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The Future of Development Studies, London, 26 June 2024

#EADI50 Roundtable at DSA Conference at SOAS, 14.30-16.00 UK Time

Development Studies (DS) demonstrates maturity as a field of inquiry marked by the half-century anniversaries of journals, institutes, and scholarly associations of DS.The foundational journals of DS such as the Journal of Development Studies, Development and Change, World Development, and Third World Quarterly were all established around a half century ago (respectively in 1964, 1970, 1973, and 1978). Even relatively ‘new’ journals like the European Journal of Development Research (established in 1989) have been in existence for over thirty years. The inception of DS teaching can also be traced back to the 1970s or earlier. Moreover, the largest cross-country association of DS, the European Association of Development Research and Training (EADI), celebrates its fiftieth anniversary in 2024/25.

In short, DS has achieved a certain level of intellectual maturity and at one level—in terms of the longevity of journals, and associations as well as buoyant student numbers—appears to be in good health.

Amid the numerous anniversaries, this DSA conference roundtable is a reflection on the current state of DS. It focuses on three broad sub-topics with pieces from across DS range of perspectives drawing from a workshop the day before. Specifically, framings of development, the universality or not of development and questions of decolonisation.


Arief Yusuf (Padjadjaran University)
Brendan Howe (Ewha Womans University)
Laura Camfield (Kings College London)
Pritish Behuria (University of Manchester)
Nita Mishra (University of Limerick)

Chair: Andy Sumner (KCL)

Location/date: DSA conference at SOAS, Wednesday 26 June, 14:30-16:00