Breadwinners and caregivers: Examining the global relationship between gender norms and economic behavior
Scottish Journal of Political Economy
Caring consumption and sustainability: Insights from household provisioning in the first ten years of motherhood
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Mapping the patriarchy in conservation
NPJ BIodiversity
What Do We Know About The Patterns and Determinants of Female Entrepreneurship Across Countries?
European Journal of Development Research
How Mothers in Poverty Explain Their Use of Corporal Punishment: A Qualitative Study in Kampala, Uganda
European Journal of Development Research
From Working in the Wheat Field to Managing Wheat: Women Innovators in Nepal
European Journal of Development Research
Insecurity, Dispossession, Depletion: Women’s Experiences of Post-War Development in Myanmar
European Journal of Development Research
Gender Gaps in Market Participation Among Individual and Joint Decision-Making Farm Households: Evidence from Southern Ethiopia
European Journal of Development Research
From Working in the Fields to Taking Control. Towards a Typology of Women's Decision-Making in Wheat in India
European Journal of Development Research
Women’s Changing Opportunities and Aspirations Amid Male Outmigration: Insights from Makueni County, Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
‘I Just Keep Quiet’: Addressing the Challenges of Married Rohingya Girls and Creating Opportunities for Change
European Journal of Development Research
‘No One Should Be Terrified Like I Was!’ Exploring Drivers and Impacts of Child Marriage in Protracted Crises Among Palestinian and Syrian Refugees
European Journal of Development Research
‘If She’s Pregnant, then that Means that Her Dreams Fade Away’: Exploring Experiences of Adolescent Pregnancy and Motherhood in Rwanda
European Journal of Development Research
Empresas sociales e inclusión laboral de las mujeres con discapacidad. Las mujeres con discapacidad en los Centros Especiales de Empleo de la Comunidad Valenciana
CIRIEC-España Revista De economía Pública, Social Y Cooperativa
Gender and Disability: The Experiences of Microaggressions Against Women with Disabilities in the Philippines
European Journal of Development Research
Reproductive Governance in a Fragile and Population-Dense Context: Family Planning Policies, Discourses, and Practices in Burund
European Journal of Development Research
“Time to Abandon Swedish Women”: Discursive Connections Between Misogyny and White Supremacy in Sweden
Journal of International Communication
Dangerous liaisons: navigating women's land rights and disputes
Open access book
Under the shadow of legality: A shadow hauntology on the legal construction of the Women, Peace and Security agenda
Leiden Journal of International Law
Winners and losers: Class dynamics and social protection in Pakistan
International Journal of Social Welfare
Women, Revolution, and Backlash: Igniting Feminist Mobilization in Sudan
Politics & Gender
Debris: autoethnography, feminist epistemology, ethics, and sexual violence
International Feminist Journal of Politics
Women’s Struggles for Empowerment in Bangladesh
Current History
Women agriculturalists in Africa
Mosques and Meeting Rooms: Professional Lives of Muslim Women
International Quarterly for Asian Studies
‘There is no compulsion in marriage’. Divorce and gendered change in Afghanistan during the Islamic Republic
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
Researching the Gap: Women in Latin American Political Science
Journal of Politics in Latin America
With or without him? Experimental evidence on cash grants and gender-sensitive trainings in Tunisia
Journal of Development Economics
Fringe heroines: situated struggles of women scientists in Brazilian agriculture
International Feminist Journal of Politics
Business Licencing Reform and Gender Equality: Evidence from Indonesia
The Journal of Development Studies
Forum: Religion, Security, and Gender: An Unholy Trinity
Public Anthropologist
Contact-based interfaith programmes in schools and the changing religious education landscape: negotiating a worldviews curriculum
in: Journal of Beliefs and Values
Female Migrants’ Experiences of Labour Market ‘Integration’ in Denmark
in: Immigrant and Asylum Seekers Labour Market Integration upon Arrival: NowHereLand
Securitization and Coping Strategies of Women Sex Workers in Tajikistan
Problems of Post-Communism
Women’s struggle for land in South Asia
Can legal reforms trump social norms?
From hashtags to the streets: Digital technologies for women’s political activism
Examples from Africa
Women, peace and security strategies at the horseshoe table
The elected ten UN Security Council members advancing the WPS agenda
Securitization and Coping Strategies of Women Sex Workers in Tajikistan
Problems of Post-Communism
Gendered repertoires of contention: women’s resistance, authoritarian state formation, and land grabbing in Cambodia
International Feminist Journal of Politics
Women, peace and security strategies at the horseshoe table
The elected ten UN Security Council members advancing the WPS agenda
Results: 1 to 5 of total 136