Migrant labour flows and interconnected agrarian transformations in Southern China
Agriculture and Human Values
Refugees in a Global Era
Turkish Journal of African Studies
Migration and nutrition of the left behind: Evidence from Ghana
World Development
Coloniality In queer asylum: towards theorising ‘colonial surveillance’ and its resistances
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
To make a difference: responding to migration's demands in returns to Cuba
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
The temporary turn in asylum: a new agenda for researching the politics of deterrence in practice
Introduction special issue Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Revocation nation: the rule of law and precarious legal status in Norway
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Conditionality, Compensation, or Both? Comparative Experiences of Third-Country Cooperation on Migration with the EU
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Hell, or Heaven – “The crisis in the country is so severe that it’s hard to believe
First results from a new research project of Ákos Bodor, Márk Hegedüs and Péter Szegedi
Failing Asylum-Seekers: Limited Judicial Review of Refugee Status Determination Decisions in Brazil
Refugee Survey Quarterly
Destination choices during internal temporary migration: Evidence from northern Bangladesh
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 355
Destinations Matter: Social Policy and Migrant Workers in the Times of Covid
European Journal of Development Research
Exploring Policy Options in Regulating Rural–Urban Migration with a Bayesian Network: A Case Study in Kazakhstan
European Journal of Development Research
Women’s Changing Opportunities and Aspirations Amid Male Outmigration: Insights from Makueni County, Kenya
European Journal of Development Research
‘I Dream of Going Home’: Gendered Experiences of Adolescent Syrian Refugees in Jordan’s Azraq Camp
European Journal of Development Research
Education desires and conflict impacts in refugees’ decisions to leave
Migration Studies
Migration and Labour
Climate risks for displaced populations: a scoping review and research agenda
Journal of Refugee Studies
Externally Driven Border Control in West Africa: Local Impact and Broader Ramifications
International Migration Review
Demystifying Sovereignty: Totem and Taboo of Migration Control in International Law
American Journal of International Law
Refugee journey infrastructures: Exploring migration trajectories from South Sudan to Uganda
Population, Space and Place
The presence of abandonment: Left to live at the borderland of Lampedusa
American Anthropologist
Parents who migrate without their children: Gendered and psychosocial reconfigurations of parenting in transnational families
Journal of Family Theory & Review
First Impressions Matter: Feeling Welcome and Onward Migration Intentions of Highly Skilled Migrants
Journal of International Migration and Integration
Enforced transnationalism. Refugees' family lives in Germany under conditions of separation and waiting
In: Family Reunification in Europe
The economic lives of refugees
World Development
Liminal legality and the construction of belonging: aspirations of Eritrean and Ethiopian migrants in Khartoum
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Comparative moves: the pursuit of value and belonging in transnational migration toward a “better life”
Ethnic and Racial Studies
Comparative moves: the pursuit of value and belonging in transnational migration toward a “better life”
Ethnic and Racial Studies
Infrastructure, time and labour: movement and suspension along the Abidjan-Lagos corridor
Territory, Politics, Governance
Digital disruption and displacement
Forced Migration Review
Placing African Cities in Chinese Lives: A Comparative Study of Migrant Geographies
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
Constructing Chinese Spaces in Mexico City: The Case of the Viaducto Piedad Neighbourhood
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
Chinese Migrants in Metropolitan Cities Abroad: Reconsidering Agency, Interactions, and Belonging
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
The Effects of Admission Policies on Rates of Family Migration in European States, 2008-2019
Nordic Journal of Migration Reseatrch
Humanitarian hacking: When big tech companies want to solve refugee crises
Journal of Refugee Studies
Refugees in Jordan: a data-driven approach for change
IIED Briefing
To Stay or to Go? Outmigration of Nurses from Ghana
GPN Working Papers
To Stay or to Go? Recruitment and Outmigration of Nurses from India
GPN Working Papers
Unsettling expectations of stay: probationary immigration policies in Canada and Norway
Comparative Migration Studies
Coerced migration: mobility under siege in Gaza
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Poverty, Income Inequalities and Migration in the Global South
The Palgrave Handbook of South–South Migration and Inequality
Gendered Migration in the Global South: An Intersectional Perspective on Inequality
The Palgrave Handbook of South–South Migration and Inequality
Has the war in Ukraine changed Europeans’ preferences on refugee policy? Evidence from a panel experiment in Germany, Hungary and Poland
Journal of European Public Policy
Displaced people in Afghanistan’s cities need support
IIED Briefing
Migrant Lives. Experiences of ʿAlawiness in Germany
Open Access Book
Leaving Home: Cumulative Climate Shocks and Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa
Environmental and Resource Economics
Everyday migration hierarchies: negotiating the EU’s visa regime
International Relations
Written on the Body: Tattoo Art as Bridgework in the Post-migration Context
Journal of Borderlands Studies
The politics of soft law: progress and pitfall of the global compact for safe, orderly, and regular migration
Frontiers in Human Dynamics
“The cake is in Accra”: a case study on internal migration in Ghana
Canadian Journal of African Studies
The Well-Being of Undocumented Migrants in The Netherlands: Learning about Post-Migration Experiences
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies .
Migration as Crisis? German Migration Discourse at Critical Points of Nation-Building
American Behavioral Scientist
Differentiated Implementation of Controls: The Internal Border Regimes of Schengen
Politics and Governance
Why do rural people temporarily migrate to other rural areas? Insights from northern Bangladesh
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 330
Spillover dynamics and inter-institutional interactions between CSDP and AFSJ: moving towards a more joined-up EU external migration policy?
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Exploring Europe’s external migration policy mix: on the interactions of visa, readmission, and resettlement policies
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Somali Refugees, Informality, and Self-initiative at Local Integration in Ethiopia and Kenya
Journal on Migration and Human Security
Seeking Asylum in Japan: Oral Tales of a Contemporary Other
Graduate Institute ePaper 48
Transnational lived citizenship turns local: Covid-19 and Eritrean and Ethiopian diaspora in Nairobi
in: Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs
Defensive integration through cooperative re-bordering? How member states use internal border controls in Schengen
Journal of European Public Policy
Migrant, tourist, Cuban: identification and belonging in return visits to Cuba
In: Intersections of tourism, migration, and exile: Routledge, 2023
Transnational Migration and Reconfiguration of the Family in Zimbabwe
REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
Host Community Attitudes Towards Internally Displaced Persons: Evidence from Al-Bab, Syria
Journal of Social and Development Sciences
“I Will Return Strong”: The Role of Life Aspirations in Refugees’ Return Aspirations
International Migration Review
Migration control entangled with local histories: The case of Greek–Turkish regime of bordering
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Risk-laden migration as a response to relative deprivation: A hypothesis
ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 322
Flood risk perceptions and future migration intentions of Lagos residents
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Mobile phones on mobile fields: co-producing knowledge about migration and violence
Antropologia Pubblica
Family figurations in displacement: entangled mobilities of refugees towards Germany and beyond
urnal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Governing Migration for Development from the Global Souths. Challenges and Opportunities
Special Issue, International Development Policy
Results: 1 to 5 of total 225