New briefing paper: EADI’s International Accreditation Council for Development Studies (IAC) celebrates its 10th anniversary
Looking back and moving forward
In this briefing paper Dr Joost Mönks, secretary of the IAC, summarises the purpose, history and objectives of the IAC and gives an overview of criteria and steps of the accreditation process. To establish criteria tailored to academic Development Studies programmes, a common understanding of the field of Development Studies was needed. Read the paper
"A certain sense of urgency existed among development institutes that were going through an accreditation process, since they were facing accreditation frameworks that were not (fully) adapted to the specific (multidisciplinary) nature of development studies (DS). In the emerging European Area of Higher Education (EHEA), the EADI institutes wished, where possible, to influence proactively the options for accreditation and quality assurance as far as Development Studies was concerned."