Red Española de Estudios del Desarrollo (REEDES)
Red Española de Estudios del Desarrollo (REEDES)
The Spanish Network of Development Studies (REEDES) is an academic network, interdisciplinary, specialized in research and teaching in development and international cooperation.
The seven main objectives of REEDES are:
- Promote basic and applied research, interdisciplinary training and the quality of the latter, studies and development.
- Promote contacts between members through the dissemination and exchange of information and best practices on research and training.
- Facilitate cooperation and networking among partners by promoting educational activities and joint research and interdisciplinary.
- Promote links between the Spanish community of researchers and teachers, and research organizations and related international networks.
- Communicating and disseminating research results and training to public authorities, private sector, international agencies and media.
- Establish effective dialogue group that defends the value of research and teaching in development and international cooperation for development.
- Cooperate with the Spanish public administration and international development agencies in training and research (basic and applied).
To fulfill these objectives, REEDES drives the following activities:
- Create and promote a virtual platform that enables partners to network, disseminate and exchange information on research and training, and share good and bad practices.
- Promote the Spain edition of the Journal of Latin American Development Studies in collaboration with the Department of International Cooperation of the University of Zaragoza.
- Organizing regular interdisciplinary academic congresses in which to present and defend processes and results of research in the field of development.
- Create working groups for specific research areas that promote the organization of seminars, the development of joint research, exchange of best practices in each area, and other activities that result in better research.
- Grant awards for the quality of research in different fields of knowledge.
- Promote activities to defend the value of research and teaching in development and international cooperation for development.
- Promote the creation in Spain of a knowledge area of Development Studies.
- Collaborate with international efforts to share the objectives of the association.