Defining a safe and just operating space for the Norwegian economy
cological Economics
Post-growth: the science of wellbeing within planetary boundaries
The Lancet Planetary Health
Experimental and speculative political ecologies for an age of crisis, hope, and action
Progress in Environmental Geography
Breadwinners and caregivers: Examining the global relationship between gender norms and economic behavior
Scottish Journal of Political Economy
A pharmaceutical policy accident: collision of shareholder capitalism and Chinese state capitalism driving the shortage of an essential antibiotic
Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice
How can relational, decolonial and feminist approaches inform the EU bioeconomy?
Sustainability Science
Fate of biomass inorganic elements during hydrothermal carbonization: an experimental study on agro-food waste
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Intersectionality in good faith: Beyond normative claims and towards practical integration in energy justice research
Energy Research & Social Science
Hell, or Heaven – “The crisis in the country is so severe that it’s hard to believe
First results from a new research project of Ákos Bodor, Márk Hegedüs and Péter Szegedi
Decentering Coloniality: Epistemic Justice, Development Studies and Structural Transformation
European Journal of Development Research
Indigenous peoples, commons and the challenges of sustaining life amid capitalist land grabs
Journal of Peasant Studies
The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act: Climate policy as economic crisis response
Environmental Politics
Competing aspirations and contestations at Isiolo International Airport, Kenya
In: Contested Airport Land. Social-Spatial Transformation and Environmental Injustice in Asia and Africa
Contested airport lands in the Global South
In: Contested Airport Land. Social-Spatial Transformation and Environmental Injustice in Asia and Africa
A Video Store After the End of the World: Material Speculation & Media Infrastructures Beyond the Cloud
In: Infrastructure Aesthetics
Bioeconomy governance in the global South: State of the art and the way forward
Forest Policy & Economics
Innovative Business Models for Cultural Tourism : Advancing Development in Peripheral Locations.
In: Innovative Cultural Tourism in European Peripheries
Crítica de la religión del mercado, humanismo de la praxis y teoría económica
Ensayos en homenaje a Franz J. Hinkelammert
Governing on par with states: Private power and practices of political normalisation
Review of International Studies
Indigenous peoples, commons and the challenge of sustaining life amid capitalist land grabs
The Journal of Peasant Studies
Universities risk becoming tinned food with an expiry date
University World News
Financial constraints and nonlinearity of farm size growth
Journal of Advances in Managment Research
What Do We Know About The Patterns and Determinants of Female Entrepreneurship Across Countries?
European Journal of Development Research
Is China ‘Crowding Out’ South African Exports of Manufactures?
European Journal of Development Research
What Happens When Corporate Ownership Shifts to China? A Case Study on Rubber Production in Cameroon
European Journal of Development Research
Costs, Benefits and the Political Economy of Aid Coordination: The Case of the European Union
European Journal of Development Research
Value Chain Upgrading and the Inclusion of Smallholders in Markets: Reflections on Contributions of Multi-Stakeholder Processes in Dairy Development in Tanzania
European Journal of Development Research
Innovation Trajectories in Developing Countries: Co-evolution of Global Value Chains and Innovation Systems
European Journal of Development Research
Trade, Global Value Chains and Upgrading: What, When and How?
European Journal of Development Research
Leapfrogging Manufacturing? Rwanda’s Attempt to Build a Services-Led ‘Developmental State’
European Journal of Development Research
Are Technology Adoption and Collective Action Important in Accessing Credit? Evidence from Milk Producers in Tanzania
European Journal of Development Research
Sustainable Development Under Competing Claims on Land: Three Pathways Between Land-Use Changes, Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being
European Journal of Development Research
Capturing Value amidst Constant Global Restructuring? Information-Technology-Enabled Services in India, the Philippines and Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
Intersecting Vulnerabilities: The Impacts of COVID-19 on the Psycho-emotional Lives of Young People in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
European Journal of Development Research
Rural Aspirations: Reflections for Development Planning, Design and Localized Effects
European Journal of Development Research
Do Tar Roads Bring Tourism? Growth Corridor Policy and Tourism Development in the Zambezi region, Namibia
European Journal of Development Research
Aspiration Formation and Ecological Shocks in Rural Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
No One Left Behind: Using Mixed-Methods Research to Identify and Learn from Socially Marginalised Adolescents in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
European Journal of Development Research
Intersectionality as a Framework for Understanding Adolescent Vulnerabilities in Low and Middle Income Countries: Expanding Our Commitment to Leave No One Behind
European Journal of Development Research
On the Link Between Managerial Attributes and Firm Access to Formal Credit in Myanmar
European Journal of Development Research
Small Towns and Land Reform in Zimbabwe
European Journal of Development Research
Governance of Eswatini Apparel Regional Value Chains and the Implications of Covid-19
European Journal of Development Research
Can Integrated Social Protection Programmes Affect Social Cohesion? Mixed-Methods Evidence from Malawi
European Journal of Development Research
Disentangling the Relationship Between Social Protection and Social Cohesion: Introduction to the Special Issue
European Journal of Development Research
A decade of outsourcing in health and social care in England: What was it meant to achieve?
Social Policy & Administration
‘Our Backs Are Against the Wall’: The Story of a Bangladeshi Woman Garment Worker in the COVID-19 ‘New Normal’
Work, Employment and Society
Monetary policy and food price inflation: the case of Hungary
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
Making and unmaking the actually existing hegemonic green transition
The Extractive Industries and Society
Elite Incomes Around the World: Command over Tradables, Nontradables and Labour
Journal of Economic Inequality
Fuel subsidy reforms: lessons from the literature and assessing the price shock for different sectors through an input-output table in the case of Angola
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series
Multinationals, Capital Export, and the Inclusive Development Debate in Developing Countries: The Nigerian Insight
European Journal of Development Research
Arab-German Trade and Institutions: The Effect of Good Governance on Arab Exports to Germany
European Journal of Development Research
How Inclusive are the Local Economic Impacts of Social Protection in Uganda?
European Journal of Development Research
Partnerships Blending Institutional Logics for Inclusive Global and Regional Food Value Chains in Ghana; with What Smallholder Effect?
European Journal of Development Research
Trust, Efficient Contracting and Export Upgrading
European Journal of Development Research
COVID-19 Effects on Public Finance and SDG Priorities in Developing Countries: Comparative Evidence from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
European Journal of Development Research
An Ethnographic-Discourse Analysis of the Socio-political Effects of Interaction Between Cash Transfer Programme Authorities, Caregivers and Non-beneficiaries
European Journal of Development Research
From Power Imbalance to Interdependence: A Case Study of the Chadian Sesame Supply Chain
European Journal of Development Research
Price-Setting Power in Global Value Chains: The Cases of Price Stabilisation in the Cocoa Sectors in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana
European Journal of Development Research
The Politics of Who Gets What and Why: Learning from the Targeting of Social Cash Transfers in Zambia
European Journal of Development Research
What Drives Africa’s Inability to Comply with EU Standards? Insights from Africa’s Institution and Trade Facilitation Measures
European Jorunal of Development Research
Can the Dragon Make the Lion Breathe Fire? The Links of Chinese Entrepreneurs in the Addis Ababa Economy
European Journal of Development Research
Smallholder Participation in Modernising Agri-Food Value Chains in Thailand: The Role of Traditional Markets
European Journal of Development Research
Grower Power for Value Creation in High-Value Horticulture? The Case of Citrus in South Africa
European Journal of Development Research
Assessing Structural Transformation and the Potential Impacts of Belt and Road Initiative Projects in Africa
European Journal of Development Research
The Belt and Road Initiative and Dynamics of Structural Transformation
European Journal of Development Research
Diversifying Away from Extractives: The Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese Capital and Industrialisation in the Kyrgyz Republic
European Journal of Development Research
Training Returns Among Informal Workers: Evidence from Urban Sites in Kenya and Tanzania
European Journal of Development Research
The Decline and Levelling Off of Earnings Inequality: Boon or Bane for a Growing Economy?
European Journal of Development Research
Counter-hegemonic ethics for sustainable business
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility
Education for Societal Transformation: Alternatives for a Just Future
NORRAG Special Issue 10
Place-based and people-centred: Principles for a socially inclusive Net Zero transition
Geo: Geography and Environment
Conceptualising Chinese transnational infrastructure projects in Europe and beyond
Progress in Human Geography
How does implementing the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) affect economic growth? Evidence from developing countries
European Journal of Political Economy
The paradox of semiconductors—EU governance between sovereignty and interdependence
Cambridge Review of International Affairs
The Effect of Citizens’ Perception of Governance on Tax Compliance: A Cross-Country Analysis Study for 32 Sub-Saharan African Countries
The European Journal of Development Research
Stay home: Mapping the new domestic regime
Economy and Society
Special Issue: China’s New Cultural Entrepreneurs and Creative Industries, 2000–2022
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
OECD Economic Surveys: Malaysia 2024
OECD Report
Household metabolism and environmental impacts of household consumption on urban city – Systematic review
International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development
Competition, confidence and gender: Shifting the focus from the overconfident to the realistic
Journal: Journal of Economic Psychology
Two decades of changing dependency on Russian gas in Central and Eastern Europe: strategies versus achievements
Journal: Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Hydrogen Affairs in Hungary’s Politically Confined Ambition
Journal: The Geopolitics of Hydrogen - Volume 1: European Strategies in Global Perspective
The role of institutional and political factors in attracting Chinese and Russian multinationals to the Visegrad countries
Journal: Politics in Central Europe – The Journal of the Central European Political Science Association
The Impact of Long-Term Finance on Job Quality, Investments and Firm Performance: Cross-Country Evidence
The European Journal of Development Research
Public Versus Private Health Financing Transition in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Exploring the Crowding-Out Effects
The European Journal of Development Research
The role of socioeconomic variables in the regional inequalities of COVID-19 mortality in Hungary
Eastern Journal of European Studies
Which sectors go on when there is a sudden stop? An empirical analysis
Journal of International Money and Finance
Collective Capabilities for Organizational Democracy: The Case of Mutual Social Enterprises
British Journal of Management
Lecturas sobre la obra de Pablo González Casanova
Homenaje a 100 años de su nacimiento
Are pro-productivity policies fit for purpose?
The Manchester School
Confronting the dilemma of growth. A response to Warlenius (2023)
Ecological Economics
To Stay or to Go? Outmigration of Nurses from Ghana
GPN Working Papers
To Stay or to Go? Recruitment and Outmigration of Nurses from India
GPN Working Papers
A Relational Work Perspective on the Gig Economy: Doing Creative Work on Digital Labour Platforms
Work, Employment and Society
Power politics: How electric grievances shape election outcomes
Ecological Economics
Does the depth of informality influence welfare in urban sub-Saharan Africa?
Oxford Economic Papers
Herman Daly’s Great Debates
Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy
Language, Climate Change, and Cities beyond Capitalism
Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy
The state and the legalisation of illicit financial flows: trading gold in Bolivia
New Political Economy
Assessing the potential of ICT to increase land and labour productivity in agriculture: Global and regional perspectives
Journal of Agricultural Economics
Effects and explanations of active labour market policy: theoretical and empirical challenges for cross-national research
Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies
A development lens to frugal innovation: Bringing back production and technological capabilities into the discourse
European Journal of Development Research
Political Patronage and Economic Opportunity: Vertical Integration in Egyptian Textiles and Clothing
The European Journal of Development Research
The plateauing of cognitive ability among top earners
European Sociological review
Rethinking Development Economics: Problems and Prospects of Georgist Political Economy
in: Review of Political Economy
Welcome to the (Label) Jungle? Analyzing How Consumers Deal with Intra-sustainability Label Trade-offs on Food
in: Food Quality and Preference
The role of automatic stabilizers and emergency tax–beneft policies during the COVID‑19 pandemic
The European Journal of Development Research
Green New Deals: What Shapes Green and Deal?
Capitalism Nature Socialism
Economics for people and planet—moving beyond the neoclassical paradigm
The Lancet Planetary Health
The social profitability of rural roads in a small open economy - Do urban agglomeration economies matter?
Papers in Regional Science
Results: 11 to 15 of total 334