EADI Takes A Knee: Statement of Solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter
As the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes have repeatedly stated, development is not neutral. The time has now come for us to once again take a stand by taking a knee. We condemn all forms of racism and discrimination. Human dignity and equality mean that #BlackLivesMatter.
We understand and promote development as a social and inter-generational contract for the sustainable well-being of all life on earth. We are aware that the global asymmetries and inequalities within current power structures, in and between societies, are a far cry from such goals. As EADI we believe that there is strength in diversity and consider it our obligation to strengthen efforts towards the fulfilment of a fairer and more equal world.
The theme of our 2020 General Conference, now postponed to July 2021 due to Covid-19, is ‘Solidarity, Peace and Social Justice’. We do not simply pay lip service to ideas and practices of solidarity, but see it as central to the notion of development. We are therefore determined to increase our efforts to provide a forum for voices and perspectives often ignored or marginalised, joining hands with all those fighting injustices in the world. - #BlackLivesMatter!