Urban political settlements: a new lens for peacemaking in cities
Conflict, Security & Development
The Law Behind Dispute Onset: How Legal Uncertainty Drives Maritime Boundary Disputes
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Education desires and conflict impacts in refugees’ decisions to leave
Migration Studies
America’s 2024 Election and Europe’s Middle East Dilemma
GIGA Focus Middle East
Pro patria mori: When States encourage civilian involvement in armed conflict
International Review of the Red Cross
India's Security and Climate Policy: Navigating the China Challenge
Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs
Can Jihadis’ Strategic Interests Trump Their Ideology? Foreign Support and Insurgent Survival in Syria
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism
Forward to the Past? Regional Repercussions of the Gaza War
Middle East Policy
Défendre le village et combattre pour le terroir : la mobilisation armée des groupes d’autodéfense à l’épreuve du travail agricole en Pays Dogon, au centre du Mali
Revue internationale des études du développement
Two Norms Collide: EU Policy on Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries
Journal of Common Market Studies
Negotiating Peace with Islamists? Reviewing the Literature
Terrorism and Political Violence
Syria Is Not Safe: A Look to Its Regions
GIGA Focus Middle East
Paysanneries et conflits violents
Revue internationale des études du développement
The rise of Mali's ‘videomen’ as cybercombatants in global crisis ecologies
International Affairs
“Living With” Revolution: The Everyday Experiences of Myanmar’s Generation Z Revolutionaries
Journal of Contemporary Asia
Political Chronicles 2023 of the Great Lakes Region
Open access book
Towards an exclusionary social contract: Narratives of a revanchist city in (post)war Syria
Mediterranean Politics
Deradicalization of Foreign Fighters and the Agency of Diaspora
Nordic Journal of Migration Research
Special Section introduction: intimacies of violence, ex-combatants, and post-conflict justice
International Feminist Journal of Politics
How loyalty trials shape allegiance to political order
Journal of Conflict Resolution
The 2019 Chilean Social Upheaval: A Descriptive Approach
Journal of Politics in Latin America
What Is at Stake? The Ontological Dimension of Environmental Conflicts
Society & Natural Resources
Displaced people in Afghanistan’s cities need support
IIED Briefing
Conflict Costs in National and International Business: A Comparative Analysis
Foundations of Management
The role of narratives in the discourse on energy security of the European Commission: The EU's transition in energy relations with Russia
he Extractive Industries and Society
Acting like a state
In Geoforum
Just transitions and resilience in contexts of conflict and fragility: the need for a transformative approach
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Caught in the crossfire: understanding the impact of conflict on young people’s lives in Ethiopia
Instrumental Morality Under a Gaze: Israeli Soldiers’ Reasoning on Doing ‘Good’
In: Violence in Extreme Conditions
How is worldview analysis relevant for mediation?
Negotiation Journal
Results: 36 to 40 of total 151