Migrant labour flows and interconnected agrarian transformations in Southern China
Agriculture and Human Values
Estimation of transplanting and harvest dates of rice crops in the Philippines using Sentinel-1 data
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
How can relational, decolonial and feminist approaches inform the EU bioeconomy?
Sustainability Science
Fate of biomass inorganic elements during hydrothermal carbonization: an experimental study on agro-food waste
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Why we should revitalize indigenous water harvesting systems: Lessons learned
International Soil and Water Conservation Research
Climate change perceptions and adaptation by Sebei pastoralists in Mount Elgon, Uganda: a qualitative survey
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine
Agronomy and (in)equity: Lead, engage or ignore?
Outlook on Agriculture
Intertwined precarities: how can vulnerability create a labor relationship?
Dialectical Anthropology
Financial constraints and nonlinearity of farm size growth
Journal of Advances in Managment Research
Agricultural land use change and its drivers in the Sudanese Ethiopian borderland: the case of Al-Fashaga region
Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes
Rice-aquaculture systems and dietary quality in Bangladesh
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 354
Sustainability of animal-sourced foods and plant-based alternatives
Agricultural Sciences
Changes and drivers of vegetation productivity in China's drylands under climate change
Environmental Research Letters
Assessment of the Effectiveness, Efficiency and Equity of Benefit-Sharing Schemes under Large-Scale Agriculture: Lessons from Land Fees in Cameroon
European Journal of Development Research
Value Chain Upgrading and the Inclusion of Smallholders in Markets: Reflections on Contributions of Multi-Stakeholder Processes in Dairy Development in Tanzania
European Journal of Development Research
From Working in the Wheat Field to Managing Wheat: Women Innovators in Nepal
European Journal of Development Research
Motivations and Mental Models Associated with Smallholder Farmers’ Adoption of Improved Agricultural Technology: Evidence from Use of Quality Seed Potato in Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
Are Technology Adoption and Collective Action Important in Accessing Credit? Evidence from Milk Producers in Tanzania
European Journal of Development Research
Farming, Gender and Aspirations Across Young People’s Life Course: Attempting to Keep Things Open While Becoming a Farmer
European Journal of Development Research
Gender Gaps in Market Participation Among Individual and Joint Decision-Making Farm Households: Evidence from Southern Ethiopia
European Journal of Development Research
An Analysis of Technical Efficiency in the Presence of Developments Toward Commercialization: Evidence from Tanzania’s Milk Producers
European Journal of Development Research
From Working in the Fields to Taking Control. Towards a Typology of Women's Decision-Making in Wheat in India
European Journal of Development Research
The Hybridity of Inclusive Innovation Narratives Between Theory and Practice: A Framing Analysis
European Journal of Development Research
What’s the Story on Agriculture? Using Narratives to Understand Farming Households’ Aspirations in Meru, Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
Understanding the Aspirations of Farming Communities in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review of the Literature
European Journal of Development Research
Not All About Farming: Understanding Aspirations Can Challenge Assumptions About Rural Development
European Journal of Development Research
Who Wants to Farm? Answers Depend on How You Ask: A Case Study on Youth Aspirations in Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
Dynamics of Human–Water Interactions in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania: Insights from Farmers’ Aspirations and Decisions in an Uncertain Environment
European Journal of Development Research
Aspiration Formation and Ecological Shocks in Rural Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
Needs and Satisfiers: A Tool for Dealing with Perspectivity in Policy Analysis
European Journal of Development Research
Small Towns and Land Reform in Zimbabwe
European Journal of Development Research
Determinants of Small-Scale Farmers’ Intention to Use Smartphones for Generating Agricultural Knowledge in Developing Countries: Evidence from Rural India
European Journal of Development Research
Employment Responses to EU Food Safety Regulations: A Gendered Perspective
European Journal of Development Research
Beyond the Annual and Aggregate Measurement of Household Inequality: The Case Study of Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
A Behavioral Intervention Increases Consumption of a New Biofortified Food by School Children: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Nigeria
European Journal of Development Research
Strengthening the Resilience of Vulnerable Communities: Results from a Quasi-experimental Impact Evaluation in Coastal Bangladesh
European Journal of Development Research
Does Accountability Undermine Service Delivery? The Impact of Devolving Agriculture in Ghana
European Journal of Development Research
Negotiating Unsustainable Food Transformations: Development, Middle Classes and Everyday Food Practices in Vietnam
European Journal of Development Research
Agroforestry, Indigenous Tree Cover and Biodiversity Conservation: A Case Study of Mount Elgon in Uganda
European Journal of Development Research
Insights into smallholder capacity for agricultural commercialisation: Evidence from four African contexts
European Journal of Development Research
The Dynamics and Role of Gender in High-Value Avocado Farming in Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
Procesos de transición alimentaria. Aprendizajes y sugerencias
Open Access Book
Monetary policy and food price inflation: the case of Hungary
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
Paradoxes of Inclusion: Adverse Effects of Inclusive Interventions in Northern Ethiopia
European Journal of Development Research
Partnerships Blending Institutional Logics for Inclusive Global and Regional Food Value Chains in Ghana; with What Smallholder Effect?
European Journal of Development Research
On- and Off-Farm Diversification and Travel Time to Markets: Linkages to Food Security in Rural Ethiopia
European Journal of Development Research
The Effect of Renting in Cropland on Livelihood Choices and Agricultural Commercialization: A Case Study from Rural Vietnam
European Journal of Development Research
From Power Imbalance to Interdependence: A Case Study of the Chadian Sesame Supply Chain
European Journal of Development Research
What Drives Africa’s Inability to Comply with EU Standards? Insights from Africa’s Institution and Trade Facilitation Measures
European Jorunal of Development Research
Smallholder Participation in Modernising Agri-Food Value Chains in Thailand: The Role of Traditional Markets
European Journal of Development Research
The Role of High-Value Agriculture in Capability Expansion: Qualitative Insights into Smallholder Cash Crop Production in Nepal, Laos and Rwanda
European Journal of Development Research
Transforming the food system: are farmers ready to take phosphorus stewardship action?
Environmental Science & Policy
Fruit and vegetable value chains in Africa
In: 2024 Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor (AATM)
Défendre le village et combattre pour le terroir : la mobilisation armée des groupes d’autodéfense à l’épreuve du travail agricole en Pays Dogon, au centre du Mali
Revue internationale des études du développement
Transforming agricultural research and development systems to meet 21st Century needs for climate action
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Diversity and heterogeneity of smallholder vegetable farming systems and their impact on food security and income in Malawi
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Exploring the linkages between farm efficiency, farm environmental performance, and agri-environmental scheme adoption: lessons from France
Journal of Environmental Management
Marginality in the berry fields: hierarchical ordering of food and agrarian systems in Norway
Agriculture and Human Values
Adapting agroforestry to upland farming systems: narratives from smallholder farmers in Northwest Vietnam
Agronomy for Sustainable Development
Land commoning in deagrarianized contexts: Potentials for agroecology?
Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene
Fracking, farmers, and rural electrification in India
Journal of Development Economics
Why do corporate farms survive in Central and Eastern Europe?
Agricultural Systems
Women agriculturalists in Africa
Private service provision contributes to widespread innovation adoption among smallholder farmers: Laser land levelling technology in northwestern India
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy
Are Organic Farms Less Efficient? The Case of Estonian Dairy Farms
Agris on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics
How kinship and marriage customs influence nutritional outcomes among males and females
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy
The lucky and unlucky daughter: Gender, land inheritance and agrarian change in Ratanakiri, Cambodia
Journal of Agrarian Change
Impacts of mothers’ time on children’s diets
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy
Assessing the potential of ICT to increase land and labour productivity in agriculture: Global and regional perspectives
Journal of Agricultural Economics
Do regional trade agreements affect agri-food trade? Evidence from a meta-analysis
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
Climate Change and Critical Agrarian Studies
Open access book
Whose security? Politics, risks and alternatives for climate security practices in agrarian-environmental perspectives
The Journal of Peasant Studies
The impact of agricultural minimum wages on worker flows in South Africa
South African Journal of Economics
The nascent state of urban food policy action in Asian cities
Global Food Security
Olive Oil and Water
Moving towards sustainable agricultural trade between the EU and Tunisia
Transformative adaptation: from climate-smart to climate-resilient agriculture
CABI Agriculture and Bioscience logo CABI Agriculture and Bioscience
The relationship between the ecologisation of farms and total factor productivity: A continuous treatment analysis
Journal of Agricultural Economics
Bridging the gap in agricultural innovation research: a systematic review of push–pull biocontrol technology in sub-Saharan Africa
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
Seed systems development to navigate multiple expectations in Ethiopia, Malawi and Tanzania
World Development Sustainability
Plantationocene and Contemporary Agrarian Struggles
Annals of the American Association of Geographers
Access to credit and heterogeneous effects on agricultural technology adoption: Evidence from large rural surveys in Ethiopia
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics
Climate Change Adaptation and the Water–Energy–Food Nexus in Tanzania: Policy Trends and Smallholder Livelihoods
Progress in Development Studies
Confronting Uncertainties in Pastoral Areas Transforming Development from Control to Care
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale
Climate Change Adaptation and the Water–Energy–Food Nexus in Tanzania: Policy Trends and Smallholder Livelihoods
Progress in Development Studies
Multiple meanings of “equitable food systems”: food systems and discursive politics of change
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Association between Livestock Ownership and Malaria Incidence in South-Central Ethiopia: A Cohort Study
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
On the transformative potential of Hungarian local food-buying clubs
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Surviving cassava: smallholder farmer strategies for coping with market volatility in Cambodia
Journal of Land Use Science
Remaking of wetlands and coping with vulnerabilities in Mexico and Indonesia
in: Water Alternatives
Suburban pastoralists: Pastoral adaptation strategies at the rural-urban interface in Nairobi, Kenya
in: Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practic
Politically engaged, pluralist and internationalist: critical agrarian studies today
The Journal of Peasant Studies
The political life of mitigation: from carbon accounting to agrarian counter-accounts
The Journal of Peasant Studies
Seasonal variation and risks of potentially toxic elements in agricultural lowlands of central Cameroon
Environmental Geochemistry and Health
On the relation between monocultures and ecosystem services in the Global South: A review
in: Biological Conservation
Is the technical efficiency green? The environmental efficiency of agricultural production in the MENA region
In: Journal of Environmental Management
Virtual Water, International Relations and the New Geopolitics of Food
Water International
Carbon Farming Training and Welfare: Evidence from Northern Ghana
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 320
Learning, playing, and experimenting with critical food futures
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Just Transition Frames: Recognition, representation, and distribution in Irish beef farming
Journal of Rural Studies
The Influence of Framing Plant-Based Products in Terms of Their Health vs. Environmental Benefits: Interactions with Individual Wellbeing
International Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health
Sustainable agrifood systems for a post-growth world
Nature Sustainability
Targeting best agricultural practices to enhance ecosystem services in European mountains
Journal of Environmental Management
Against the grain? A historical institutional analysis of access governance of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in Ethiopia
The Journal of World Intellectual Property
Results: 6 to 10 of total 325