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Austrian Foundation for Development Research



The ÖFSE is Austria’s largest information broker for questions regarding developing countries, -cooperation, and -policy. ÖFSE offers its services to individuals interested in development policy, public and private institutions and to business enterprises. ÖFSE operates an information system called, which is devoted to Austrian and international development issues. The library comprises some 50,000 volumes. The specialized research departments, such as Development Cooperation and Educational Cooperation, offer information, analyses and guidance on official and private EZA.

in C3 – Centre for International Development
Sensengasse 3
1090 Vienna


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Arnold Groh, Margarita Langthaler, Werner Siebel, Stefan Wolf - Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)
Bernhard Tröster, Simela Papatheophilou, Karin Küblböck - Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)
Margarita Langthaler, Arnold Groh, Oskar Kabbeck, Gerold Winkler - Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)

Realising the human development promise in dual VET

Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
Ellen Vanderhoven, Clara Fontdevila, Margarita Langthaler et al. - Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)
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