Quality Assurance
Continuous Quality Assessment
- In order to get regular feedback on the quality of the EADI accreditation system, an written evaluation form will be sent to the programme representative, and to the chair of the Peer Review Team after the accreditation decision
- The chair of the Peer Review Team will write a short report for the Accreditation Council on the experience of the Peer Review Team with respect to the process of the accreditation
- The written evaluations and the Peer Review Team chair reports are discussed by the Accreditation Council at the next Accreditation Council meeting
Contact the IAC/EADI
Formal Evaluation of Accreditation Council
- Every 5 years the functioning of the Accreditation Council will be evaluated by an external council of at least three experts who have knowledge of and/or experience with accreditation systems.
- The terms of reference of this evaluation will be defined by the EADI ExCo
- These terms of reference will be in line with European standards
- The council reports its findings in writing to the Accreditation Council and the EADI ExCo and can make recommendations
- The first evaluation of the functioning of the IAC/EADI accreditation system will be held after completion of phase 1 (2013) or sooner if the Accreditation Council or the EADI ExCo decides so