and damage faced by women battling drought, debt and migration

Ritu Bharadwaj , N. Karthikeyan , Ira Deulgaonkar , Arundhati Patil - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

A Concerted Stride Towards Gender Equality in Education

Arushi Terway - Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training NORRAG

Care and Ecofeminism: Consolidating Progress and Building Egalitarian Futures in Latin America

Cecilia Güemes, Francisco Cos Montiel - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Is climate change gender neutral?

Ana Kalin - Slovenian NGDO Platform for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (SLOGA)

Gender and corruption in the access to natural resources: Preliminary findings

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Ortrun Merkle, Matthew Price - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

The gendered burden of care in Sri Lanka’s polycrisis

Iromi Perera - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

1 in every 10 women in the world lives in extreme poverty

International Science Council ISC

Improving gender-responsive innovation: adoption among smallholder farmers in Africa

Sustainable landmanagement Africa Briefing
Theodore Asimeng, Peter Asare-Nuamah, David Anaafo, Tina Beuchelt, Aiveen Donelly, Benjamin Abugri - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Gender studies in development research: a neocolonial agenda?

Dennis Avilés-Irahola, Eva Youkhan - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

Armed conflict and gendered participation in agrifood systems

Piero Ronzani, Wolfgang Stojetz, Tilman Brück - International Security and Development Center gGmbH (ISDC)

The cost of transgender visibility

Sophie Dodsworth - SOAS University of London SOAS

Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) among protracted refugees in Nakivale refugee settlement, Uganda: Addressing gaps in knowledge and responses

Cleophas Karooma, Neema Murembe, Eria Serwajja, Veronica Nakijoba, Sophie Withaeckx, Gily Coene - Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House (ODID)

Gendered Migration in the Global South: An Intersectional Perspective on Inequality

The Palgrave Handbook of South–South Migration and Inequality
Tanja Bastia, Nicola Piper - Global Development Institute (GDI)

Norms that matter: Exploring the distribution of women’s work between income generation, expenditure-saving and unpaid domestic responsibilities in India

World Development
Ashwini Deshpande & Naila Kabee - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

The Effects of Cash Transfers and Cash Plus Programs on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

Denise Hörner, Kathrin Wolf - German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval)

‘I have to pretend that I don’t care’: Stigma management among unmarried young mothers in South-Western Nigeria

Global Public Health
Ayomide Oluseye, Philippa Waterhouse, Lesley Hoggart - The Centre for the Study of Global Development, Open University (CSGD & OU)

Gender differences in the relationship between income inequality and health in China: Evidence from the China Health and Nutrition Survey data

SSM - Population Health
Lin Li - Department of International Development King’s College London (DID)

Researching the Gap: Women in Latin American Political Science

Journal of Politics in Latin America
Benjamin Goldfrank, Yanina Welp - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Informing legislative change to prohibit child marriage in Peru

Young Lives - Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House (ODID)

Gendered Institutions and Where to Find Them: A Critical Realist Approach

Politics & Gender
Michal Grahn - Department of Government Uppsala University


Karmen Tornius - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

African actors in global and regional gender policy spaces

Karmen Tornius & Lars Engberg-Pedersen - Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Explaining Gender Differences in Crowdfunding Contribution Intentions

Technology in Society
Priscilla Serwaah, Rotem Shneor, Samuel Anokye Nyarko, Kristian Roed Nielsen - Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC)

Female education and marriage in Pakistan: The role of financial shocks and marital customs

World Development
Sarah Khan - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Bridging the gap: Mismatch effects and catch-up dynamics under a Brazilian college affirmative action program

Economics of Education Review
Rodrigo Oliveira, Alei Santos & Edson Severnini - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Why a feminist ethics of care and socio-ecological justice lens matter for global, interdisciplinary research on water security

Frontiers in Human Dynamics
Lata Narayanaswamy, Robert Ferritto, Marya Hillesland, Victoria Anker et al. - Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House (ODID)

Gendered perspectives vital for climate finance that supports development goals

Leia Achampong - Development Studies Association (DSA)

With or without him? Experimental evidence on cash grants and gender-sensitive trainings in Tunisia

Journal of Development Economics
Jules Gazeaud, Nausheen Khan, Eric Mvukiyehe, Olivier Sterck - Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI)

Adapting codes of conduct for humanitarian workers to the DRC context can prevent and combat sexual abuse

Patrick Milabyo Kyamusugulwa, Delu Lusambya Mwenebyake - International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)

The gendered nature of poverty: data, evidence and policy recommendations

Francesco Burchi, Daniele Malerba - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Navigating Gender Norms as a Woman in Eastern European Politics

Sarah Vanassche - Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS - UGent)

Gender inequality in cum laude distinctions for PhD students

Thijs Bol - Governance and Inclusive Development, Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (GID)

Casting Gender Light on Authoritarian Legality in China: An Inquiry of Sentencing and Punishment in Rape Cases

Juemarie Jiang - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Making Unpaid WASH Work Visible

Sue Cavill, Chelsea Huggett - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Exploring Sustainability in Parliamentary Gender Equality Work. Insights from the Swedish Riksdag

NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
Erikson et al - Department of Government Uppsala University

Gender as a cause of violent conflict

Elisabeth Prügl - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Still proud at the polls? LGBT+ rights don't dilute the sexuality turnout gap

European Journal of Political Research
Michal Grahn - Department of Government Uppsala University

Gender equality in times of crisis

SIGI 2023 Global report
Multiple - OECD Development Centre OECD/DC

Raping turtles and kidnapping children: Fantasmatic logics of Scandinavia in Russian and German anti-gender discourse

Nordic Journal of Media Studies
Maria Brock, Tina Askanius - School of Arts and Communication, University Malmö (K3)

COVID-19 and Violence Against Women

Rodrigo Moreno-Serra - Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre, University of York (IGDC)

A call to rethink African scholars beyond “local experts”: mobility, race, and gender in Europe

Ethnic and Racial Studies
Linda Musariri, Yvette Ruzibiza , Jasmine Shio , Dilys Amoabeng, Amisah Bakuri - Governance and Inclusive Development, Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (GID)

World Environment Day: Bridging the Gap between Gender and the Environment

Sanjana Rajasekar et al. - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

The implementation of the G7 and G20 gender equality goals in Germany. Update 2023

Axel Berger, Sören Hilbrich, Gabriele Köhler, Yannik Sudermann - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

The International Anti-Gender Movement: Understanding the Rise of Anti-Gender Discourses in the Context of Development, Human Rights and Social Protection

Haley McEwen, Lata Narayanaswamy - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Gender Inclusivity of India’s Digital Financial Revolution for Attainment of SDGs: Macro Achievements and the Micro Experiences of Targeted Initiatives

The European Journal of Development Research
Maren Duvendack, Lina Sonne, Supriya Garikipati - School of International Development, University of East Anglia (DEV)

Exposure to collective gender-based violence causes intimate partner violence

Journal of Development Economics
Wolfgang Stojetz, Tilman Brück - International Security and Development Center gGmbH (ISDC)

Explaining Citizen Hostility against Women Political Leaders: A Survey Experiment in the United States and Sweden

Politics & Gender
Sandra Håkansson - Department of Government Uppsala University

The Gendered Crisis: Livelihoods and Well-Being in India During COVID-19

Feminist Economics
Farzana Afridi, Amrita Dhillon, Sanchari Roy - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Gender equality in EU external action: Mainstreaming women’s economic empowerment

Katja Sergejeff, Mariella Di Ciommo - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Ecofeminism in Brazil: Lessons Learned for Future Research

Fabio Vélez - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Technology, Gender and Inequality in the 21st Century

Francisco Cos-Montiel - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Addressing gendered gaps in digital technology for a just and inclusive transition

Tracy Kajumba - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

The continuum of election violence: Gendered candidate experiences in the Maldives

in: International Political Science Review
Elin Bjarnegård - Department of Government Uppsala University

A scoping review of survey research with gender minority adolescents and youth in low and middle-income countries

Isabel Pike, Cara Kraus-Perrotta, Thoai D. Ngo - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Gender equality in EU external action: Leadership from the EU headquarters

Mariella Di Ciommo, Maëlle Salzinger, Sophie Desmidt, Katja Sergejeff - European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

Women's political agency in difficult settings: Analysis of evidence from Egypt, Nigeria, Mozambique, and Pakistan

Development Policy Review
Sohela Nazneen - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

The politics of knowledge: Feminist strategies for transformation

Dialogues in Human Geography
Wendy Harcourt - International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)

Contours of Feminist Political Ecology

Open Access Book
Wendy Harcourt, Ana Agostino, Rebecca Elmhirst, Marlene Gómez, Panagiota Kotsila (eds.) - International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
Contours of Feminist Political Ecology sets out how feminist theory and practice shape political ecology debates. The book uses innovative methodologies which emerged from the WEGO international network's global activities in the last four years. Each chapter highlights conversations with local communities, social movements, and varied academic spaces on topics ranging from climate change and extractivism to body politics and health, degrowth, care, population and community well-being.

Heterogeneous impact of internet availability on female labor market outcomes in an emerging economy - Evidence from Indonesia

in: World Development
Niken Kusumawardhani et al. - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

A macro analysis of gender segregation and job quality in Latin America

in: World Development
Diksha Arora Elissa Braunstein Stephanie Seguino - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Measuring gender differences in elite behavior through surveys versus observation: what does the comparison reveal?

in: Politics, Groups, and Identities
Dauti Marsela - Department of Government Uppsala University

Civil wars and stumbling of patriarchal societies

The reconstruction of gender relations in post-conflict Liberia
Augustine T. Larmin & Daniel K. Banini - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Subnational gender inequality and childhood immunization: an ecological analysis of the subnational gender development index and DTP coverage outcomes across 57 countries

Johns, Nicole E.; Kirkby, Katherine; Goodman, Tracey; Heidari, Shirin; Munro, Jean; Shendale, Stephanie et al. - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

How to close the gender care gap in Sub Saharan Africa

Madina M. Guloba - OECD Development Centre OECD/DC

Why gender matters for biodiversity conservation

Emily Woodhouse et al. - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

What Does Justice Look Like in a Gender-Just Transition for a New Eco-Social Contract?

Somali Cerise & Laura Turquet - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Community Mobilization as a tool against sexual and gender-based violence in SADC region

UNU-MERIT Working Paper
Choolwe Mphanza Muzyamba - UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Gender gains overshadowed by constitutional violation

Shilla Sintoyia Memusi and Diana Højlund Madsen - Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

Gender gains overshadowed by constitutional violation: an analysis of the situation for women in politics after the 2022 Kenya elections

Memusi Shilla Sintoyia and Madsen Diana Højlund - Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

Changing male perceptions of gender equality: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial study

World Development
Cuong Viet Nguyen & FinnTarp - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

The powers of silence: making sense of the non-definition of gender in international criminal law

Juliana Santos de Carvalho - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Legal empowerment with a gender lens: how women tea farmers in Malawi are claiming their rights

Kumvana Mlumbe Mtukule - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Gender and vulnerable employment in the developing world: Evidence from global microdata

World Development
Maria C.Lo Bue et al. - United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

"Amar beton khub e kom": The Role of Commercial Recruitment Intermediaries in Reinforcing Gendered and Racialised Inequalities

Zanj: The Journal of Critical Global South Studies
Heila Sha & Mohammad Rashed Alam Bhuiyan - Centre for Trust Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR)

Emerging Practice for the Engagement of Men and Boys in WASH

Godfrey Bongomin, Chelsea Huggett et al. - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Credit, land and survival work in rural Cambodia: Rethinking rural autonomy through a feminist lens

Journal of Agrarian Change
Nithya Natarajan, Katherine Brickell - Department of International Development King’s College London (DID)

The Gendered Price of Precarity: Voicing and Challenging Workplace Sexual Harassment

Marjoke Oosterom, Lopita Huq, Victoria Namuggala, Sohela Nazneen, Sohela - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Clean energy access: gender disparity, health, and labor supply

Anjali P. Verma, Imelda - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Mental Health and Gender Inequality in the MENA Region: An Analysis of Shock Related Factors Within the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Anna Spinardi, Nigora Isamiddinova, Irene Clavuo, Kevin Henkens - The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Gender Studies is yet to make its mark among university students in Pakistanuaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan

Findings from a study on perceptions and attitudes towards gender studies among students in Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan.
Rabbia Aslam - International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)

Gendered repertoires of contention: women’s resistance, authoritarian state formation, and land grabbing in Cambodia

International Feminist Journal of Politics
Saba Joshi - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Female entrepreneurship and informality in low- and middleincome countries: what have we learned so far?

MUVA Paper Series
Evert-jan Quak & Iana Barenboim - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Why Covid-19 Recovery Must be Gender-Responsive

Valeria Esquivel - Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Leaving Some Behind? LGBTI Exclusion in Development

Jonathan Stephen - Global Development Institute (GDI)

Strategic Allocation of Development Projects in Post-Conflict Regions: A Gender Perspective for Colombia

Raphael J. Nawrotzki et al. - German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval)
Results: 11 to 15 of total 218