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Report EADI Regional Meeting and PhD Symposium for Germany

The event featured a variety of inputs, starting with a fresh take on the important and relevance of development studies by Paul Garaycochea from the BMZ. During the opening guest lecture, Dr. Melanie Müller from the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) gave valuable insights on green transitions and mineral value chains in a context of shifting geopolitics. Focusing on current geopolitical dynamics, the specificities of mining and the role of the EU and Germany in due diligence and sustainability, the talk provided a direct link with a second event hosted by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung: the Development Policy Discussion Days, which focused on Green Industrialisation with a focus on the African continent (videos of the events can be accessed here and here). Keynote speakers debated on the different opportunities for African countries to gear their economies towards green industrialisation in the most beneficial ways, as well as the role EU countries can play as key international partners in this effort. 

The PhD Symposium gave an opportunity to PhD and master’s students to present their ongoing research in a friendly and collegial atmosphere. Parallel sessions were grouped thematically to maximise meaningful feedback around topics such as development economics, education and sustainable development, or agriculture and food. Space was provided for participants to network and get to know each other, and to engage with EADI and SLE staff to learn about the different activities and programmes available. 

All in all, the EADI-SLE PhD Symposium and Regional Meeting was a real success at achieving exactly what it aimed for: to provide a platform for doctoral researchers to engage with the development community in Germany in a friendly environment. In addition, it allowed EADI and SLE to strengthen their institutional ties and envisage the possibility of organising more events together in the future. Margitta Minah (SLE) and Basile Boulay (EADI), the main organisers of the event, would like to thank all participants and administrative staff for their engagement and help in turning this Symposium into a successful event.