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Welcome to the EADI Blog!

We cordially invite you to join this blog which we have set up as a discussion platform for the international development research community. The world is facing dramatic changes and challenges and so is science. What is the role of development research in these times and what are the most pressing issues it needs to address? What are the different existing positions on these issues, where are open questions and what requires further elaboration? What makes sense in relation to the larger picture and where do scientists need to take a stand?

This blog invites you to share your opinion, thoughts and insights on everything that might be of interest to the broader community – and of course also on articles that appear on our blog. If you disagree with something you read here, feel free to let us know and tell us why. We explicitly encourage discussion, and hope that a diversity of positions will enrich everyone’s perspective.

To showcase the wide range of approaches and research areas our members represent, we feature research projects or studies from our member institutes and organisations, as well as outstanding blog articles from their websites. Sometimes we also publish thought-provoking pieces from other sources when we feel that the covered topics are of broader interest and could trigger fruitful discussions.

Below you find the most recent blogposts, linking you directly to the EADI Debating Development Research Blog where you can also subscribe to get notified whenever a new post is published. This happens around two to five times a month. Enjoy the read!

Recent Blogposts

Results: 13 to 15 of total 115

The Journey towards an Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive System Evaluation

Yulye Jessica Romo Ramos - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)
Over the last couple of years, the evaluation sector has come under pressure to acknowledge the Euro-Western hegemony over knowledge, evaluation and learning practice[i]. Current structures, behaviours, mindsets and mental models have led to institutional and systemic racism and discrimination of non-white people and other minoritised groups

The EU’s Engagement in the G20 – One Way to Deal with Global Power Shifts

Vy Dang, Sven Grimm, Wulf Reiners - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)
The EU has been a permanent member of the G20 since the group was founded in 1999, alongside three member states: France, Germany, and Italy (EU3). Additionally, Spain and the Netherlands are regularly invited as guests to the G20 meetings. Strengthening engagement within the G20 has been one of the key priorities in the EU’s multilateral engagement over the past years, as highlighted in the 2024 Joint Communication by the Commission and High Representative for Foreign Affairs.

Trump’s Second Term and the Global South: Prospects and Perils

Stephan Klingebiel, Max-Otto Baumann, Andy Sumner - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)
Donald Trump’s return to the White House in January will have far-reaching implications, not only for the democratic system in the United States but also for global cooperation, particularly impacting the Global South. Here, we offer three reflections on what a Trump second term might mean for these countries.