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Development Studies Association


Development Studies Association (DSA) works to connect and promote the development research community in UK and Ireland. We improve links and information exchange between DSA members, represent members in important consultations and bring their work to a wide audience of prospective students, partners and donors.

Their aim is to:

promote the advancement of knowledge on international development; disseminate information on development research and training; encourage interdisclipinary exchange and cooperation. Membership is open to anybody with an interest in development studies. They have over 1000 members, mainly made up of individuals and institutions from the academic and NGO sectors. Most members are based in UK and Ireland, because this is where our meetings and conferences take place.


Department of International Development King’s College London (DID)  |  Development Studies Association (DSA)
Building on previous panels on emerging economies, democracies, and resistance movements, we take a holistic look at the long-lasting impacts on development processes and governance of international…
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