SP20 - Global value chains, multinational corporations and development
Convened by Magdolna Sass (Center for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of World Economy, Hungary)
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Global value chains (GVCs) have become more and more important in the global economy, dominate certain industries and involve more and more locations, including in mid-developed and less developed countries. Multinational companies (MNCs) are the most important actors in GVCs. They organise and manage activities in GVCs, they decide about the location of activities (including transferring them abroad or back or to other countries/locations) and the involvement of local firms in supply networks as well as the distribution of gains. The process is ongoing and evolving over time, causing constant changes in the location and activity composition of GVCs. Through these changes and channels, MNCs have a significant impact on local economic development. The seed panel invites work in progress papers, which deal with the problems of and channels through which GVCs and multinational corporations may affect local development. The GVC analytical framework has two main pillars: governance and upgrading. The focus of the seed panel is especially the upgrading opportunities for less developed regions and locations in GVCs and the role MNCs play in that process (in connection with governance). Various traditional approaches to upgrading (geographic and sectoral as well as upgrading trajectories) along with the impact of technological dynamics and innovation systems and the problems of value capture are invited to the seed panel. Both qualitative and quantitative papers are welcome as well as mixed methodological approaches and case studies. Furthermore, it is also the intention of the seed panel to encourage cooperation (common publications) and comparative analysis for the participants.
This panel is organised by the EADI Working Group on Multinational Corporations