Applications open: Online-Workshop for academic coordinators of Development Studies Programmes
2 - 3 December 2021
As the effects of climate change become more and more visible, so does the necessity to incorporate teaching on this matter in development studies curricula. So far, while the effects of climate change are often discussed in international development courses, the approach remains topical and usually embedded within the traditional teaching frames. This workshop will discuss how programmes in development studies could include a stronger component relating to climate change so that it becomes as legitimate a building block as other components. Challenges related to inter- or trans-disciplinarity will also be discussed, given that a change in study programmes implies greater familiarity with disciplines outside the traditional frame of ‘social sciences’ (such natural sciences, or sustainability studies). As usual, the workshop will consist of a mix of presentations from academic coordinators and spaces to exchange, reflect and collaborate.
Confirmed speakers:
Stefano Moncada, Senior lecturer and convener of the MA programme in Research on Islands and Small States (University of Malta) – What can development studies learn from teaching programmes on small islands?
Mandy Sadan, Programme leader of the MASc in Global Sustainable Development (Global Sustainable Development department, Warwick University) – Challenges of trans-disciplinarity and practical applications
Lars Kåre Grimsby, Programme leader of the BSc programme in International Environment and Development Studies (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Noragric) – Successfully blending development and environmental studies in development curriculum
John Morton, Professor of Development Anthropology and leader of the Climate Change, Agriculture and Natural Resources development programme (Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich) – Critical reflections from NRI’s experience on field projects: what should be expected from graduate students?
Ample space for discussions and networking is foreseen.