Tender for a consultancy for The International Accreditation Council for Global Development Studies and Research (EADI / IAC)
Terms of Reference: EADI, the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes takes the leading role in the work on Knowledge Exchange Partnerships which serve to ensure a free flow of information and best practices between research institutions and civil society organisations. Download the tender
The International Accreditation Council for Global Development Studies and Research (IAC/EADI) is the independent council of EADI. The main purpose of IAC/EADI is to promote the quality of Global Development training programmes both in the North and the South. The quality assurance standards and criteria used by IAC/EADI are state of the art and in line with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area as issued by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).
The IAC consultant works with the chair of the IAC and with the EADI Executive Secretary in identifying and implementing strategic options for the council. The consultant has a broad knowledge of accreditation processes in higher education institutions.
The consultant must have an excellent level of group facilitation skills; have an excellent level of written and spoken English. A knowledge of French and Spanish is an advantage.
Specific responsibilities include:
- Development of EADI’s quality assurance strategy for development training programmes in consultation with the IAC Council
- Implementation of elements of the strategy
- Development of the business and marketing strategy of the IAC
- Contribution to accreditation criteria evaluation and development
- Preparation of reports for and presentations on the IAC
It is anticipated that this work would run between 1 July 2021 and December 2022 with the option for prolongation. Working days in this period between 20 - 30 days.
The tenderer should include a daily rate, which should include all costs. The successful proposal should include a working budget between 10.000– 15.000 Euro (including VAT).
Tender Methodology:
Please submit your CV and your tender under the following headings:
- Contact Information
- Relevant Experience
- Daily rate of consultant
- Two references (including telephone numbers) and web links to your previous work (if available)
Maximum tender document: 2 pages
Tender timeline:
Advertisement published 20 May 2021
Deadline for submitting tenders is: 3 June 2021
Selections take place week commencing 7 June 2021
Consultant appointed and starts working 1 July 2021
Consultant ends working latest: 30 June 2022
Any questions and the tender should be directed to Susanne von Itter, EADI Executive Director, itter(at)eadi.org