High Concentrations of Nanoparticles From Isoprene Nitrates Predicted in Convective Outflow Over the Amazon
Geographical Research Letters
El Antropoceno como crisis múltiple : Perspectivas desde América Latina.
Volumen I. Uso de la tierra
Revealing the Diversity and Complexity behind Long-Term Income Inequality in Latin America: 1920–2011
The Journal of Economic History
Making and unmaking the actually existing hegemonic green transition
The Extractive Industries and Society
Rosario Aguirre. Antología Esencial
Cuidados en agenda : género, trabajo y uso del tiempo
Pensar la universidad
Instituciones, actores y utopía. Textos reunidos de Pedro Krotsch (1993-2009)
Post-Extractivist Horizons in Latin America: Between Utopias and Struggles for Re-Existence Against Neo-Extractivism
Sociological Research Online
El cambio nunca es lineal
Movimientos sociales en tiempos polarizados
Epistemología y política
Pluralismo jurídico, multinormatividad y convivialidad
Entramados y fricciones entre multiplicidades normativas
Brazil's liberal neo-developmentalism: New paradigm or edited orthodoxy?
Review of International Political Economy
Lecturas sobre la obra de Pablo González Casanova
Homenaje a 100 años de su nacimiento
Escrituras de lo posglobal en América Latina
Futuros especulativos entre colapso y convivialidad
The 2019 Chilean Social Upheaval: A Descriptive Approach
Journal of Politics in Latin America
Where did Hyper-Presidentialism Go? The Origin of Bills and Laws Passed in Chile, 1990–2022
Journal of Politics in Latin America
Lessons from a Late Adopter: Feminist Advocacy, Democratizing Reforms, and Gender Quotas in Chile
Journal of Politics in Latin America
La sociedad del cuidado y políticas de la vida
Open access book
A common future for Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean
ETTG Collective Report
Gender and corruption in the access to natural resources: Preliminary findings
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Guatemala: A Vote for Turning the Tide
GIGA Focus Latin America
The state and the legalisation of illicit financial flows: trading gold in Bolivia
New Political Economy
Bridging the gap: Mismatch effects and catch-up dynamics under a Brazilian college affirmative action program
Economics of Education Review
Inconsistent choices among adolescents in El Salvador
PsyArXiv Preprints
The baking of preferences throughout high school
PsyArXiv Preprints
Migrant, tourist, Cuban: identification and belonging in return visits to Cuba
In: Intersections of tourism, migration, and exile: Routledge, 2023
Can international mobility shape students' attitudes toward inequality? The Brazilian case
UNU-MERIT Working Papers
Reshoring, nearshoring and developing countries: Readiness and implications for Latin America
UNU-MERIT Working Paper
A macro analysis of gender segregation and job quality in Latin America
in: World Development
Adding Insult to Injury: The COVID-19 Crisis Strikes Latin America
Development and Change
E-government and petty corruption in public sector service delivery
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
Results: 6 to 10 of total 143