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We cordially invite you to join this blog which we have set up as a discussion platform for the international development research community. The world is facing dramatic changes and challenges and so is science. What is the role of development research in these times and what are the most pressing issues it needs to address? What are the different existing positions on these issues, where are open questions and what requires further elaboration? What makes sense in relation to the larger picture and where do scientists need to take a stand?

This blog invites you to share your opinion, thoughts and insights on everything that might be of interest to the broader community – and of course also on articles that appear on our blog. If you disagree with something you read here, feel free to let us know and tell us why. We explicitly encourage discussion, and hope that a diversity of positions will enrich everyone’s perspective.

To showcase the wide range of approaches and research areas our members represent, we feature research projects or studies from our member institutes and organisations, as well as outstanding blog articles from their websites. Sometimes we also publish thought-provoking pieces from other sources when we feel that the covered topics are of broader interest and could trigger fruitful discussions.

Below you find the most recent blogposts, linking you directly to the EADI Debating Development Research Blog where you can also subscribe to get notified whenever a new post is published. This happens around two to five times a month. Enjoy the read!

Recent Blogposts

Results: 7 to 9 of total 87

Unravelling the Geographies of the Green Transition: Understanding the Finance-Extraction-Transitions Nexus

Tobias Franz, Angus McNelly - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)
The transition from fossil fuels to green energy in the 21st century – driven by the urgent need to address anthropogenic climate change – represents a monumental shift in not just global energy systems but generally within global capitalism. This transition mirrors historical transformations in energy systems, such as the emergence of fossil capital in northern England or the shift from coal to oil in the 20th century, which have had profound impacts on the world economy.

The Netherlands: a Bleak Perspective for Development Cooperation - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)
June 2024 is more than six months since the last general elections were held. Elections in which the radical right Party for Freedom (PVV) of Geert Wilders emerged as the biggest with 37 seats of the 150 in the Dutch lower house. It took the full six months for the PVV and three other right-wing parties to form a coalition government, meaning the Netherlands will have the most right-leaning government they ever had.

Swedish Aid Cuts dent ‘Decades of Work’ in Global South

Marta Paterlini - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)
Cuts to Sweden’s overseas aid budget have undermined decades of work building research partnerships in the global South, according to researchers. The Swedish government more than halved its overseas aid budget in 2023 and this was followed by stringent cuts to development research funding. Ministers cited the war in Ukraine among other factors behind the cuts.